Draw Thread

I'm drawing my friends a page of their three favorite animals. Words will be removed.
Should I color, add background design, etc? Advice and critique?

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that's not you op. nice try.


Here's a critique: you're fucking gay, cut your nails nigger.

add color and a background design. it still looks like a work in progress to me.

Thank you. It's in sketch phase currently. I'd like the background design to be simple then. Should it be floral? Color only..?

Taking a break from that and will take drawing suggestions.

I saw this on 4chan 2 minutes ago, stop reposting
also you're a faggot
also fake & gay

Are you a woman, or just a hyper faggot?

tits or gb2 lolcow.farm/b/

I'm bored and I would like to draw be critiqued on my drawings.