"Donald & Hobbes"

>2016. Leftist kikes, using the very same comic, try to push another venue for slandering the God Emperor and in doing so completely fucking miss the point

Why does this happen, Holla Forums? What can we do to stop it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Let them make these shoops, calvin was a very intelligent child satan.

I'm afraid that's not the Holla Forums way user.


Calvin had a point. In a degenerated society, sometimes you have to make do.



Someone tell Zylkon Ben.

Watterson hated any and all mainstream attention towards his work.

I am currently memeing for Bill and Ben to make Comics Great Again!



The comix dream team


Oh man, I can smell the paper.

Watterson was wise to SJWs even before they were a mainstream presence. See pic related.

Keep up the great work user

Leftists blowing it out of the park again with their intellectually inclined satire

somebody shoop this one



Make pro-donald c&h propaganda

First meeting of G.R.O.S.S. shall come to order.



I don't have a stomach for people messing with Calvin and Hobbes. Leave Watterson and his finished work alone. Forever. There's no good reason to taint it with our modern degenerate world. He would be furious at this.


this is a good idea






I grew up on this shit, and it was the best redpill content I could ever ask for. It's pure genius with or without him. It makes me cringe enough seeing all those hicks with window stickers of Calvin pissing on stuff.
Watterson's content is poignant and insightful enough to stand on its own without any need for photoshopping.


Bill's a smart guy. He knew what was up.

Jesus Christ my sides

I like what everyone's doing but I can't stop feeling that editing Calvin & Hobbes is heresy.


Bill Watterson hated SJWs and PC Liberal faggots, and the whole entitlement mindset. His comics were full of examples of this.

You hot topic progressives are so retarded observing your behavior causes me physical pain.

Humans are scum.


This time the leftists have gone too far! Too fucking far!

Calvin And Hobbes was one of the biggest solaces in my childhood against the sadness and the loneliness, and now these regressive faggots are appropriating this masterpiece of art for their own propaganda?!

The most insulting thing of all is the fact that Bill Watterson himself despises people hijacking his comics for their own gains. He has openly refused any use of his IP for merchandise all throughout his career, because he is actually an artist, not a salesman or a politician. If you ever see a C&H t-shirt, it's always a counterfeit.

And now these subhuman pieces of shit are dragging his art through the mud for their own gain!

I can contain this rage! Fuck these motherfuckers! Fuck everything! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!


I agree. Calvin & Hobbes are to me what Muhammad is to the Muslims.

That goes for you Holla Forumsacks as well. Please don't do this. This is genuinely insulting.

Saying shit like that will only make Holla Forums wanna do it more.
Learn from Ben

Bill is still around you know, but he's extremely shy.

I'd be amazing to get his take on the election.

But Zyklon Ben is hilarious.

Tainting Calvin & Hobbes, on the other hand, is not hilarious; it's downright sacrilegious.

I can't force your hand. I can only say that I don't approve.

I only ever made one edit to one of his comics, and it was pretty damn minimal and perfectly fitting.

This shit is going to have the opposite effect and only going to polarise more people to the right. A lot of people out there consider Calvin & Hobbes to be literally sacred. Using them for political gain is going too far.

Are they all mentally ill or just children? This is not even 9gag tier.


Don't get me wrong, I agree with the politics of your edit, but I still don't approve of it.

Regardless of how good your intention is, editing Calvin & Hobbes is just wrong.

This was actually funny and actually kind of fit since it was largely talking about the same thing having the same effect on society, but twisting or editing anything beyond this is just wrong.


You know what my biggest issue with this is?

Like with so many things libshits do, the sheer unbridled laziness of it.

If I wanted to co-opt Calvin And Hobbes to attack Hillary with (I wouldn't in the first place, I have too much respect for Watterson for that), I'd draw Hillary faces for the various panels. I'd rewrite selective pieces of dialogue to fit the tone better.

But here, they just lazily pasted Trump's face onto a CAH strip and called it a day. Then no doubt uploaded it to Reddit to bask in adulation for their low-effort attempt.

Fuck these people, this is why they keep losing.

Before Trump, I honestly thought I'd never vote in a general election and NEVER EVER vote in a primary.

If we don't continue to have worthwhile candidates after Trump, I'll probably go back to not voting.

I understand his intention was to harp on people who don't actually follow politics, but I do in fact follow them and I know that voting for Jeb Bush just because I hate Hillary Clinton more isn't going to get us anywhere.


I thought this cuckservative line of thought was wiped out on Holla Forums

Nigger, it's Calvin and Hobbes. At least let those of us that remember the 80s and 90s have that.

Gotta admit, Squirrelfucker is the superior choice.


Normally I would agree, but Calvin and Hobbes is like the Holy of Holies. You just don't fuck with it, ever, for any reason. Heresy doesn't even begin to describe it.

Don't compare this to cuckservativism. This is not about appeasing the opposition, this is about principles.

ya, choking a defenseless secretary is pretty low

Also a better choice than pig fucker.

Don't worry fellow #jebmissle! We Slow and steady wins the race war

Hey Holla Forums, the raid is over. Brexit happened. We won. You lost.

The thing about the situation is that only Trump could have pulled it off. He is literally the only person in the world who could have done what he has done. The combination of being filthy rich so he doesn't need donor money, a social genius who can outwit every political strategist in America with a single tweet, a celebrity and household name, and actually understanding and caring about the problems facing America (and the entire Western world). Nobody else has all these qualities, so nobody else could have accomplished this.

Man, you must really fail at reading comprehension.

I just insulted Cameron, who recently resigned in disgrace to boot.

I dunno, you'd think there must be a scenario where a not-shit candidate could get funding by not-shit rich people, and then win.

