Posted in other thread but didn't get good answer.
Check out the table.
We got two options, either there is no big Jewish conspiracy or they fooled us into Brexit and we are fucked. Which is it?
Posted in other thread but didn't get good answer.
Check out the table.
We got two options, either there is no big Jewish conspiracy or they fooled us into Brexit and we are fucked. Which is it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Or they lied
They think they fooled you into Brexit.
But they will be removed.
All of them.
Also, they probably knew Brexit would happen and tried to get on your good side.
It's not like they're a big percentage of the population, so their votes are miniscule in the overall pool.
Even if 100% of British Jews had voted not much would have changed.
Kick them out.
I'm a (((jew))) living in Israel, I don't care about what you're going to call me because I'm by default on your side. Normal jews, not liberal twisted faggots, hate muslim vile barbaric culture, hate liberals, hate feminism, hate the gay agenda push, DESPISE the leftist media, and.. "shockingly".. HATE the EU.
This is probably going to get ignored by a snark one liner such as
or whatever.
Your hatred is just. You've got all the reasons in the world to hate the Jews who are part of the global elite that are pushing all of this new age multiculti cancerous shit.
But at-least be true to yourself when you see the results in-front of your faces. If I wasn't a lazy fuck I'd go through translating Israeli news articles' comments and show you that the vast majority is supporting everything you support. Trump, Brexit, FUCKING PUTTING THE LIBERAL JEWS INTO OVENS, and alot more.
You have absolutely no reason on earth to hate Jews who are truly on your side. We want to have our country in Israel while you have your white countries and mudshits on their's, then everyone lives happily ever after.
There is no such thing.
[citation needed]
Voting bulletins are anonymous, there is no way to get information about Brexit voters.
Why would it make you upset knowing there is a vast majority in Israel who support same things you do?
I'm not trying to make you stop bad-mouthing jews, just asking you to stop being retarded, look at the results, and instead of acting like a irrational woman and assuming wide conspiracy, just ASSUME that everyday jews MAY WELL BE on your side.
Whether you welcome them or not.. that is up to you, but it would be stupid to deny reality.
into the >>>/trash/ it goes
Feel free to provide a more compelling source but until then that's the best we've got.
I don't care about your shilling, kike. It's your obligation to find or fabricate evidences for your ridiculous claims.
Hey kike, I'm ok with you. I know a couple of Jews who are are based. Still, around you fuckers i keep one eye open.
I provided evidence. You just denied it for no real reason.
Holy shit are you a raging ahmed or what? Get your replies in order ffs.
Online fieldwork can be easily fabricated by (((interested parties))). That's why it's worthless.
Even if you weren't such an autist and ignored the online fieldwork bit, you'd still come up with a reason of why this is fabricated conspiracy.
Maybe you should've supported Bernie.. maybe you did
Jews hate mudslimes.
Holy tinfoil.
But aren't they trying to flood Europe with mudslimes?
Seems about right to me. Street-level jews take the invading hordes seriously, since they are on the ground coming face-to-face with it and take sll tribal threats seriously unlike so many whites.
Keep shilling, rabbi.
Why would you think I'm upset? Are you projecting?
Only the elite Jews support it. Ones who are just in it for shekels and the common Jew can see that the EU hurts them and their business possibilities.
What's this garbage?
Do you honestly think that a normal everyday jew aspires for the same goals as an economic elite jew?
Are you fucking retarded?
Hey are you christian/atheist? Aren't there many christian/atheists on twitter/tumblr who are batshit insane globalist libtard cuck? Are you one?
Sorry, change my words then. Why are you bothered by it? Why would it bother you? Why would you disapprove of it?
Do I need to watch my tounge as if I'm in tumblr, or are you going to get the point without me having to go through language gymnastics for you to get it?
I really mean no offense, simply trying to get this point across.
wew lad.
What about the Talmud? I have a hard time believing there are truly any Jews who are on my side.
I'm more inclined to believe that the only reason a Jew living in the UK would vote in favor of Brexit is because he realizes that he is a small and inconsequential part of the electorate, and that his vote probably wouldn't sway the election in either direction. That way, if the majority votes to stay, great, he likes the EU anyway. But if the majority votes to leave, he can say he was with them the whole time, and, for that reason, the Jews really aren't such bad guys.
Bruh, I don't even know a single guy who knows wtf is the Talmud about.
You know the vast majority of jews are not religious don't you?
Do you honestly believe what you write? This is so silly dude. Why would he waste his time and go vote against so later on he can say he voted for the winning side when he can simply vote whatever he wants and lie afterwards?
What you wrote makes absolutely no sense bud.
Atheists have no unifying doctrine, so they aren't relevant.
Christians and Jews each have their own religious doctrines. Different groups within those two religions, might interpret those doctrines differently.
However, there are currently over a billion Christians worldwide, and about 14 million Jews. There's a lot less variation when it comes to interpreting Jewish doctrine than Christian doctrine.
You are on Holla Forums, people hate each other simply for meaningless christian/atheist/pagan stuff, division is our motto it seems.
This takes shilling to a whole 'nother level.
JIDF employee of the month, 1 milllion shekels have been deposited in your account!
you might be genuine though
Only to add; Take a normal working class jew that lives in London for example. Do you honestly believe he is okay with mudshits infesting everything and actually likes it?
What about the working class jews in swedistan? You think they enjoy the scenes?
The jews who push for mudshits and niggers in white countries are not the ones who live on the same streets with them. EXACTLY like the christians elites.
lol JIDF (if real) is too pathetic for me to take part of. I doubt that if such a thing exists, the guys get paid for it.
