Fan Theories thread! Let's hear your fan theories!
To start Jason voorhese is an accidental sith, So in-tune with the force he is able to use force powers just out of sheer dumb luck, with no training. the people of earth have no idea what the force is, so the only people who could even use it are those who could both:
be highly force sensitive and:
happen to stumble onto the knowledge of force techniques, even if it's instinctual to them.
Jason voorhese has displayed a number of force powers throughout the movies. Including:
Force Body was a type of Force technique which allowed any Force-sensitive to push their body's endurance past a safe limit, ignoring and sacrificing their health and well-being in order to sustain their connection to the Force. Very powerful connection to the Force was required for this ability's use. With this, Jedi could live through what would otherwise kill them.
Jason never actually dies, He merely recuperates in his grave until he is dug up. and on top of that…
what about tommy jarvis in the fifth movie? with him having his mental breakdowns? Perhaps signs of jason projecting visions into his mind through the force? after all wasn't it him who ultimatly dug him up in the first place?
Force fear had two advanced variants: Force horror and Force insanity. Force horror enabled the Force user to cause multiple enemies to enter into a catatonic state of panic that was more severe and more difficult to defend than the basic Force fear. In similarity, Force insanity also enabled the Force user to affect multiple enemies at once, although to an even greater range than its predecessor. As the most advanced form of Force fear, its effect was much more devastating, with the victims possibly descending into an utter state of frenzied madness and deranged mania as their situation seemed to suddenly become hopeless.
Jason's abilities aren't the only ones I wish to discuss however. For not only is there a dark side, but a light side as well.
Zachary Harris
And finally, Jason's ability to travel faster than his victims, seemingly to vanish and re-appear at will
Jason can be chasing someone at a leisurely pace, then when they turn a corner he'll be ahead of them! Force travel would account for this unexplained ability to seemingly teleport.
Tina Shepard.
Tina was a young girl who Accidentally killed her own father when her father struck her mother, and she wished him dead. turns out she had telekinesis…
Sensing someone Inside the lake, she tried to free them, her desperate mind hoping against hope that somehow she might be able to use her gift to bring her father back, her guilt eating at her. the chain holding Jason down snapped.
But that's not all the abilities Tina possessed:
Tina had the ability to see events that had not yet happened. she saw her mothers death before it had happened, and far from the location of the murder. A brief glimpse of the murder happening before her eyes as if it were real.
So that's my explanation why these two individuals have a whole list of superhuman abilities between them, both are powerful, but untrained force users.
Jack Miller
Here's a silly one
People have complained a lot about his "don't choke on your aspirations" line, but it was pointed out to them he has similar lines in the OT. Now, why does it fit his character to begin with? Why would a dark lord of the Sith make those horrible jokes?
Well, before I ask you, I want you too look at some other Sith lords: Darth Maul was (at least in the movie) an aggressive savage specialized in melee (lightsaber) combat - true to his name. Darth Tyranus was a tyrant, ruling the CIS with an iron fist - true to his name. Darth Sidious was indeed insidious, as his name suggest.
Do you know what "Vader" is? It's German for Father. And just as the name suggests, he makes horrible, horrible dad jokes all throughout his reign as lord of the Sith - while killing and torturing some people along the way, because you know, he is a Sith after all.
Thomas Perry
Noah Myers
No he isn't ya crazy this is the only Jenny video besides the ASMR one I've ever watched
Isaiah Reyes
now I remember the original lines in the revenge of the sith