Post god tier tunes, any genre! Besides the krautpostet and bullshit weebcore i got this gem from the last thread
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Also does anyone know where I can download music? I can't find any official releases
sucks ass
What is this faggot shit.
Not bad but not good. Completely unoriginal.
huh u gonna type something bitchboy? whatever the fuck that op was sucked complete ass, if you think otherwise youre far gone
This sucks shit.
what the fuck is this
the greatest artist of the 21st century
looks like im14andthisisdeep garbage
that's what makes Owl City so great: on the surface it seems like your average bubblegum pop, but when you actually think about the lyrics, you realize there's profound truths about the human condition in there
made me spit out my chocolate milk m8
Torrent sites, Soulseek.
ffs fam you make it easy, cry more
I usually do a Google search of the name of the album along with rar or zip, but some albums has been harder to find. I'll try that, thanks user
i wish you the best of luck
I know fam, you tried though
tried to do what
what is this, 2004?
What do you prefer, streaming? Not into it that much, to each his own
Spotify is the shit
what did she mean by this?
she likes to ding dong ditch.
I go back to this one a lot.
Phantogram - Don't Move
Boney M a shit
I'm releasing the weeb and you can't stop me op:
too much dad music ITT
I'd ding dong her ditch, if you know what I mean
I was hoping you would say you would ding your dong in her and then ditch.
The scary thing about Blue Monday is that it could have been one of the last songs ever recorded.
It topped the charts a few months before we nearly had a nuclear war in September 1983.