There are some pathetic attempts at "cyber warfare" army units that are all about posting pro-israel shit online, but they cling to major news sites and I doubt they are even aware of Holla Forums. Also they don't get paid more than any other soldier which is peanuts money.
tl;dr yes I'm genuine
You know the vast majority of jews are not religious don't you?
Considering what the Talmud teaches about it's revelation to non-Jews, this is a laughably predictable response.
Good point. Maybe the poll in OP's post is a fabrication and you're, predictably, trying to convince the winning team that you're on their side.
I guess not but please take them home.
I seriously doubt, considering the size of the global Jewish population, that there's a significant working-class Jewish population to speak of. Either way, what are theyou doing in London and Sweden? They don't belong there either.
Diaspora Jews have supported internationalist Communist working class movements over ethnic nationalist movements EVERY TIME.
They prefer to live with muslims and fight against their hosts because they know their culture beats Islam hollow and they will move up the ladder faster if there is no ethnic cohesion in the host nation to counter them.
Then why did they all vote leave EU?
In other words, only the non-whites who are trying to colonize Europe want to force Europe to self genocide. Big shocker!
You're all inbred hive-mind parasites that ultimately can't be trusted. You're ppl proven it too many times to doubt.
I actually give two shits about convincing you. Would make sense if I was an immigrant that was trying to convince a native about my intentions.
I'm overseas, hoping you get rid of liberal bullshit.
Bitch if you've read a single word from the Talmud you know more about it than 60% of the Israeli population. One word.
If it was up to me you'd be living in a 100% native country. All white, my culturally enriched friend.
I honestly can't debunk that and not going ask for citation too. Personally I doubt that is how it is nowdays, and even if that was true, times are changing.
Again, I'm not asking or even thinking there's a slight chance you'd start loving jews and trusting everything they say.
All I'm saying is stop being retarded when confronted with evidence that jews support the same ideologies you do.
If you insist on alienating so many others well we're all in a problem.
Look at the enemy and what they are doing. muslims, gays, feminists, libtards, new age atheists - do they have even a single thing in common other than hate for whitey? no, and they are still ACCEPTING the fact that they are globally on the same side.
You fail on that point and at these times, honestly, WE can't afford to be divided. Again, not asking you to start hugging random jews on the street, but simply accept that the vast majority of NON-ELITE jews are on your side whether you like it or not.
Back to grammar 101 ahmed.
The kikes running the whole globalism shit are flooding Europe with Muslims to weaken the West and help to destroy the white race, yeah, but the regular everyday Jews living in Europe are caught up in this crossfire and hate it. I'm not defending the idea of "lol, goys, not all Jews are bad", but I am stating that Jews who are directly affected by the plans of Israel aren't merely going to lie down and accept it.
Ebrytime the Jew loses, it comes out saying "see, we have been with the winners all along, your hatred is misguided". All jews have to die, ALL, the "harmless" and based ones too.
I should've pointed this out earlier as well:
So, you're saying most Jews are liberal Jews, then.
Elite jews are so disproportionnally represented in the globalist elite and the efforts to destroy the White man's world that we see jews as the face of globalism. Also Hitler nostalgia.
But the common jew is just a regular person who happens to practice judaism or claim jewish heritage. They are still problematic in the sense that they are paranoid at mere nationalism and are easily manipulated by their elite counterparts into opposing ethnic nationalism.
But recently it seems that most of them fear the islamization and sandniggerization of the countries they live in more than the possibility of a return of nazis.
We are talking about those jews who don't have the means to "live in Berlin today, in Brussels tomorrow, Paris the day after that". At best they have savings for one trip, and the escape options are narrowing.
The likes of Barbara Spectre, Soros, etc need to be shoved in the oven, but I'm often tempted to consider the common jews as a powerful asset to destroy the "White man = nazi" narrative, if we could get enough ot them to turn against their own elite they would provide powerful argument.
Same way a lot of people listen to arguments against black movements only when coming from blacks, if we got jews to oppose the racial flooding of white countries and the use of the Shoah to blackmail/shame white people, they would be listened to.
In France we have this one based jew, Eric Zemmour, who has redpilled more average French people about non-white immigration than probably all of our right-wing death squads types did in decades.
Secular =/= Liberal.
I'm not religious, do you assume it makes me embrace feminism, gay rights, niggers etc?
How is
"Most Jews are not realigious"
the same as
"Most Jews are Liberal"
You don't need to GET anyone to do anything. We already are turning against our liberal elite. Look at our elections? How is our PM different than N.Farage, G.Wilders, and Trump? Hell, he gets compared to Trump on a daily basis.
Yes only now it's statistics written in such a plain matter even the most retarded person can see it.
Oh wait, the jews were counting on that statistic to get published, that is why they voted for sure. . .
Every jewish person in the world is a millionaire.
look user, I believe you are for real, it would be stupid to think ALL jews are some kind of devil hivemind still would not be suprised, the problem is that once Holla Forums starts accepting any jews as "based" it opens itself to subversion, just don't take yourself as jew and leave israel right before it is glassed and you will be fine, I would even get a beer with you if you are genuie, but Holla Forums just can't be accepting any jews ever
I didn't say working class, was more thinking of small business owners, there are a lot of those, and they are galaxies away from Soros-tier international clique
You're close but WHAT THE FUCK.
JUST THINK, WHO are the enemies of Israel? Who have we been fighting in the last 60 years? Who have been on our side?
Why in fucking hell would we want our enemies to flood our allies' side and take over?
So tell us something that the "regular" jew might know about these "elite liberal" jews that the average Holla Forums goyim might not know.
Typical JEW. Stay in Israel and quit putting your big nose in everyone else's business.
I know you do, that's what I said.
Sure you are.
Uh huh.
