Failed normalfag stories
Submit to the comfy. Enjoy your NEET life while you can.
Use the comfy, the comfy is all there is.
I'm 36 and I just became a NEET with no gf. the only way. last time I was NEET gf wanted all my time and my zinc. Now I am doing it right. At least a month left, plenty of games and food.
after sneering at NEETs for years while I worked hard and made other people money now I understand it all. I can live a life of just moo, masturbation and trolling. feels pretty good man.
Being a quitter sucks, buddy. If you no longer wish to be depressed, get some lsd, mdma, weed and get laid. Then start something new and try not to quit again.
But hey, at least I'm just a V now and not a full KV…
I've just convinced myself at this point there's no point in going to a party without ulterior motives and I have none
that had to be a pretty ugly vest
pic please
every party in the history of mankind was organized by someone who wanted to fuck someone they were inviting
I thought everyone knew that
threw it away shortly after this believe it or not
I didn't but that makes sense. I haven't felt lust in a long time.
OP you sound like a massive bitch. Anyone who actually worked out for 10months would have no problem with the training. You failed yourself by not preparing. Now you are home and everyone knows you are a loser who can't even make it in the Army where they accept practically anyone.
How do I stop losing my spaghetti evertime a girl talks to me?
I really don't understand why my brain wont stop doing this shit
who would win: that guy or CM Punk?
that guy is a boxer, CM punk is an old ass actor
no contest
first ask yourself, do you actually want intimacy with a female, and all that that would entail
even Jim made it into the army, op.
perhaps you should start an image board we could all migrate to. i don't know about your dad, but i'd be proud of you. and grateful.
Easy, through practice.
The more attractive a girl is, the more intimidating they are to you, and the easier you lose your shit and fuck everything up, right?
Think of it like driving a car. Your first time driving wasn't in a fucking lamborghini, and if someone offered to let you drive their lambo for your first time driving, you'd probably psyche yourself out, be scared shitless, and wreck the damn thing.
Work your way up. Start off by talking to ugly girls. You don't have to fuck them, just befriend them.
Then work onto 6/10 girls, and try to fuck one of these.
Once you've fucked a 6/10, trying to fuck a 9/10 is way easier.
more brie gifs you homosexuals
Jesus Christ faggot, you got one of the cushiest faggot POG jobs possible and couldn't tough it out for another seven weeks? If I were you father I'd kill myself.
I worked out so hard. Not sure why I couldnt carry my backpack.
What did you do specifically? How heavy was the back-pack?
I, too, am a lot more interested in figuring out what was so problematic about this backpack than I am about spaghetti stories.
It's really not that heavy, I have no idea what his issue could possibly be with it. OP must be a Jewboy.
social anxiety. the guy felt nervous sitting next to you, hence he was distracting himself by looking around for an escape (out the window, at his ipad, etc.). He finally gave in to his fight-or-flight, fought back verbally against you for a bit, then retreated to somewhere else.
she was the one out of line user. men have the right to say no to sex and male rape happens too.
I was exactly like you mate, but one day I told my doctors I was gonna kill myself, get sent to hospital.
Fast forward 1 year, and I'm all better. Medication and groups at these mental hospitals did wonders for me.
Beta swedecuck detected. Next time ask her how getting creampied by rapefugees last night was.
What happened exactly after you told the doctors you want to an hero? Go into details, I want to know what will hapen if i do that too.
so you mean you tried so hard but in the end it doesn't even matter?
She was going to steal it from you tbh
>be shut in neet for the longest time parent's fault to be honest witchu
She told me Friday that she was sick but was feeling better so hopefully she would be up for hanging out, later on turns out she wasn't and said she had just been laying in bed, I think she passed out a few hours ago
I don't wanna seem pushy (first date was monday, I've been trying to arrange shit since then but first it was an incoming exam so she had to study, now its sickness), but I really wanna do this thing already because I'm afraid she will lose interest if too much time passes
Should I text her tomorrow (today, saturday) and try to arrange to grab food and shit, and if so, how do I word it? Ask her if she feels better? (already asked her on Friday that's how I knew she didn't) Ask her if she passed out last night "did you pass out lol"
What do?
user, don't eat words, they make you fat.
what are you even on about fatty?
Did you have a stroke or something? That isn't what he typed
Fuck me, I just skimmed his post and when I saw
I fucked up and read it wrong.
pls no bully
I just get fucked up and parties like borderline blackout drunk as long as i can until I do. Sometimes it works out great at parties and love how fucked you get and some parties they ban your ass for being too much.
I basically just get so fucked up i dont even care chicks wanna fuck you if you seem to not care.
They sit by you and start talking and im fucked up so idk what im saying and then we eventually furck
stop eating so much
post a picture of yourself
That is the point I don't get either. How can you train 10 months and not being able to carry your backpack? What kind of training did he do? Two cottonballs on a toothpick?
so comfy :)