Petitions against democracy

They sure as fuck like the meme of democracy, but when things don't go their way they throw a tantrum and do whatever they can to nullify the results. It is absolutely sickening.

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree that democracy is a mistake though.

This tells it all.

Should we start a counter petition to shut this down? In the name of democracy and not being a sore loser?


Post yfw there is a monthly brexit vote from now on and the result is out every time

Try this:

Do these people realize they are acting like children?

As much as I would like it this probably won't help in anyway and it is just going to add more oil in the fire.

Something like
would be more appropriate.

These people are like infants. How many of those re-vote votes were from actual cucked Brits? Maybe 10%? How many of them are from butthurt 3rd worlders who want to colonize Europe? 90%?

If government is gonna be anti-democratic, it should be anti-democratic in our favour. In the meantime it's better to have democracy than to have the leftist kikes just impose their plans on us outright.

The main difference is that democracy, and their claim to be in favour of democracy, is where they gain their veneer of legitimacy. If they shut down democracy, they lose that legitimacy and people begin to see them for the false leaders they are. The communist states collapsed this way.

Isn't this exactly the same way the arabic spring failed completely?

We've got to defend Brexit lads…

Petition to


Actually, 90% of votes should have been required to join EU in the first place and give up sovereignty.

This is going to trigger people.

(((They))) like democracy only when cattle vote right way.

It's amazing how quick these liberals turn on democracy when they lose. I've seen so many calling democracy a mistake in the past day.

I'm not surprised though.

It's wonderful

It's interesting to see in the gamergate thread on Holla Forums so many of the pro ethics only people like Val that complain about Holla Forums every chance they get, get so angry at the UK leaving and being so pro socialist and the EU.

Everyone please sign the declare London independent one.

They do? I don't even know who Val is though. Aren't most of GG e-celebs for Brexit though?


And from what I recall, most people on those threads told Val to fuck off. Hell, the only reason I know who Val is, is because so many people told him to fuck off when he said he was against the UK leaving.

I think only a third of them are from people who actually like in the UK.

live in the UK

Problem is Val is a main pusher of how thing go in the gamergate thread, he cause a lot of the fracture within Holla Forums and gamergate. To see he is a socialist and very pro eu explains why he was so anti-Holla Forums and to push the ethics only in gamergate.

Nice asspull retard.
Val is a nobody and he has no pull.

Has Holla Forums been linked here, lets check
>>>Holla Forums9832307

Why yes it has.

That's it dog, run with your tail between your legs after getting btfo.

fuck off and die shill. val is a retard nobody listens to, just like you.

It gets funnier. There's a petition for an IMMEDIATE ( "I want it noooooooow!" *stamps foot* ) general election in the UK, even though we have fixed term Parliaments.

Only 60% of the signatories even live in the UK!

They really don't like being reminded they're not the righteous majority, do they?

Well, since you're quite obviously not lying or blatantly pulling shit out of your ass, mind explaining why the two last threads on Holla Forums were filled with posts celebrating brexit?
I mean, you must have some sort of explanation since you made such a bold statement.

Val is an idiot and nobody likes him not even in the groups he is in
He is the retard you just cant get rid of despite nobody really liking him

"In these countries, the so called "democracies", Their people are by no means their focus of attention. What really matters there is the existance of these (((Democracy Makers))), that is, the existence of a few hundred of Giant Capitalists who own all of the means of production and press, and ultimately lead the people"

Why are leftists so utterly shit at government?

Nigger please, Gamergate has no leaders.

It's like that old ass "head mod of Holla Forums" bullshit false flag that Valkenburg whore pointed to when she was "hacked".

You're almost as funny as these leftists getting betrayed by their own 'democracy'.


I'm from Holla Forums and I'm just going to speak for myself. I'm actually happy that #Brexit won as intended. I don't know why Val or @FrenchCritic on Twitter is trying to leaderfag #GamerGate but he's entitled to his fucking opinion. He's a Baguette so it's typical for him to be a coward. He constantly de-rails the discussions regarding digging on DiGRA and this time, Games for Change and goes on grandstanding by trying to leaderfag in the megathread. Just ignore the baguette in the room, he's a fucking moron.