Do you honestly think that non-religious conservatives outnumber non-religious liberals when it comes to any religious group?
By the way, non-religious and secular aren't the same thing. So which are you? If you're secular you're a liberal or reform Jew. If you're non-religious then why identify yourself as a Jew in the first place? If by non-religious you mean loose adherence to your religion, then you're literally a liberal Jew.
Just filter and ignore the kike. He is getting paid for each reply.
Point taken but I'd rather put it in the gas chamber.
It's frightening to see how many people are apparently being persuaded by him. That's assuming those aren't just shills talking to each other.
If by 'putting my nose in everyone's business' you mean stop voting for brexit, stop supporting trump, stop eliminating kebab, then i'm sorry my friend but you can feel free to get on your knees and start licking my hairy balls, friend. there's mudshit reeking off your post, btw.
I'm not him but I'm the one been answering to most people here anyway so I'd bite.
What do you want to know, or think we "know" about them that you already don't?
They are exactly what you claim they are, the only point I'm trying to get across that they are different than us working class jews who are the vast majority of jews.
I love how you declare that being a secular means I'm liberal. I am not religious one bit, I hate the gay agenda, I hate the feminist agenda, I hate nigger culture, I hate mudshit culture, I hate liberal culture, I hate the people you are against, even more than you do.
If by some mental-gymnastic terminology I'm still a liberal in your book then feel free to fuck off and stop replying 'cause you're wasting your time.
Not that I mind tho, I'd love discussing this irrationality more.
So you're saying there is a conspiracy behind the Jewish Leave vote?
lol, maybe 2 people here somehow accepted my point and you're frightened. Cuck?
A lot of times that's why I don't like to filter them. They're propaganda has to be addressed and smashed.
I'm NOT your friend KIKE.
How are you saying anything I didn't already?
Just don't get frightened like that other guy, and don't forget to sage in all fields as if it's going to change anything.
i don't mind what you are aslong as you keep licking my balls.
I think this is the case. Just look at the number of posts with the same idea behind them: "it's not ALL jews goy! We're voting for brexit too! Who cares about Talmud, huh? ;)".
Explain Brexit vote then? They fix that report or what?
That's wonderful to know.
About your PM, I guess I never considered it that way because lots of liberal elite jews in Europe are full double standards, I see them on TV or read in the papers praising multikulti for Europe, but when Israel is mentioned, suddenly it has a right to shut borders and preserve its identity.
But I'm willing to trust you.
What would definitely change my mind would be European jews publicly opposing the liberal jews' scare tactics about european nationalist parties, and defend the freedom of speech for european nationalists.
Also shame people who use Shoah related arguments to silence opposition to cultural marxism, like "you are actually the one disrespecting the dead by using their suffering for your political agenda". I want to hear common jews saying that to the face of leftists.
Holy shit the tinfoil.
nice job approving obongo dumbass.
Wait before you reply please, let me get to my other room and agree with myself first.
Unless you're non-religious to the point of being completely out of touch with your own religion, I'm sure you're aware that Liberal Judaism and Reform Judaism are secular.
The fact that, in any of those scenarios, you're still an adherent of the Jewish religion makes you worse than someone who is politically liberal.
Possibly, but not because Brexit is in their best interest. Just because they want to be able to say to the British nationalists that they're on their side.
Yes, that would be disconcerting because of the values that your disgusting religion teaches.
see and
Only 100% retard can believe that online poll can't be fabricated.
Fully agree.
I can see you're being frustrated about a kike being more sympathetic to your cause than yourself. Keep calling me a liberal in your silly lyrical gymnastics because I'm not religious if it makes you feel better :^)
Why am I not surprised
Kill yourself, filthy subhuman kike. Don't pretend you don't root for kikes who control and fuck other countries, your country wouldn't exist without them you fucking parasite.
Even if it's true, all it proves is (((they're))) afraid for their own self-preservation now. Doesn't change anything.
I'm rooting for you to stop being cucks, stop receiving refugees, deport people like Soros to wherever the fuck he came from, etc.
As a nationalistic individual I obviously won't be sad if other countries are aiding us. But yeah, I don't root for kikes who push for anything I've stated above.
How's that for being honest? I'm afraid you're not prepared enough.
It's simple:
Most jews ≠ zionist globalist fucks.
nah, it is one of the single times that you've actually gotten a peek into votes per ethnicity/race/whatever, and you're so mindblown by the fact that working class jews support your own goals that you're doing a full 360 in order to try and get it away from your head.
The jews wanted the UK out of the EU, so that they can reform it now and make it stronger, because it was the UK who had been blocking most EU reforms for more political integration.
Resident kike here, why is being a zionist bad? Do you know what a zionist is?
Sure I can understand that you'd be disgusted by that term but when you think of it, zionism today means the support of the nation of israel. NOT the support of the decline of the west.
Most liberal jews nowdays who claim of being zionists can be found criticizing Israel whenever it goes on a Gaza/Lebanon operation, muh arab human rights etc.
If the ordinary jew is more redpilled than you on that subject then I'm afraid you're in a bad state.
So this is what Hitler was talking about when he was bemoaning arguing with Jews.
There's a difference between being a liberal politically, and being a liberal Jew. You can still vote republican and pretend you're a nationalist if you're a liberal Jew. But you're still a Jew.
That's my point. If I say anything that requires more than a cursory amount of critical thinking and basic knowledge of your own religion you'll write it off as muh mental gymnastics.
I'm done with you, kike. You'll find yourself locked in a gas chamber soon enough anyway.
Brexit won't save GB or "british" jews. Leftist media spreads disinformation about pro-brexit voters to change people's opinion.
