What did he mean by this?
Porn and its ready access via computers have changed social courting as well as grooming customs of women and men...
What did he mean by this?
what did you mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
porn is for degenerates
t. stereotypical Holla Forumsack who secretly watches porn
I stop watching porn when I got a girlfriend. Now I fuck her instead of my hand and actually feel good about it.
nice LARPing
As long as it's used appropriately. We all have our vices. Drugs, cigs, porn, dude weed lmao. It all only becomes degenerate once it becomes part of your lifestyle or when it starts affecting other parts of your life.
hard drugs however are always degenerate and are a good way at removing dindus and idiots from the gene pool
t. actual Holla Forumsack
It won't kill you like heroin but all the people I know who smoke weed are lazy and dumb. They pretty much have no drive. They aren't even massive stoners, I'm convinced it slowly makes you dumber.
Nice try, Chaim.
Weak logic skills bro
feminism has effectively fucked up a woman's biology and made men less attractive within the past decade.
and then with men:
Not to mention smartphones have crippled socializing even among the normalfags. There's more here I'm missing, but the point is it's no surprise men turn to porn. The hassle to get worn out pussy that's overpriced for the product sold is too much.
Are there women out there who are good for relationships? For sure, but they are buried beneath rivers of toxic, radioactive muck that is the modern american woman.
Sadly this is true. The current generations of men able to procreate are going to either have to wait until their 30-40s to have children with men up to 40 I think is fine, after that it increases chances of defects, but fuck it we can have children until the day we die if healthy or wait until robowaifus and artificial wombs. Men can raise children by themselves though they'll be strongly more independent and generally more aggresive (which is a positive). The only problem is that the modern courts ALWAYS favor women in most cases, minus addicted whores. If the women cheats, she probably gets the kids, and car too in most cases.
European women who move to America are generally redpilled. Though they are still very altruistic when it comes to the JQ and racial questions. Definitely more traditional though. Along with some honorary aryans, but they too even have their own problems of being controlling. Plus racemixing is bad. Hopefully Trump's America will reshape the educational system and remove all the leftists from positions of power and indoctrination. Less feel good bullshit and nothing but the facts and reality need ot be taught.
Education ends where the student's feelings begin, and that needs to stop.
Most men*
There are plenty of decent grills out there, they are just hard to find because they are lost in the sea of normal faggotry.
TFW not LARPing
Just stay away from women. Stick to porn/anime. If that gets totally cucked by the regressive left in the coming years, just stick to older anime/porn.
Drugs, cigs, porn, and weed are all bad for you. If it causes more downsides than good you should partake in it
Who is this MGTOWINO?