Haha, you're funny.

Leftists are the ultimate low information voters, because they vote purely on feels while understanding nothing about the actual issues. They vote based on what's popular in their social circle and what gives them warm and fuzzies. These people barely understand what the EU is. They think it's just a universal hugs club or some shit. They have no idea about the real world implications. They're voting for the vague concept of "togetherness" and nothing more.

Uh, they do. The govt retroactively changed the referendum law to extend the deadline to register.

no it should be

also: i want to fucking destroy those "antifa" fucking retards

Well, well… Looks like its whiners from Cambridge, Oxford, and London that are pushing this shit.

Let them go, build a wall around it, and throw everything that escapes back over.

why not our enemies too? bloody favoritism! its their right as equal citizen to get killed, gassed, disemboweled, etc. same on you lad

Nah mate. They have every right to do this. That's democracy.


So the UK should leave the EU at 52%?
Are you mentally okay? How did you find your way here?

You're talking to an extreme autist known as the Ralph shill. I had no idea he's spreading his lies here too, but such is life of an autist.

But they're not calling for the vote to be overturned. Also, are you seriously claiming that a people can never democratically change their mind??

I don't understand your comment.

Yes they are: the vote was for the whole UK to leave. Not for parts of it to leave and parts to secede and stay.

Not at all. They're free to elect a new government that promises a new referendum, or to stay in after all, or to make London independent. In 2020.

But the UK originally voted to stay. This question was put to voters in the 70s. Now that decision was overturned in the referendum. So, does that make the referendum an attack on democracy? If not, there's no problems with votes on breaking up the UK.

No, because a new government was elected with a new promise to hold a new referendum.

If a party runs in the 2020 GE and wins after promising a new referendum, or anything else like independence for ScotLond, then fair dos. Until 2020 though, no dice.

Also the 1975 referendum was on the EEC, not the EU as it was several treaties later.

Uh no, electoral law clearly allows for extended registration if the registration service was not available for the fully alotted time period.

Not two days for 30 minutes of downtime. Which is why the govt decided to use legislation to extend it.

How about, dissolve the United Kingdom. Make London an independent city-state. Scotland and NI can join the EU, rack up Greece-tier debt, and come crawling back to England after thoroughly embarrassing themselves.

London is bombed into powder and rebuilt after kebab is removed.

So, basically, what you're saying is that referenda you like can be held at any time for whatever reason and do not constitute attacks on democracy even if they completely reverse past decisions, but any votes on matters you don't like are attacks on the very heart of this nation and the democratic process.

Doesn't make much sense to me lad. Either we have democracy or we don't. Which is it?

You can't have referendums for the same thing every two minutes, shit for brains. Do you also want election votes to happen every week? Shut the fuck up and go back from wherever you have come.

So wrong. The legislation merely codified the date of the extension. The extension was fully provided for in the original law.

Nice strawman.

I'm saying hold any referendum at all, after electing a government promising it. That means no new referendums, even ones I like, until 2020.

Can we please split off London from the mainland and build a wall around it?

reminder that the most infuriating part of democracy for leftists is that their opponents have just as many rights as they do.

I may be wrong. Do you have source?

You're a fucking retard

didn't that hacker named 4chan crash that petition with lots of jewish and muslim names making super racist comments?

This. Leftists have the exact mindset of women. They will follow whatever trend "feels" right regardless of the implications and are the biggest herd animals around.

"What? Why would people want to leave the EU? It's like they are leaving a big happy family to become outcasts :("


Where's the referendum to tell these cunts to shove it?

All the changes made are provided for in the original act.

The UK government has a long history of making law, providing for last minute changes is not unusual especially when it comes to deadlines.

It will probably be funny to watch the MPs discuss this and one by one crush the idea completely.

Of course the quality of politician stock has gone down and we could also have something like the Senate's nigger level sit in.

Whats the point of this petition? Thy could reach 10 million people and it still wouldn't be relevant, they are just showing that they don't want democracy.

Sargon is the only one, I think.