Jews have Israel, they shouldn't be afraid for their future. In fact, zionists are ok with mass non-White immigration to West, because more jews will move to israel. Just look at statistics: jews are leaving EU because of muslim terrorism and "antisemitism".
Now this is a theory I can get behind.
took you few posts to show your true colors, rapefugees would have been slaughtered in the street if it weren't for ZOG. I could go to jail if they tracked this post to me. If ZOG disappeared today, your country would be slapped more sanctions than fucking North Korea. You need ZOG, you support ZOG, now GTFO you filthy subhuman kike.
Why are you Jews forcing us to take in all these refugees while you refuse to take in any of them?
That's my point
Then we're in full agreement then. I don't care by which term am I a liberal to you. Yeah, I hold extremely right leaning opinions and ideologies and yep I'm a jew. Could've avoided this entire pointless argument if you've just read what I wrote, but yeah, don't take any chance of getting suckered in by the jewish mind controlling agent.
lol I gotta be honest this actually makes sense if you think that every jew thinks alike, but reality is different.
a normal jew who has no part of the global elite is not going to enact on this clever scheme to make the EU stronger.
he's a UK citizen after all and would like his country to get rid of the EU.
If by some miracle you'd publish a statistic saying even 50% of jews who voted for brexit have left the UK as soon as it got out of the EU, then I will admit I am wrong and will build an oven for myself for your pleasure.
the fuck is wrong with you autist kid? I'm rooting for you to stop being cucks. What's wrong with that? You want me to stop rooting for you being cucks? Ok, don't stop being a cuck.
Shit some retards in here.
I don't mind the jewish generalizing cause it's Holla Forums dna but this shit is autism 101.
What I'm saying is, Jews are always concerned with only their own self-preservation: "is it good for the Jews?"
So if they vote Brexit, that's what they're thinking anyway.
And again: there are no proofs that jews(en masse) are pro-Brexit.
Actually, the "we" who do not want the refugees in Israel are also against the refugees going anything else than their neighboring countries. Sad that you assume otherwise but what can I do.
"we" = sane, normal, vast majority of jews.
"them" = global elite jews, maybe a tiny fraction of jews worldwide.
Why do christians support Trump and also support Hillary?
Who do christians support refugee influx and also dont support it?
If it's still too complicated let me know. No offense.
Burn this kike last, I like his style.
So what percentage of Israeli's are practicing Jews?
Then why did 77% of American Jews vote for Obama in 2008? That's a higher percentage than Hispanics (67%).
I've seen dozens of articles on websites like Haaretz, the Times of Israel and Forward with Jews complaining about how bad Brexit would be for British Jews.
No there aren't two options you idiot/shill. The obvious thing we can learn from this chart is that the world is more complicated than 1+1=2.
Conspiracies exist, that doesn't mean literally everyone on earth is in on a conspiracy nor does it mean that the conspirators own goals and their targets goals won't sometimes line up with each other. It all depends on what the nature of the conspiracy is, who is behind it, how competent they are, what the long-term and short-term goals are and a hundred other factors.
If Brexit is a victory for both the English and the Jew there is no reason to suddenly toss Brexit out the window because of that, it's a textbook case of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
With logic like this if Hitler literally rose from the grave and established a second Nazi Reich in germany you'd be calling it the Jews' master plan all along because the Jewish elite wouldn't let it happen unless it was their goal from the beginning. If you're so blind so as to call a clear victory a defeat then you've got no business evaluating current events.
Then you knew what I meant in the beginning. You claimed to support a bunch of far right causes, I never meant that you were a political liberal.
My point in calling you a liberal Jew was to emphasize that you're a Jew and, by extension, your religious obligation to the Talmud.
Now, you're probably going to tell me that you're non-religious, so you not only don't see yourself as having an obligation to the Talmud, but you don't even know what's in it either.
I pointed out, in an earlier post, which you ignored in favor of a meaningless argument over semantics, that if this is the case there's no reason for you to even call yourself a Jew. And yet you are.
Sorry for quoting wiki but I'd rather that than having you trust my word on it;
43% Secular
23% Moderate Traditional (believe in god, Jewish wedding, Jewish ceramonies etc)
15% Traditional (no interracial marriage, no homosexual relationship etc)
10% Religious (no electricity in saturday, wear kippa etc)
9% Haredic. (the meme jews)
Keep in mind that there are lots of moderately 'religious' that still hold extremely right wing ideologies but that should be obvious.
The part that reads the Talmud and live by it is the 9% Haredi part.
Right. In fact, most probably aren't. But they'll lie to their goyim "friends" who are, so: "Hey goy, I'm just like you, buddy!!"
Non practicing Jew. Am I allowed to call myself anything I want because I'm secular? If I'm not religious am I not Jewish?
I don't get the logic, but we clearly are in agreement anyway.
I don't care what terminology classifies me as liberal if there even is one. When I say I'm as far from a liberal as one can be, I obviously mean political liberal.
Your autism is astounding. I'm guessing you're either an arab or not over 16. Am I correct?
Are you actually 12?
I honestly want to be a part of the Global Elite just to shove my jewish cocks in your mouths.
but I can't seem to rank up from DMG.
For fucks sake, NO! Does it make any sense to call yourself a member of a religion if you don't practice it? If it does, then I guess that makes me a non religious Hindu.
Forgive me, for thinking you knew anything about your own religion.
There are no good Jews. Your race will be exterminated.
I'm not even trying to follow you thoroughly at this point but I am a non religious jew in the sense that I've got jewish genes in my blood but I do not practice the jewish religion.
…Even if there truly is no point in calling myself jewish, why would it bother you that I still do? It borderline autism at this point.
