Drunk Porn Writer here.
If you've seen Axel Braun Marvel Parodies, You're welcome.
Ask me anything. I've worked with a lot of porn stars.
Drunk Porn Writer here.
If you've seen Axel Braun Marvel Parodies, You're welcome.
Ask me anything. I've worked with a lot of porn stars.
Are they all drugged out whores or just the women?
Why are actually good porn aimed towards women so rare? It really sucks because the ones that exist are overly romantic passionate bullshit, there's no porn where a dominant, good looking guy is in focus telling you what to do. It sucks, it cant be that manlet James Deen and Bryan Gozzling that only films deepthroats are the best we can get. Most girls actually want to be dominated, so there has to be a market for this.
Some are "above it" (Asa Akira, Larkin Love, Lisa Ann and other Veterans)
but yes, most are. Most are drunk/drugged when we film, it's told to them that it's against regulation but they still do it and we just look the other way.
Most Jews, as the entire porn industry is run by them, don't give a shit about women.
They honestly just keep blacking them because "muh politics"
Independant writers do make decent fem porn, but they are far and few between. When writing scripts we are told shit like "REMEMBER DON'T DO X" and what not, most of it political but there is a reason that on porn sites for "Women" sections it's exclusively blacks.
Funnily enough when I wrote for a Nipponese company they told me to exclusively use whites dominating their own.
They're all fucked up m8
Just gonna list the stars I've worked with:
Any funny stories on these?
Serious question, but do the stars hate themselves?
and do the cameramen/people behind the scenes ever see any action?
I mean wouldn't you feel completely shit having to watch others have sex all the time and never get any yourself?
Please tell us why RR is the worst person?
Last thread i asked about mia kalifa.
Whats up with her?
Is that the passable tranny?
not op but yes
Mia is okay, she's a pretty nice grill but she's still a "Star" in 2014 she was super bitchy all "OHHHH I'M ABOVE YOU ALL" but I think it's just because she was flavour of the month and it got to her head. Otherwise everytime I've worked with her post 2015 has been fine. She's very….shy, or rather awkward if that makes sense but she''s skeptical of whites/doesn't like them.
Sure is and >she's based as fuck. When she was onset with me was about the time of GamerGate and she was Pro-GG to the point where when we we're talking about Mass Effect 3 she informed me she "Fucking hates these people making her a novelty". She's fucking awesome and in all honesty Waifu material. Very great, very awesome, hope to work with her again but she doesn't return my emails :(
Yes and No.
Veterans don't give a shit, Casuals do.
You can always tell. Firsties often cry on set and that's why a LOT of edditing occurs.
We do, sometimes. I actually dated a star for a while buy I couldn't take it, we also get "rewarded" if we're not autistic: Asa akira has given me a blow job but only because we talked about Dragon Ball for an hour before hand as well as 2 others giving me full on.
Okay. Let me tell you about the bitch.
She comes on set and declares herself a celebrity. She won't take any direction and insists on humiliating the people meant to make her look good. When I went to approach her she said to me "Sorry, I don't talk to lower class" and on another shoot when I tried to talk to her told me she "Doesn't talk to none-celebrities".
She's a bitch and directors, filmers and fellow stars ALL hate her.
So basically don't be a sperge lord and you'll get some action also.
Ok this might sound like a spastic question, but if everyone hates the bitch, why does she still find work?
Surely it'd be easy enough to find some other dumb pretty blonde to replace her right?
So they arent faking, interesting.
Because she's hot and sells. She's a product.
Her name and "market" is all that matters. We can replace her, sure, but it takes a while for her to gain a backing.
There are A LOT of newbies wanting to break in (see: Cam Whores, Omegle Whores etc) but it takes a special damaged breed to be a star.
As I've said Lisa Ann, Asa Akira, Zoey Holloway and Ava Devine? They may be whores but guess what? They're SUPER fucking bro on set. Asa Akira got us muffins once and she talks to all of us (She's an Otaku if you wanna know), Lisa Ann is super funny and not in a "muh vagina" way, she makes me laugh. Ava Devine is a whore but she knows it and will fuck anyone on set but at the same time she'll say a lot of funny shit. Zoey Holloway is a legend in terms of dedication and classiness.