Who else is there and even close to his viewership?

Most people in the Holla Forums general are ethics-only.

what are you doing?

Where is the petition to cede the powers of parliament to the royals?

Shitposting mostly.

Even for that, there is no valid excuse.

Check your privelege shitlord, only non-whites should be allowed to vote.

I honestly don't know since I haven't really been keeping up with this since Yule 2014. I just occasionally watch Sargon vids.

If people want an autocracy the democratic thing to do is to respect the peoples choice.

shut up, D&C faggot

Oy vey they do want democracy. Two referendums is twice as much democracy goyim!

Milo isn't a GG e-celeb anymore?

It's bullshit. I'm in there everyday and mostly in it to stop SJW censorship. I only switched over to the Holla Forums general after the GG forums got to slow, but I'm not going to put up with some commie name fag trying to exert his will.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on dinner.

Hold on, the City is not part of the UK and they are actually acknowledging this?!?!

This is the gayest shit I've seen all week.

London is already a city state. Do you mean Westminster?

Canada does this too. Definite the terms, allow for regulations ameendable by Order in Council

Don't really know. I never thought of him as one since he is a literal journalist homofag that is accompanied by meatspace antics.

It's rigged

He's an e-celeb. Sargon talks about other shit as well if that is your standard. Even if IA is burnout fag, he is also pro-Brexit.

Sargon and Totalbiscuit were the main ones, Milo inserted himself as the single "mainstream journalist" that cared about it ( Which he actually was, even the retards at Fox News were parroting the feminist propaganda ).

I don't even know what you're talking about. TotalBiscuit is a neutral fag. He never took the pro-GG banner. Milo did completely. Also Sargon didn't come until later. The original GG e-celebs were IA and Mundane Matt.

How's that journalistic ethics going for you guys

No one said that, you cocksucking faggot.

Reported for kike shill.


The thing is, the votes counted by constituency add up to a couple million. That data makes sense. 400,000 is the total signatures by country, which DOESN'T include the constituency sum under the total UK count. It makes no sense.


Cultural-trotskist salt.

We need to gather as much evidences as possible.

Have you seen Stefan Molyneux and his videos? Guy is thorough with his topics.

Take advantage of their faggotry and fail, make a database of it.

With it, others can make propaganda posters and so on.

While I agree with what you're getting mad at OP

Is not the way to do word it.

Democracy doesn't work

What material difference does it make if a government supporting X or Y is elected? It has no effect whatsoever apart from being your laughable attempt at a "get out of jail free" card.

Besides, a majority of MPs oppose leaving the EU, so your argument is wrong anyway.

"Democracy" is nothing more than tyranny by the masses.

It must have been a tough 4 hours trying to think that up.

1 ) Point out that those claiming Democracy are the first ones to go against it, gibbs evidences.

2 ) Point out that Democracy goes both way, if they push you, you must push back.

3 ) Suggest fascism, one point at a time, most people are against fascism but they don´t really know what fascism is about… -D

Oh hi Holla Forums

Tbh I forgot about this thread.

Anyway, no actual response?


All right, there are a LOT of posts here and I won't look through all of em, I'll just ask:


Democracy does not work simply because people are so easily manipulated by the media nowadays. And the democratic system is absolutely not a fair one when every big "player" in the media industry happens to be a leftist (and a kike).


Everythings possible.
The referendum isn't even binding, the british government doesn't need to do shit.

Wait wut…

You're telling me that despite the people making a clear choice, it means jack shit if the government says so?

And when you said everything's possible, you meant that they can hold another referendum on the same fucking issue straight of the heels of this one?

Government sets what happens. Simple as that.


Wrong. A majority of MPs supported holding a referendum and respecting that result.

Technically speaking, it's possible for them to completely disregard the referendum without holding another one. A lot of people would consider it to be political suicide, but when you think about how polarized the regions of the UK are, I think it would be plausible for MPs from areas that opposed Brexit to maintain their opposition, and enough MPs from Pro-Brexit areas could cuck to stop the Brexit.

I see the political angle of it now. Let me ask you this, and sorry for my ignorance. How does a referendum get started in the UK.