Do you go for this logic everytime you hear someone say he's not a liberal? Or are you simply trying to nitpick because I'm a jew?
doubt it m8 but good luck
Jewish religion is irrelevant. The Jewish problem is biological. Jews are a subhuman race and their behavior patterns and personality types are a result of their broken and subhuman biology. The only cure for the problem is to destroy them.
Bro… I just realized jews are so evil and backstabbing, people are literally reluctant to trust jews who are on their side.
Thats how fucking scummy jews are. LMAO.
Atzmon on Brexit:
(for whatever it's worth)
Obviously as Europe shifts to far right nationalism, they will naturally oppose Jews. Once this happens, it is over for the kikes. Some more perceptive Jews see this now and are trying to hedge their bets, like you, by making statements that they are on our side or believe the same things or whatever (as if we would care what an enemy people believes). Nobody will believe it. The Jew's time is up.
According to Richard M Nixon there is exactly 1 good jew, Henry Kissinger, you can't trust any of the others.
There are no Jews on our side. The Jew is only ever on the Jew's side. That is why they must all be wiped out. The reason this hasn't happened yet is because of retards all through history who believed there were these mythical "good Jews on our side." This is just a trick the Jews use to ensure their own survival. Every time peope have believed there were Jews on their side, they have been stabbed in the back. As a parasitic race, they need to use these kinds of tactics.
Nixon was obviously a retard since Kissinger is one of the worst kikes on earth.
See here:
You are a bluepilled moron. Being a Jew has almost nothing to do with the religion. It is biological. Jews who practice other religions or are atheists are often worse than Orthodox Jews.
Asian want to leave more than muslim and blacks.
And ha "muslim" is a race and ethnicity.
Dammit OP, we've been over this.
There is no "hrad jewish conspiracy", no devil-horned rabbi jew king drinking goyim blood in a black temple.
The jew does what benefits him the most at the time.
You think Soros gives a flying fuck about some lowly middle-class jews? Hell no.
British jews face the same problems as we do, escpecially since minorities don't care about muh holocaust, they see them as white opressors aswell.
Just because jews like or do something, a thing isn't bad.
Now jews trying to subvert whatever comes now, trying to get THEIR intrests as a priority instead of ours like unconditional support for israel, that'd be a problem.
Nice try, rabbi. What about blood passover?
obligatory. first they ignore, then they laugh, then they try to bargain, then we win.
i like you. want to be best friends?
Then you're just a sack of shit on genetic level. Most people, even Jews, who don't practice a religion, don't call themselves members of it.
A lot of confusion earlier would've been avoided if you'd realized that there is a sect within Judaism called liberal Judaism of which, secularism is a prominent part.
When I pointed out the contradiction between hating liberal Jews and being a non religious jew, I assumed by non religious you'd actually meant secular.
You confirmed that for me, when you replied to that post with "Secular=/=Liberal." In the context of the Jewish religion itself, it actually does. That's why called you a liberal Jew.
The reason I did that, was to highlight the fact that you have an obligation to the Talmud and that everything you say is suspect because of the Talmud's teaching of lying to non Jews.
However, that isn't the case. As it turns out, you're just genetically inferior.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, kike.
Fuck you. Most atheist Jews don't call themselves atheist Jews, they call themselves atheists. That's why I thought he meant secular when he said non religious. Jews don't just out themselves like that if they don't actually identify as Jews, most of the time at least.
It's okay, user. I think we're all a little bit kerfluffled when jews show up here. We're like "what the living fuck are you doing here?" and in this ONE dude's case, he's just like, "LOL, i'm a self-hating jew so is it cool to hang out?" and we're just like, "uh, yeah. don't mind the ropes swinging in the background."
Didn't left pol say they supported brexit as well but for different reasons?
Perhaps the answer lies in whatever their twisted fucking logic is for supporting brexit
This is an important part too:
You're right, but you're wrong. There is no ominous jewish council dominating the world, that is true. But subverting and exploiting the goyim is an integral part of Jewish religion and mindset for all Jews.
The fact of the matter is nobody is on your side, not even "fellow whites". People will always default to their culture first. And they will always only support you because it ensures their survival, the moment it doesn't is the moment they bounce.
Bullshit, prove it.
See history of USA, British Empire, South Africa and Palestine.
Bonus points: history of Russian Empire.
Whoa that was close, I almost read the bullshit you wrote before filtering you on reflex.
pic related
Is "normal" jews the ones with the saturn black cube hat and tassels, or is it the ones that look like muslims? Who are the real jews? Obviously the Zionists are the synagogue of satan, and the people everyone hates and for good reasons.
Even Cooper said it wasn't the jews as a whole.
In the 1990s there were two major camps in the conspiracy community: the jew-wise and the cucks. Cooper was part of the latter, but so was his friend Texe Marrs who eventually came around is even pro-Hitler these days.
Basing anything on material from that era is retarded.
You Alt-Right faggots are the worst. CoC is an ok book, but it's hardly the last word on the jewish problem.
The misogyny is real.
There is a billion third world refugees on their way to Europe, mostly from Africa, and like people interested in their own self preservation they would like to live in a country that isn't a war infested anarchy.
Look m8, I know it's #notalljews. I have an Israeli-born Jewish friend who's a far-right nationalist and wants all non-whites deported from the US and Europe forever. But she's only one person. The reality is that the prominent Jewish people in politics are far-left liberals who want diversity in white countries and ethnic self-determination everywhere else.
Until the Jewish left can stop screaming "racism Islamophobia oy vey da six trillion you're the same as Hitler!" and publishing hit pieces on all their news outlets anytime a white person says anything remotely nationalistic, we as the white right are going to continue being wary of any Jewish influence in our countries.