It's all about being bro-tier on set, because we're there atleast 6-12 hours and it sucks. So if you're funny and when you're pussy "farts" you laugh instead of going "OMG, STOP, STOP THE FILMING!" (ala: riley reid) then we like you. If you're there to do a job, then awesome.
Nice dubs, Yes and no. There's some that genuinely enjoy it and others that fake it. Look at the eyes and the hands, that's what I've learned. If you want Stars that definitely don't fake: Ava Devine, Nikki Rhodes, Chloe Camilla, Lucy Thai.
He was faking it… yes and no, i get it now.
Yeah I can see that.
Makes sense.
I've no interest in finding a job in your industry, but out of curiosity do people behind the set get paid well?
And how does the free porn industry impact everyones living as a whole?
Downloading, thanks mate.
Well, Money has always been good so much that I can support a family of 5. It's good pay but not consistant.
I have more if you want
Seriously Santa?
Cool cool.
I suppose sex sells.
Same goy, is Sara Jay a man? how many post surgery "girls" are there? What about the girls doing sudoku?
No idea, never met her.
The tits are a good example if they're a trap, I've worked with a lot of traps.
I fucking love that whore when she is takint it in her ass, but niggers… well, its something, btw, nice hitler dubs.
Kendra is a pedophile… shota is real.
Are you telling me that you believe she has a neo pussy?
If it helps Piper is fucked up, not as fucked up as Lexi. Though Lexi is fucked up but the sweetest little girl ever. (She like BD/LG) if it's not obvious.
Kendra probably faps to Shota, I wouldn't be surprised. She's always talking about it. Not Shota but "OHHH A YOUNG DICK? NOICE"
More data please.
Google: LG bluray
Can you talk with her about Holla Forums/b/ please?
Does Stoya enjoy it? Seems like she does, also what was she like to work with?
90% he is just a fag roleplaying, but just for that small 10% i will stay.
BTW, post a rare pic please.
Møre about lexi pls
Lexi is a "little" ie she likes to pretend she's a little girl and whoever she is dating is her "daddy".
It's actually really sweet/cute. Look up Ageplay, she likes that and suddenly all her remakrs will make sense.
If I work with her again, sure. though most of us post here, Holla Forums, Holla Forums and Holla Forums tbh. Hell I know for a fact larkin love, James dean and a few others do.
Sadly she's very "I'm doing this for feminism!", whenever she's on set she seems like the type who is doing it for pay only but remember, that's just what she says so hey maybe she does but doesn't want to admit it.
Please tell me he's a Holla Forumsack.
I know he goes on Holla Forums because we both talked about bane posting
Guy is breedy cool for a kike, but they're all kikes here, I'm one of the few irish.
Why aren't you guys creative with the titles anymore? It's always just whatever the property is followed by "An XXX Parody". I miss the days of Forrest Hump and Edward Penishands.
What is it with the girls hired? Personally I love the idea of these parodies, but I have the same problem every time. There are tons of girls with gorgeous natural tits working in the industry but the girls in these particular videos only fall into one of two categories, flat and chunky or horrendously obvious implants.
Why not hire the thousands of girls with nice racks out there? Is it just cheaper to hire girls with terrible racks?
For titles: Legal disputes, talked about this last thread but lawyers came at us and kikes found a loophole.
2. It comes down to drive. Some girls break down and cry/shake their first day, not many can make it past the "6 mark" (aka they do 6 films, break down and never do it again) those that do survive become stars but they are far and few between.
3. See above.
He also loves Full Metal Alchemist if that helps, that's how we bonded.
Well, she looks like the typical entitled bitch, so no surprise here.
She is. I have worked with her four times and all four times I've wanted to fucking kill her.
Do you get paid hourly or what?
Yeah Hourly, but there's plenty of overtime which I take advantage of. alot of my coleagues don't realise spending 3+ Hours editing gets them a decent pay. Honestly it's a really good job and I'm grateful for it. My wife was skeptical at first but she realises that I don't want to fuck these people now. It's lots of fun too, plenty of bantz on set, the only issues are Divas, Safe Words and Feminists. that's it.
