Why does God make them so sexy and then tell me it's wrong to find them attractive?
Atheists: 1
Christians: 0
Why does God make them so sexy and then tell me it's wrong to find them attractive?
Atheists: 1
Christians: 0
honestly though
post mosr
Where did /hebe/ move to after it was deleted?
Which one would you?
i am ok with jailbait. those are children. like children children.
does it trigger you?
no, i have visited chans for a long time, so i kind of expect to see it or run into it, so it doesnt bother me. in a way it has helped me understand that there's all kinds of people in the world, and some are into some weird stuff, and i dont care.
but i seriously dont see what you see in them. they still leave poop stains in their pants at that age, and are insufferably annoying and hard to handle. i cant father why anyone would find them "attractive". its fucking weird.
So? I love the smell and taste of girl poop, especially when it comes from a fresh preteen.
you have issues brother. several issues.
yeah but you know shame isn't one of them.
It depends on your outlook on life. I doubt that you have ever tasted preteen girl poop, or seen one taker a shit. So you think it's degenerate and antisocial.
i don't need to have my dick flayed to know it would hurt and i don't need to eat shit to know its nasty.
ya wanna be a freak then be a freak but don't pretend that eating shit is normal.
That's pain though, we all experience pain.
You haven't truly experienced life until you have had a cute preteen girl take a shit in your mouth. You can't relate that to pain or anything else experienced in your past. You have to try it first.
i am a chef, i can tell if a recipe is good just by reading it and i can tell you in my professional opinion…
poop + mouth = nasty
its that simple.
but you haven't tasted poop from a healthy preteen girl's ass. Let me tell you, it tastes great.
you are deluded. Get mental therapy.
but have you ever tasted preteen girl shit? It tastes great.
i don't want to eat shit just because it came out of a baby. furthermore, shit tastes like shit. Nothing can change how shit tastes like. You are deluded. Seek mental therapy.
I did in my youth but it didn't really change anything. I still love the taste of kiddie shit and I always will. Yet, here you are, saying that all shit tastes the same when you have never tasted shit from a fresh 8yo girl. You fucking degenerate.
Yet, here you are, saying that all shit tastes the same when you have never tasted shit from a fresh 8yo girl. You fucking degenerate.
just try 8yo girl shit, I guarantee you that it will taste nice.
no thanks man. i will leave that kind of degeneracy to you.
i believe you
Every time I see a child, since seeing CP for the 1st time ever a couple of months ago, I get sick to my stomach and get nauseated. U people need real adult women like her
i have dated women that look this pretty.
they always dump me or cheat on me at some point.
that never happens with ugly women though. i wonder why?….
That's because you have been conditioned to think this way. You get sick because you think of the moral consequences and forget the actual substance. You remind me of myself when I was a teen. The first time I saw CP I got sick and then had a panic attack thinking about how I might be sent to prison. Then eventually I started to just look at the content and it made me fucking horny.
God, if he exists in the way described in the bible is evil.
If God is truly loving he would not create humans desiring somenthing inherently immoral.
fox and the grapes? ;)
if you believe fucking (up) kids is wrong, there's still plenty of room for fantasies that does not involve cp
i think you fucking faggots are conditioning me into becoming a pedo. They used to do nothing for me, but my dick JUST twitched
I don't think you what that means. This is quite funny. It sounds like the classic case of "I didn't have a childhood so i want to experience it again by fucking a child" or "i was disciplined all my life, but i now i see the beauty of rest and the neet life so i will look for like-minded people to be fuck buddies with". You are fucked in the head. you've been skewed so fucking much, that shit, fucking human feces, taste different, and not only different, but tasteful and delicious. you are an abomination of a person. i've known convicted murderers and lifelong drug addicts, and they're not as fucked in the head as you are. there is no hope for you. i wish you die very soon.
Women who KNOW they look good, have a tool called hypergamy. It means to look for richer and more jacked guys than you at all times and ugly women don't have the luxury so they settle for what they get
That makes me feel special. The fact is, I love the taste of kiddie shit, and I will always accept some cute little girl taking a massive dump in my mouth.
That being said, this has nothing to do with the "I didn't have a childhood so i want to experience it again by fucking a child" meme. I was raised as a normal child in a middle class home. I had a mom and a dad that functioned like a traditional family. My fetishes are a result of my mind and aren't a product of my childhood upbringing. I know that goes against your narrative, so please take it with a grain of salt, so you don't have a heart attack.
This thread is doomed.
I'll stick to ManicPaint however
haha. that's hilarious. you're mentally ill and it's really funny.
thanks for admitting i'm right, fucktard.
Also, whatever the reason is, you're mentally ill and that's not up for debate. You have this perception of a child to why you're mentally ill which further proves it. also, im done w/ your pic related.
Your original claim was that I am a product of a bad childhood. See
And who are you? (((Freud)))? Saying I am mentally ill isn't really an argument. I could also say that you are mentally ill and claim that I know what I am talking about.
This sentence makes no sense.
Children are disgusting.
They smell, can be incredibly rude, can't take care of themselves and are not mentally mature.
I could slightly understand if any anons here had a thing for the ones between thirteen and seventeen, that's their prime.
But anything under is fucking retarded.
It's not a god it is people who refuse to think for themselves.
triggered? :^)
amazing :3
true i guess, but it doesn't bother me, unless it's a boy. boys are annoying af.
13 can still be cute, but almost everyone over starts to get too many gross granny features tbh