Post your favorite song.
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That song is edgy as fuck with no quality, is not even "qt", demetori is better and if you wanna edgy transbianic stuff just go for cradle of filth.
Pure fedora edgyness, but at least is qt, check lyrics please.
The moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait
soft winds whisper the bidding of trees
as this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart
and the midnightmare trampling of dreams
but on, no tears please
fear and pain may accompany death
but it is desire that shepherds it's certainty
as we shall see…"
She was divinity's creature
that kissed in cold mirrors
a queen of snos
far beyond compare
lips attuned to symmetry
sought her everywhere
dark liqoured eyes
an arabian nightmare…
She shone on watercolours
of my pondlife as pearl
until those who couldn't have her
cut her free of this world
That fateful eve when…
the trees stank of sunset and camphor
their lanterns chased phantoms and threw
an imquisitive glance, like the shadows they cast
on my love picking rue by the light of the moon
Putting reason to flight
or to death as their way
they crept through woods mesmerized
by the taffeta ley
of her hips that held sway
over all they surveyed
save a mist on the rise
(a deadly blessing to hide)
her ghost in the fog
They raped left…
(five men of god)
…her ghost in the fog
Dawn discovered her there
beneath the cedar's stare
silk dress torn, her raven hair
flown to gown her beauty bared
was starred with frost, i knew her lost
i wept 'til tears crept back to prayer
She'd sworn me vows in fragrant blood
"never to part
lest jealous heaven stole our hearts"
Then this i screamed:
"come back to me
i was born in love with thee
so why should fate stand inbetween?"
And as i drowned her gentle curves
with dreams unsaid and final words
i espied a gleam trodden to earth
the church bell tower key…
The village mourned her by the by
for she'd been a witch
their men had longed to try
and i broke under christ seeking guilty signs
my tortured soul on ice
A queen of snow
far beyond compare
lips attuned to symmetry
sought her everywhere
trappistine eyes
an arabian nightmare…
She was ersulie possessed
of a milky white skin
my porcelain yin
a graceful angel of sin
And so for her…
the breeze stank of sunset and camphor
my lantern chased her phantom and blew
their chapel ablaze and all locked in to a pain
best reserved for judgement that their bible construed…
Putting reason to flight
or to flame unashamed
i swept form cries
by the taffeta ley
or her hips that held sway
over all those at bay
save a mist on the rise
a final blessing to hide
her ghost in the fog
And i embraced
where lovers rot…
her ghost in the fog
Her ghost in the fog
Here's some melodic death because you're a faggot.
Then read my post again and stop missing the subject please, i said, literally:
I never said it was a masterpiece or something like that, those stupid tactics are ok for women in 3d world, not here.
No, its far more complex, less repetitive and at least that faggot try to do something, your shit is babymetal tier, but poorer. Fun fact, you can separate that transbianic crap from cradle in parts and they can be compared with the entire song you posted.
Btw, i talked about demetori too.
Actually, hearing it again it isnt that bad, but it still fails like emperor i am the wizards, its like they have decent elements, but they cant "glue" them properly, like "cool" scenes in that overrated piece of shit called attack on the titan.
Fuck off with your low tier bait or get off your crack pipe.
A song can be as repetitive/simple as you want it to be and it isn't a valid argument.
Also your a complete faggot. What is the genre drone? Drone is literally a genre built around repetition. Embed related. It's as simple/repetitive as it gets. How do you suppose you rate it? 0/10 for it being simple and repetitive?
english version
Gotta love this song.
Long but keeps me interested.
Never tried that pot head, again, i talked about demetori, i used cof as an insult.
Said the rappist to the gospel lady…
They are more valuable as "background" pothead, one hour of that thing just for enjoy the music? no thanks, still you are missing the point, they arent trying to be edgy and qt as fuck at the same time, drone never tried that, it isnt "presumptuous", thats for Beethoven.
So close… just 5.
That drummer is a fucking berserker tho
r8 me m8
sounds bad man
You have no clue what you are talking about mate.
You are struggling to make any sense.
Was that supposed to be some stupid joke? Because it's pretty autistic.
You simply can not grasp context can you?
LOL you can't even type coherently. Go back to school kid.
tyty. gonna go off myself for being a music pleb
get off the thread, you normie fuck
No, i talked about demetori, then i use cradle of transbianism as an insult, the problem started when you ignored the thing about demetori and talked about cof like it was the best evar 4 me.
I am trying to get at your level, sorry mate.
Said the guy that mixed everything…
Kid, there is music for the music and music for other things.
I like it.
The song that always makes me feel lonely in a comfy sort of way.
u wot m8
Hey owl city user, hows it going?
Came to post this, but I prefer the string version.
Not a huge fan of large symphonies, but I do enjoy that in symphony. A string quartet sounds a bit better tho imo. The feeling of solitude lends itself better with smaller groups.
This arrangement by Matthew Naughtin is fantastic.
technically not a song. I do like me some Debussy though
aha you guys need some brutal things, this is way too calm