Why would you NOT choose the neetlife?
Post comfy stuff
I would if I could. I'm a wage slave to my current job and it'd take too long to build up enough money and plan the move into a remote area. I live in the middle of a city, and it'd be hell to attempt that.
user tell us how you did it?
basically my life soon but I went out to my property where I am building neetshack today and my from out of state vacation neighbors are there with group of 20+ and cute girls but all taken
I argue over property lines ride some 4wheelers of theirs then leave, also discovered some peculiar mule tracks leading to neetshack someone has been snooping
I don't want to be killed by forest monsters. It's why I don't go camping alone.
his dad*
where the fuck is this
outskirts of a smalltown and my internet provider has their internet box thing pretty close to my house.
There wasn't internet here when I first moved in and it tok them almost a month to fix ssomething they said they would do in 2 weeks.
When they finally fized it it sucked so I complained about it and they gave me fiber instead since it already was so close to my property
Stopped reading there. Away Skinwalker.
you're one lucky bastard
pretty much just luck
But I'd say the army thing was what set all of this in motion
If you're really desperate you can join th army and just fake some kind of mental illness because they take it very seriously and they will probably throw you out
And then go to the dodctor and benefit office and ask them what rights you have etc.
Because I need to PAY for the internet.
I need to PAY for my own place to live.
I need to PAY for food, car insurance and my phone.
Now if you would oh honorable NEET-one.
Explain how you're in your situation? Did you work for a long time to save up that amount of money? Do you work for yourself? Own land land and property that you rent out to wage-slaves?
Do us a favor and give us some information here.
As a former neet I can tell you there are many reasons not to…of course if your on autism bux and food stamps I have no objections as long as your happy with being a parasite ( as a taxpayer you should at least say thank you ).
10/10 m8
creepypasta is so fucking gay
People who get neetbux aren't parasites anymore than people who live on stock dividends and investments are. It's all electronic money that goes back into the economy. When you go shopping and pay bills, you are helping other people involved in these industries you are patronizing be employed.
Id rather my tax dollars go to harmless neets than nigger gibs or corporate golden parachutes
forest monsters? you mean republicans?