Well thats unfortunate about Stoya, always thought she was into it.
Ever work with Gianna Michaels? Ive heard shes made people quit the business
she struck me as kinda sweet and fun until that whole james dean shit. How is she?
Love her tongue. She dom in real life or is that all an act?
Fuck man you lucky bastard I love jerking it to her, did you have any part in that one where she's tied up and cumming all over a machine and is desperate to sit back on the cock when it slips out?
I love her. How's she doing with all that plastic in her back and the issues from that? She ok?
Whats the story with safe words?
Whats the story with safe words?
hung over but ill continue for a bit,
Safe words are safe words and are used to stop when things get too intense for a person/they're going to break down. The problem with it is that we get a lot of SJW tier girls in the new cycles who use it whenever things get "rapey" aka it's not like vid related. It's annoying for everyone involved and they'll refuse to do anything at all as if them getting naked is something we should be grateful for.
She's nice but she drank the koolaid hard.
I don't really know, but i do know she's not a "fake gamer grill", she does her cosplay stuff by her own choice
Chloe is a walking parody of a Tumblr girl. She drank the koolaid and married a humorless dyke. Nah I work mostly on Parodies.
No idea, she doesn't return my emails so I gave up. She's a cool chick though
Lexi Belle? That would make that clip of her saying she wanted to "fuck all the daddies" make sense.
Aw fuck, I've almost exclusively dated littles for like nine years. Not by choice either, they seek me out. Every girl I've ever met has told me I remind them of their dad. I was absolutely detested by it for a while, but eventually I embraced it (it's dead now, in part because we broke up but I actually made the /lgdd/ board with a little I was dating some time back.)
That's a weirdly comforting thought in a way that Lexi would totally be into me, but in my experience that means she's most likely nutty as fuck. I avoid them because they go through the same pattern, and when they reveal it to me my first question is "How do you feel about your dad?" If they loved their dad, it's smooth sailing. They're basically worshipful and forgiving the entire relationship. If they hate their dad on the other hand, it's smooth sailing for like a year, then suddenly she becomes a "brat" constantly trying to provoke punishments, and then "You're just like my father" takes a way more aggressive, negative tone. "What are you gonna do?! Hit me!?? LIKE MY FATHER?!!!" Fuck that.
Second one I dated, I got into a community of 'em for a while, and it drove her nuts. She was a borderline but denied it despite the diagnosis. After weeks of saying "These girls are so much like me!" one by one they all started dropping made up rape stories, to the point that it eventually became a competition, and one by one they revealed they all had borderline.
What other cosplays does Larkin do, you know?
For that matter, you mentioned Asa Akira's an otaku - what kind?
Never worked with her but i've heard stories
Yeah that line was a none-phasing to me when I heard it. From what I hear she hasn't had a good family life, something to do with her cousin trying to win custody and this whole debacle.
Power Girl, neon Genesis, stuff like that, hell just type in her name + cosplay and you'll see a lot
Entry level, I know she likes Dragon Ball, Pokemon and shonen stuff.
Did they cum from anal? i am talking about legit XX please.
Anything about Liv Wylder?
Ooh do tell those Gianna stories if you can
I'd say…15% but most don't or refuse. Anal takes a lot of prepping and a lot of drugs
Most Anal scenes are done drunk if you want to know or with a LOT of adderal.
Pure hear say but
Uh, this isn't some revalation. Like a minute of googling porn directors would show you they're kikes
Post yfw you many have Orsonposted with Dean
Fucking savage, that poor guy. I always thought she was cool and not a bitch, oh well. Got any more good ones?
honestly it surprises me more that any of them are not like that and just complete bitches.
If you're a "writer" why are you even on the set?
If legit, thanks.
Fuck, that's a good point. All of my time lurkin this thread was for nothing I guess.
We have the option to sit in. It's called a benefit of working for the company.
I heard a lot of porn girls are forced or otherwise compelled to be in/stay doing porn. You ever hear anything like that?
Thats Japan user.