I know how it happens in Switzerland - a certain number of citizens sign a petition and then it gets sent to parliament and becomes a referendum.

That online petition is around 2 mil votes now… can a new referendum just - happen? Because of all the signatures online?

I think that as divided as the UK is, some MPs will think it's not political suicide to go against this, but leaving the political class out of it, can the people start a new referendum? Or who has to approve it?

Political suicide?

Defying the clearly expressed will of the people would be an endeavour too rich for the blood of the cowards in Parliament.

If they even try it a member of the public could just go along to the weekly surgery of the MP in question, lean in, and whisper in their ear two little words: "Jo Cox".

the ralph shill doesn't exist anyone, he's just a boogeyman mark the megakike created so he could ban people he doesn't like.

come on, you guys can't be this retarded right?

Cameron is stepping down and there's going to be a new PM who is pro-Brexit. So the Marxists are going to eat shit.

I'm enjoying the irony of this.

Absolutely. There is no law against it. Other European countries have done this.

So if the government isn't elected promising a referendum, but changes its mind and runs one straight away, that would be fine with you?
Please spell out the legal basis for your argument that referenda cannot be held unless the government is elected specifically promising one.

A majority of MPs are opposed to leaving the EU.

Most liberals are always contradictory and inconsistent people who form actions on impulse, which is why you should never trust them. Even if you're for social justice, they will immediately reverse and go against their ideals.

He's not bad, he's pretty cool on Holla Forums and Holla Forums. He notices the symptom, but not the virus itself.

If the referendum wasn't in their manifesto, they shouldn't do it.

The one exception is if something new comes up. For example, say war starts with Russia and the govt proposes a referendum on whether we should participate or not. That's a new situation that wasn't expected at the time the manifesto came out.

It's not a legal matter. The government can legally hold one whenever it likes, and ignore the results of ones that go the wrong way. But it shouldn't.

This is no different from any other policy: if it's what the manifesto said, they should do it. If it contradicts the manifesto, they shouldn't.

Wrong. They think it would have been better to have stayed in, but they support following the democratic will of the British people. if they didn't, they'd vote in Parliament against leaving, which they won't. 0-5 will, out of 650.

They shouldn't have the say I do, THEY ARE ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY.

So basically, your entire argument is that the government shouldn't do things which hurt your feelings.

I guess you have a lot in common with these petitioners.

Except not a single thing in my post referenced specific policies at all, left or right.

So again: nonsense.

Why do I have this gut wrenching feeling that a second referendum is coming.

I'm pretty sure that the Government won't say "fuck you" to the Leave camp and stay in the EU forcibly, but they will continue inciting the public - which is already throwing a hissy fit - and another referendum will be held.

They will shame the old generation, bash the new ones into submission - basically go all out SJW on everyone, bullying them into remaining.

They will use the collapse of the pound, the reprimands from foreign countries, they'll highlight all the aritsts (why the fuck are all artists so god damn Left wing?) including JK Rowling (who's been on meltdown mode since the result has been announced).

Shirley you can't be serious. You honestly can't be serious.

Hey take a look at this:


Don't listen to that faggot, people are overwhelmingly in favor of brexit there. Val is the lone exception and he's just a stupid french namefag that people were mocking for his retarded viewsbon the EU.

Why can't he be serious?

Why have a referendum if the result isn't binding?

A 52% lead in a referendum with about 70-75% participation isn't really a clear choice.

Get a load of this retard. The average UK election turnout is 66%, so 75% is impressive.

Furthermore, Leave was 1.2 million votes ahead. That's a very conclusive result.

Even if you had 100% turnout, it's clear that leave would have still won.

Ask Greece.

Cameron I think said, he did it to quiet the skeptics and it blew up in his face.

The lead is with over a million people. I guess that's not clear.

No, goyim, we love democracy! That's exactly why we want another referendum. Don't you get it? Referendums are great for democracy and therefore we should keep having them until you make the right choice.

Can we just deport all lodoner EUphilles?


This is the Perestroika moment lads. They will have one final go at saving the EU but it will only collapse in the end.