* What is textpunk? ix.io/1jVi * Community made textpunk resources: txti.es/textpunk * Some madman created a textpunk nntpgag board: ucavviu7wl6azuw7.onion/ * Textpunk coding projects: Doing any? Got any ideas for new ones?
``i only listen to textwave, an audiovisual representation of music written only with true 7-bit ascii by wizards.`` - some memer, responding to the kopipe on a copypasta web forum
Is there an algorithm of "justifying" plain text? What I mean is, imagine you have some line of text and a given maximum text width, then evenly add extra spaces between words until the width of the line matches the maximum text width. Basically turn this:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus maximustristique gravida. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubianostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris convallis eros sit amet mollis sodales.Praesent sit amet interdum libero. Aenean venenatis odio nec metus vulputatemalesuada. Ut varius enim ac nunc faucibus, eu sollicitudin tellus convallis.Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuerecubilia Curae; Pellentesque eu lacus velit. Curabitur at auctor nunc.
into this:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus maximustristique gravida. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubianostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris convallis eros sit amet mollis sodales.Praesent sit amet interdum libero. Aenean venenatis odio nec metus vulputatemalesuada. Ut varius enim ac nunc faucibus, eu sollicitudin tellus convallis.Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuerecubilia Curae; Pellentesque eu lacus velit. Curabitur at auctor nunc-
The algorithm should favor putting spaces after interpunctuation and make the words even spaced out.
Matthew Brown
Oh my god what is this faggot bullshit. Is this satire?
Benjamin Morris
*smacks lips*
Liam Smith
hmm I came across a script to line breaking on gopher actually, but I don't think it has a fully justify feature. I think that is actually NP hard.
Also, the text punk threads are 0 indexed, the first one ever was actually a while ago, the asciipunk one wasn't the first, it was the second.
Henry Parker
Why not just drop the -punk entirely and say ascii?
Christopher Thompson
Why not just drop this whole thing altogether?
Aiden Cooper
Why not just let the cyberpunk meme die instead of trying to keep it alive with new time periods (clockpunk, steampunk, etc), shitty slang, and mediocre retrowave music?
Easton Butler
why not literally everything die?
Ethan Brown
Why not everything figuratively die too, to account for non-living entities?
Caleb Brooks
I think he was only pretending to be retarded, as a joke
hard to tell though
Gabriel Bennett
I've been writing a textpunk NNTPchan client that switches between nodes at random.
Thomas Adams
holy fuck awesome a command line interface to nntpchan!
Jackson Wood
Because it has a punk element to it. The rebellion against the mainstream 'bloat everything because there's enough power for it and if you can't run it just buy more stuff and be a consumerist whore' idea.
Isaac Bailey
absolutely neat pls share with us
Levi Gonzalez
What is this sorcery?
Aiden Ortiz
Thanks, it still has a bit to go (posting to and browsing individual threads) but other than that it's close to done. Also I missed a screenshot of the boardlist (I'm considering putting some animu girl or something so it doesn't look so plain).
Josiah Cook
I'll release it when I get it done to a degree where I find it usable as a replacement for the web interface (still have to add files too, as well as the other stuff I mentioned).
Christopher Russell
This: def drawCaptcha(y,x): #An image drawer geared towards CAPTCHAs global scr global window_h global window_w image=png.Reader("/tmp/"+nntp.captchaID+".png").read() width=image[0] height=image[1] if window_w
Elijah Perez
Have you tested this with Holla Forums's captcha?
I'm working on a command line tool for Holla Forums. It's not focused on regular browsing and posting at the moment but it can print threads and I want to add posting at some point.
Juan Rivera
I doubt it'll work, because it's specifically designed for that exact format of captchas.
Thanks. It gets close, but it doesn't distribute the spaces evenly, it just distributes them at the end of the line. I'll try it myself, it can't be that hard.