That's just the way it has to be.
lol die
How about option 3: It was in the interests of the "Native" (as opposed to post-war immigrant) population (whites and jews) to leave?
Is it so hard to believe that on an issue here and there Christians and Jews might have the same interests? Both Christians and Jews hate/fear Muslims, too. Does that mean its a Jewish trick?
Dude, when its not an actual Rach thread, just filter by ID and move on. We can't fag up every thread that mod Rach posts in
Oy vey Jews are on your side goyim they were never your enemies! Trust me i would never like to you im your friend. Thats why you should be more sympathetic to my cause and let me fill your country with diversity and take your shekels
This is going to come across as entirely too pro-Jewish for Holla Forums, but here goes: it is entirely possible for Jews to go against the zionist master plan, if it's in their personal best interests.
Consider a Jew who owns a small business in a British town. He likes it there - perhaps he enjoys fish and chips and watching Dr. Who, but mostly he enjoys being surrounded by stupid goyim who will buy his products at twelve times what they're worth.
Then suddenly, the goyim start being replaced by filthy third-world shitskins. Oy vey! They're bringing down the property values! They don't want to buy anything, they just want to rob stores and set them on fire! "Oy, nobody will buy my "reasonably priced" products if they're too busy trying not to be raped!"
Schlomo considers trying to stock burkas and pig repellant, but muslims won't buy from him anyway - and once they're a large enough percentage of the population, they'll have him killed. Not only that, but his business is being strangled by competing products from Europe (or rather, from other Jews with better connections) and overregulation (designed by those better-connected Jews to keep his business down.)
He could move to Israel. But that would require him to SPEND MONEY instead of take it, something that no Jew would ever do!
So instead, he (and all other Jews in the same situation) use their sinister kike powers for good instead of evil. No, wait, that's not quite right - they use their sinister kike powers for their OWN BENEFIT, but it ends up benefiting the greater good as a side effect.
The legion of Jews who are backing Trump are in it for the same reason. They see more opportunities to create shekels for themselves in a successful America rather than a ruined one flooded with third-world savages and ruled by an unaccountable government full of Jews who aren't their nephews. (Also, Trump gives them shekels.)
Please don't misconstrue this as "not all Jews are bad". It's more like "not all Jews are on the same side". They don't act out of loyalty to the Tribe and its master plan, they act out of whatever is in THEIR best interests.
They're not the Borg, they're the Ferengi.
Why can't we make a conditional concession?
Insofar as you're telling the truth, where you're nationalistic and anti-zionist, anti-globalist, I have no problem with you or your country. Stay in your land, gtfo ours.
Looks like Sikhs might actually be bros after all
Sikhs hate Pakis.
Too bad the Ferengi aren't matriarchal. Your analogy fails on this point.
It was strange atmosphere sitting on the train this morning in London during rush hour. It was eerily quiet. The whole of London practically voting to remain, there was definitely an air of defeat, and severe disappointment. I saw a woman crying on the bus. This truly is evil triumphing over good. And there is definetely a very obvious divide in the country, with the voting ratio almost 50:50. I expect a lot of tension in the next coming years.
Pride in London is tomorrow, so a bit of positivity in such a shocking time. Though, as a volunteer, I am slightly afraid of tensions. But we will stand in solidarity, we will not go down without a fight.
There is a big Jewish conspiracy, and they didn't fool anyone into anything.
They back nationalism and nationalist causes, like the one Jew who was posting here earlier said he did, they want an ethno-nationalist state for themselves. But, nationalism to Jews outside of Israel, is terrifying (ie Donald Trump, Nigel Farage being compared to Hitler).
The Jews who voted in favor of Brexit, did so because, again, like that Jew who was posting here a while ago said, they don't like degenerate culture either, and that's how they see Brexit: a reaffirming of British national culture over degeneracy - not necessarily British nationalism. However, as Brexit continues to have a ripple effect, you'll see a real rise in British nationalism, and I'll bet, this will scare them.
Just like in America, where Jews have called Donald Trump's America First foreign policy anti-semitic, they'll call increasingly Brit-centric political measures anti-semitic as well.
This isn't because they don't want Brits to have a national identity, but because the rise of honest to God nationalism will look like the rise of Hitler to them.
And so, just like the Israeli Jews want them to, they'll come flooding into Israel.
Then, the European and American nationalist states will be left to deal with the problem of Islam in their countries.
I agree with Stefan Molyneaux, that the next world war, will be between Europeans and Muslims. There are three outcomes of such a war, at least that I can see, and two of them are beneficial to Israel
1. The Muslims win, and overthrow the West. The Israelis point to their population of terrified Jews who fled the West and say to the Muslims that they are on their side, thus beginning the subversion process of what is already, or what will become, essentially a global caliphate. (However, the Jews would be sorely outnumbered. This outcome isn't all that preferable, but it would be workable.)
2. The nationalists win, and Deus Vult. They obliterate (((ISIS))) and other (((Islamic terrorist groups))) and in the process, destabilize the anti-Israeli countries in which they were operating - Syria, for example. This would allow Israel to dominate the Middle East and make itself a force to be reckoned with - they'd control most of an very strategically and economically valuable swath of land, thus giving them an huge amount of leverage over the West. (This is what they want to happen.)
3. (This is what they don't want to happen.) The nationalists beat the Muslims and eradicate (((terror))) in the middle east by allying themselves with anti-Israeli regimes (again, Syria, for example). This would leave the Jews in a position of great weakness in the Middle East - no more preferential treatment among other Middle Eastern countries, no more land than before, and their enemies in the Middle East are now backed by the West against any future (((terror groups))).
This is all speculation on my part, based on what I've seen and read. I could be very wrong, but this seems to me the direction in which we're headed. Polite sage because this is an old thread.
