I wish this show was good. I really do. I saw the webm, the only one that ever gets posted, and I thought to myself: gee, this looks fucking great. So I downloaded the series and ended up being really disappointed. Yes, there were scenes that were terrific. But between those scenes was nothing. This show promises Vatican intrigue and a whacky pope, and it doesn't deliver on either.
The only opposition is that greasy fuck who goes to visit his retard. So, okay, the pope knows he's up to no good and sends his personal nun to watch him. He outright tells the guy that the nun will be his literal shadow. What does she do? She follows him once to find out his dirty secret and that's it. The only other interactions between the two are them meeting in the grotto and flirting with each other. She never keeps tabs on him after that, never catches him on his bullshit, which you think wouldn't be that hard to catch some fat Italian breaking into some whore's house to force her into failing to get dat pope dick.
I think it's episode five, which is where I stopped watching, where we're introduced to some nutjob in a field with goats and healing, there's some words of muh PR, and then the episode ends with them being in the goat guy's kitchen. NOTHING ELSE HAPPENS.
This is a show where NOTHING HAPPENS. It's a show of broken promises, ruined thematics, a few good moments that make up for nothing, all ending in the pope having a heart attack and possibly dying. What a fantastic waste of time for anybody who sat through the whole thing.
This webm is made me watch the show, this is the kind of substance I was expecting, not the contrived and jumbled mess that I got.
I would say it gets better but Nothing Else Happens is pretty much the entire show. Worse, they start trying to spin the pope as a good guy, suddenly making appearances and being more tolerant. It comes out of nowhere because literally a day before he's asking God to smite someone.
I imagine it was a situation where a producer was watching what they had made so far and shit their pants in realization that it was too redpilled, and called for the second half to try and get as pozzed as possible. Now brotherfriend is bisex, now Spanish drunk is homo, now the Pope tolerates the homos, as long as they don't diddle kids.
I just want to say that I completely agree with you, user; your complaints are the exact reason I dropped the show.
Can't deny that the constant hard cuts were driving me up the wall, too.
And it's not like the elements to make the show good weren't there. They had the traitorous bastard, they had the reluctant suicidal mentor, they had the weasle PM, they had the cheap whore who could've redeemed her character and come out to save maybe the nun in some mafia kidnapping scheme that threatened to fuck the pope's clarity or some shit, there were plot points there which they could've done something with but nothing ever added up.
If I was writing this, that's the route I would've gone. The traitor keeps trying to screw the pope, gets blocked every way by the nun, turns to shady politicians and the mob and even the crazy goat guy to get it down, only to get ultimately BTFO. Maybe the whore fucks things up so bad that the mob kidnaps the retard and the pope steps in to finally convert the cardinal to his side as the papal state rises with the people's faith to revert Italy back into Vatican control. I would've kept the vague ending as well just for kicks. The only thing this show needed was direction and actual writing, everything else was already there asking to be used.
Holy shit get some taste
I just wanted this to be an actual TV show.
The plot doesn't matter in this show. Its a character study. Perhaps Game of Thrones will be more your style where theres 1-D characters with ebin character deaths ever episode
I'm guessing that you're an American? It seems to me that Americans don't like this show.