Is it normal to find your sister attractive? I have jerked off about 3 times already by spying on her when she masturbates at night through her door. Is this normal since i'm a virgin?
Is it normal to find your sister attractive...
To be fair, Jews are into scat, so It's kind of a good thing to know you can easily make a jewess submit to every perversion imaginable, including fucking your half-spawn daughters later on, or getting you into pizza land.
Stop worrying and see if she wants the D, m8
she knows
She did say one time that she heard me outside of her door when I was waiting for her to masturbate. She said "don't you think i can't hear you"
How old are you two?
No, you're american. There's the problem.
Just fuck her
Show tits OP.
You're a guy, she's girl. Everything's normal.
i think its normal. i started finding my sister attractive once she hit puberty and got a nice body and i quickly started making my moves on her. i got lucky though, and she got interested in it, but i think it was just because sex was new to her. we had sex until she was 21.
Keyword here: Sister.
Y'all niggas are fucked up!! :(
its not for everybody. i give you that.
You're just jealous because your sisters an ugly dyke.
Alright guys.
Is it normal to find your 36 year old mother attractive? To dream about kissing her lovingly, holding her naked by her hips, and romantically fucking/inseminating her?
I can explain.
my sister has the best body of any woman i have ever been with. she is actually attractive. i am "ok".
i can tell your story is fake. should have made her older. you know… to make it believable.
meant that post for the nigger above you, sorry about that user, I'm sure your sister is very fuckable
was. she had children.
not mine btw.
Your fucked up my nigga
if she looks like pic, yeah it's normal.
Well she is 36 - 37 biologically. Her birthdate wasn't recorded correctly due to being seperated and other things. She's suppose to be 41 but that's impossible. How can your brothers be 4-5 years younger than you when you were triplets? Explained a lot of medical questions though.
you are over-complicating your story. thats a big sign you are back tracking and trying to explain your mistake in your now obviously fake story.
shame on you user. leave the incest to the people who have actually done it.
kek. you have to go back.
Well at least I know if I ever seduce her I'd be the luckiest 18 yr old alive.
estupido. no todos somos americanos aqui.
The wall just got 10 ft. higher.
make it 20. i dont even live in the EEUU.
Sounds nice. Best I've done is a cousin I used to make out with when we were in high school.
how old were you guys when you started?
i was 19. she was almost 13.
It's normal to find my sister attractive. She's a hottie.
Yours is a feral jawbeast and you should seek counseling.
Damn. I suppose you were her first then?
yes. i was.
make a move faggot. if she's attractive to you and you're not a fat neckbeard then she probably doesn't have a bf for a reason
When we were teenagers, my sister used to take a shitton of sexy pictures of herself in underwear every week, and then deleted them within a day. This was before instagram and smartphones with decent cameras. Used to take her sd card and used recovery software to get hundreds of pics. Eventually deleted them all when it stopped being fun, so no proof. She stopped when she was about 20. I used to whack off to her whilst wearing one of her bras and panties. Sometimes I put on a dress and high heels. Fuck that was hot.
I hear the FBI is looking for good men like yourself.
Jews also love to drink water, does that mean that only Jews drink water?
Scat porn is prominent in Brazil and Japan, both countries that aren't cucked by Jews (yet). There has been scat porn coming out of those countries that date back for decades. Just because jews are also into scat porn doesn't mean that scat porn is a Jewish thing, fucking retard.
Hitler says you're right, but are you really that butthurt about your disgusting fetish being labeled as Jewish?
Also, he didn't even say "only Jews like scat porn." He mentioned that Jews like scat, and therefore Jewesses would be up for crazy shit.
Maybe learn to read before you open your mouth, fucking retard.
more stories please
t. only child
Why live?