I keep telling you assholes, you need an archive link for each of those citations. people will not believe it unless they can look it up themselves
You are correct but the question is ultimately why take that risk?
What benefit do we gain by judging each Jew by their own merits?
*they are afraid of muslims (rapefugees and turkroaches) flooding into England
And this is why they keep trying to push us into war with Russia. Really, Russia is our natural ally in the Global world domain right now, with an emerging Global South (fucking CHINA!!!) and Islamic terror. The Jews hate the idea that there might be a Nationalist movement AND an alliance between Northern States. This would be the worst for them. They would hate this.
God you're so dumb.
So, so dumb.
The common Jew is scared of Muslims.
That's all there is to it.
You're just too dumb to understand that the Jewish inclination toward 'the Other' only goes so far in cases where the Jew perceives a direct threat to themselves, especially in the case of the lower-caste Jews most-likely to have to deal with the consequences.
what's next, strawpoll?
I actually did give you a good answer, you D&C shill kike.
These numbers show that jews voted Leave only 2% higher than average.
Ground-level jews are going to be split between being pro-globalism and anti-kabab. Obviously they favor anti-kabab slightly.
Or do you think that EVERY GROUND-LEVEL JEW is in on the globalist scheming of George Soros and company?
Do they get a fucking news letter, do you suppose?
Get lost chaim
This. There are thousands of jews. If everyone one was "in" on whatever plot of the day, it would be found out. Just like not every fuck who is in government or a company can know what the fuck is really going down at their job because they are literal nobodies.
These two raise an important issue.
The main point of red-pilling is not "All Jews are evil and must be gassed to death, because every single one plots for our demise." Normies think that all Jews are victims and do no wrong. The red pill is realising that Jews are just as fallible as everyone else. We do not buy into their eternal self-pity that they parade. This does NOT mean going to the other extreme is the answer.
This is why an increasing number of people hate Holla Forums. At our peak, we are about questioning everything, not looking for blame figures. Jews are over-represented in many positions of power and this is something to be questioned. This is not an excuse for panicking every time they are involved in something.
Many would argue against this point by observing the Jewish tendency to attach themselves to foreign cultures as parasites and subvert them, and use that to justify wholesale genocide.
This is a valid point, however, by the same token, one can point out the feckless inability to plan demonstrated by Negros, the psychotic violence and sexual aggression of Kababs, and the virtual hivemind of Asians in large numbers.
It is not enough to simply say, "See, Jews are not infallible. People MUST see their nature." However, the white race has better things to do that committing resourced towards purging they or any other population (Like making ourselves great again).
And to what end would we even do such a thing? If only whites were left on the planet, we would invent new divisions among ourselves and still make war.
The problem with the joos is that they have shouted so many times "the wolf is coming" that its just better to never trust a jew, i hope the whole world understands this one day.
Even a broken clock Is right twice a day.
Hello Jew-friend. I know you have probably left and will never ever read this comment, but I just want to let you know that I really like you and I appreciate you being on our side. I know that all these other guys are fully retarded or are just pretending to hate good jews, but I know that more good jews like you are out there and I hope that nothing bad ever happens to you and your people in that part of the world.
That being said. I'm still going to kill the Elitist Jews.
-Sincerely Christian user.
Don't know that I buy into this narrative tbh fam.
Nor this:
Its a zero sum game in the long term - we cannot become great again AND not engage in alteration of the paradigm as regards these lesser peoples.
And, further… While I would not argue the utopianist's notion of 'total peace through homogeny', I WOULD suggest that the white race would arguably be better of if it were just us and the non-hominid wildlife on this planet.
Perfect? Utopian? No.
Much, much better, in so many ways? Yes.
This is total bullshit.
You hate that stuff FOR YOU.
You love FOR US.
And your taqiyya-tier attempt to deny this is disdainful, shameful even.
For tucks sake, half the people we routinely cite as disgusting behavior on behalf of the Israelis are the 'nationalist' Zionist Jews.
You are not on our side, you just see as a valuable tool against your Semite blood-brothers, who hate you bitterly for stealing their land, and you - and the Brits - dragged the whole of the West into this mess.
Thre are no Jews on our side, because ''simply being a Jew pits you, by definition, on another side.
And I suspect you know as much, which is why you're trying to ply this 'good Jews' bullshit, which I hear from you Israeli cunts so often.
Yet I never hear you decrying your kin for the shady shit they do.
I never see you cunts lifting a finger to push your government, oft headed by non-leftist kikes of the sort you claim are our allies, nor your diaspora population, away from attacking us, in the most hypocritical manner imaginable.
Zion must burn.
And you?
You keep up that rhetoric, and you join your mike 'friends' in the fires of Zion, or take the cross as your favorite Hebrew did.
I don't care which tbh fam.
op is right
eu is actually redpilled and based
britain should have stayed in
most immigration into britain from eu is eastern europeans
whats wrong with mass immigration from white countries? europe SHOULD be united
fuck "muh sovereignty" we need to unite as one people to fight der jude
for evropa and mein fuhrer
Shut up Dickie.
Go be implicit someplace else.
Fuck off kraut.
I want to believe this post is true.
And there is hope.
But god, Soros and the Rothschilds - you are some kind of stupid.
We have means to make life great again.
But both a mix of fear of change and the reversal of morals and ideals has meant that it's unobtainable.
Every life living could be bettered and society sustained.
But we fear it compromises our humanity.
British Jews have always leaned right. The leftist Jews are the ones from central and eastern Europe, especially Poland and Russia. The more to the east their communitities, the farther left they lean.
Most jews in America come come from Russia, Germany and Poland, which is why they are so leftist.