It doesn't have to be a Billionaire to start with, it just made it easier/more likely.

You need to beat her over the head until she dies instead. Then you get your own show on MSNBC


Damn that is one redpilled comic.

Wow. All of modern shitlibism btfo in one comic strip.



Oh that takes me back

Do you want your memories to die?


Is that your final answer?


If someone does this one, he needs to turn into batman in the final panel.

I was actually thinking of trump in the last panel


Maybe Bill is clairvoyant.

I'm not anywhere near talented enough to pull off coherent edits anyway.

The C&H snowmen ones are probably my favourite.

literally the best gif ive ever seen

if you made this user, i'd bake you a cake

Just for you.

Delete this.

What, like, he puts on a Trump mask? eh.

I think the batman meme has been underutilized, but that's just me.
Hell, that video was so long ago, people have probably forgotten about it.


Media, along with a few other fields, are dominated by Jews/Globalists/Liberals/SJWs/Communists (take your pick).

Nothing. All of these liberal stronghold communities are by their nature made up of various intellectual elites. You have to work very hard (and shamelessly suck the liberal cock) to get into them in the first place. They are also elitist in their language and behavior.

Most people are stupid, intellectually lazy, and uneducated. The high and mighty rhetoric does not appeal to them. Once the college loan bubble pops, these self hating commie dinosaurs will finally be left alone to die out.


Okay, that was actually kinda funny.

It's still heretical though.



I doubt it will be the same. Times change.


Isn't he a recluse like Alan Moore?

Forget Calvin and Hobbes, we should be "improving"

The guy that did Space Moose actually had to change his name to get an academic job.

I am seriously going to try to pick up the collection tomorrow. I had no idea it was so good, since I hadn't read it since I was a child.

Wise choice, user.

If for some reason you can only afford one, I recommend The Authoritative. They're all amazing though.

since we are talking red pilled comic strips
i highly recommend dilbert
also check out scott adams blog (creator of dilbert) he writes about trumps persuasive skills

hey satan

read sinfest

it was made by a happa fan of calvin and hobbes that eventually went full SJW

whatch his descent into madness with Holla Forums

By making our own quality Tin Tin like comic books and getting kids to read those, instead of left-wing productions.

Or we could just sit around shit posting…


One thing that has always confused me, is that when I told some friends of mine that I liked Calvin and Hobbes, they looked at me strange and said that Calvin and Hobbes was a highly political and polarized. When I asked for explanations, they never provided any.

Are they just dumb? Am I being trolled or was Calvin and Hobbes really that political?

It's like he knew all along.
Are Calvin and Hobbes the prophesies of Kek?

They may have been confused with Doonsbury by Gary Weedman, which is overtly left.

Bloom County might have been too, but I found it more surreal.

Here, there are too many relevant panels:


Why not fuck with Doonsbury instead

They're almost certainly thinking of Bloom County, it was huge at the time, and it's easy to get it confused with C&H because the main characters and mostly children and animals. It could be overtly political sometimes.

Doonsbury is god awful and I swear the artist can only draw 1 facial expression.

It's like CTRL ALT DEL for people who jacked off to Clinton tonguing a sax.

He actually made a handful of political cartoons before Calvin and Hobbes.

Here's one. Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter BTFO.


I really doubt this forced shit will possibly make a difference. Don't make it a back and forth of destroying these strips. It's just not worth it. Wait until reddit makes an actually threatening meme.

Alright, that one made me chuckle. I'll be fair.

I honestly think you guys should shame the fuck of the people who shame these comics. While those that made it won't feel shame, other neutral parties looking at this can and will view the people who made the comic edits in a negative light and at the same time be more open to Trump.

If one will not stoop to their level they should make the other side pay for ever going down there in the first place.

Bloom County was some great 80's political commentary, and I'd definitely say Breathed is more right than left. I highly recommend it to any Holla Forumslacks that like C&H. The only exception is the couple strips were he cucked about Apartheid. Pretty based, otherwise.

Not even that, (((Trudeau))) doesn't even draw his own comics!!! He hasn't for decades. Just spits out uninformed opinions and makes other people do the work for his lazy ass.

good fuck, satan, you're reminding me of muh childhoods.
>lib parents didn't want me to read these

And now marxists are taking over this gem

got a good chuckle out of me

I grew up on calvin and hobbes. The last strip always gives me the feels every time i read it. From calvins disappointmemt with his beanie to his spaceman spiff coping mechanism for a schoolhouse atmosphere that is poison for little boys. If liberals want to try and co opt calvin and hobbes then i just wont fucking look at it. Not even to jeer at it on Holla Forums. M

Fuck these useless cunts for selling our nation out

Bill the Cat always watched over our typewriter and PETs in the yearbook office.

Ben, I told you before I bought Rogue Cartoonist!

They don't understand that Calvin's childishness is endearing. If you're mocking someone by substituting them into an existing story or form, don't make them into the main character! C'mon.

This comes right from Reddit and Imgur where they pretend to like 'Calvin & Hobbes' for some fucking unknown reason, probably something to do with LE NERD CULTURE XD.

Sweet fucking Jesus that satire is on point.

Doonesbury is a perfect representation of that certain sort of leftist baby boomer. You know the type, just the worst.

You should not stop idiots behaving like idiots. - they are magnitude more dangerous if they are hiding.

Make them fuck up even worse and you are winning the situation if you explain the idiotism to your mates.

Wow. No offense, but your parents fucking suck.

Trying to hinder your child from reading C&H is borderline bad parenting.

he wasn't alone



Uh, you don't get to bring friends.

Agreed. WVfag here. It's bad enough these rednecks use Calvin's image to "piss on" Ford and Chevy logos.


I have Night of the living Mary Kays in my room, fucking love Opus

top tier .gif