I have allways secretly liked jews. I bet good ol Adolf just did holohoax as a favor so chosen ones can get their land back.
Ok even I admit it this time
Holla Forums BTFO of this planet how can the fuck will they deal with this sot of cognitive dissonance?
Yes, but the "alteration in paradigm" can simply be a restoration of separation.
The ultimate refutation of anything resembling 'total peace through homogeny' lies throughout European history. Unless one is going to go full-retard into "Jews control every facet of the world and have done so throughout history" (aka defeatism) and blame every war on them, then white people have done plenty of fighting amongst ourselves.
Hell, the relative viability of shill D&C tactics involving setting white nations against each other in dick-measuring of various kinds is proof-of-concept that this kind of conflict lies waiting under the surface.
The key to white unity is exterior foes to unite against. Ultimately, that is the service that every variety of shitskin and parasite can provide to whites, FROM A DISTANCE, while harmlessly shitting up their own lands and societies in ways that don't concern us.
Who is this supposed to fool?
Good god, I can't wait until somebody finds a nest of you faggots and lights it up.
Come on kids
True. On a logical standpoint you shouldn't really take the risk.
The thing is that at these times, people of the same goal should be united. See feminists, mudshits, LGBT, libtards etc; they got as little as it gets to do with eachother, and they are still united against whitey.
True. Shameful situation really.
Hello! I didn't leave. I'm a 6 year or so Holla Forumstard since cuckchan, and will continue to be one. Your post is well appreciated!
You are retarded and this is why; in the post you reply to, this has been written by me - "FUCKING PUTTING THE LIBERAL JEWS INTO OVENS".
Several other posts of mine also depict the same deep hatred I've got to the slimy kikes who are liberal. I loathe liberal jews, and I'm pretty sure that if both of us get to see one on the street, the chances that he'll get a beating from me are much higher than the chances that he'll even get a bad word from you.
So step up your game pleb.
It's true. The complete majority in Israel are like me. Not asking you to start liking jews, but you can damn well know that the crushing majority of us normal everyday jews are more Holla Forums-tier than atleast half of the dumbasses who posted itt.
Calm your fucking tits. NOT asking you to start trusting jews cause you'll probably trust the wrong ones anyway. Your awareness levels are horrible.
Accept the fact that most of us hold the same ideology as you do, and do with that info whatever the fuck you want to. That's all there is to it.
Rest of the greentext paranoid fucks aren't even worthy of a response. You deserve to get cucked if you don't even know your allies from your enemies.
It was true about eighty years ago, though. You can already see the splinters starting to appear on Holla Forums and it was omnipresent on /int/. Barring the appearance of an alien race, humanity, even if purely consisting of one race of any color, will continue to find divisions to attack each other over.
If anything, we have argued less and less about that shit as time has gone on. The big decrease was the migration, when we dropped all THAT dead weight.
The problem I have with Israel is that its founding as a country in the 50's caused the wars in the Middle East, it was fine and dandy before Israel.
You must understand that we cannot take the risk trusting a single word that you uttered ITT. Even if you may be true to you words, what benefit does this grant us? Don't call us out for not taking a risk as trusting a Jew, don't blame us for the division you seem to complain about, if anything you ought to blame your elites for everything.
I do not trust a single thing you say, and if you're here as long as you claim you are, you should understand why.
However I will research on your claims about the article comments.
Why wouldn't they? Jews back whatever is the winning horse and the event they can make the most shekels off of - as they are currently doing with the market slides. On top of that, the EU is seen as massively pro-Islam, pro-Palestine and the source of all the muzzies currently flooding Britain.
No matter where you go or what happens in the world, there is a Jew somewhere, making a profit.
>the Middle East
Okay Schlomo's country is a warmonger but come on user, they were still mudslimes before Palestine got appropriated.
Kek wills it. Jews are going to be exterminated for real this time
No one thinks that. But all Jews are at best degeneracy spreading malcontents and at worst knights in Satan's service. I've known a couple yids that were decent enough but they absolute outliers… About as common as a hard working nigger with a clean rap sheet that raises his offspring right.
The jews are like a mafia, but more tribal. So the average jew asks the communiy leader a place in society. The jewish comunity put it in place, then the jew works "normally". As soon as the community asks the jew to help an other jew to get a job in the same company, the jew obeys. Also, the jew takes every information about the white collars and would be white collars and report them to the jewish leader, which spreads and archives them for future use.
Mafias work like that, but none in the mafia does that because of duty: they do it for favors or debt. A jew will always betray gentiles for the tribe, even when nothing comes out of it, even when it damages it, because the tribe is family and you do what your family asks, always, even when it means voting for hitler. There is a jewish hivemind that push for the tribe direction, wikileaks leaked some mails that showed a jew international network: it was incredible the amount of datas they share. There aren't harmless jews, they are simply sleeping agents.
And if jews really voted for leave (and i doubt it, vote is private and they could have simply organized a lie for the poll), they did so without personal interests or ideas, they did it because the hivemind told them.
I am a jew too by family history although I always considered myself white. Call me a shapeshifter but judaism was never a big part of my life unlike some of the other members of my (((family))).
All my friends know I'm crazy right wing (th-thanks Holla Forums) and all of Holla Forums calls me a dirty jew kike. I honestly don't give a shit though. You faggots are way more correct about the world than any autistic mongolian woodcarvers should have the right to be.
Anyway I never wanted mass immigration (although some of my euro friends initially did) and voted brexit. The only thing Holla Forums gets wrong in my mind is purging allies (or attempting to with RooshV, Cernovich, Milo etc). No one likes a humorless stormfaggot which is why the alt right (an amalgam of ex libertardians and stormfaggots) has done so well.