Hey, Holla Forums, why aren't you all over this?:

Hey, Holla Forums, why aren't you all over this?:

tl;dr SJWs get one of the most known names in JavaScript uninvited from a conference because he "would make people feel uncomfortable."

Other urls found in this thread:


Not surprised, at all. Crockford is a hands down, no-bullshit type of guy who is not afraid to call people (or their ideas) stupid. Node.js confirmed for cucked platform.

Also, Reddit apparently doesn't like Crockford ("blowhard", "arrogant"), so he got a +1 on my book.

Fuck, I'm just going to have to sit this one out. On one hand, removing people for things like that is bullshit. On the other hand, I want everyone involved in making JavaScript what it is today to feel extreme amounts of pain. I can't decide who's side to take in this situation.

Crockford is a straightforward and honest person (even though he's mostly working on JS, wish he spent his time more on actual programming languages' development). SJWs do not like honest people.



because we're not some underage ni/gg/ers

These people are just attention starved, bored simpletons.
The fat tranny is obviously begging for dick.
I remember when he was obviously posting here on Holla Forums and /g/ the last time was starting shit, what with the eggplant emojis.

Needs to get a boyfriend who'll fuck him in the ass, so he isn't so bored and starved for attention to resort to shit like this.

Jesus fucking christ, the social justice mania keeps blowing my mind, even though after years of seeing their shit I shouldn't be surprised anymore.

I have no trouble believing that they themselves are too far gone in their own madness to see how wrong their behavior is, but how is it possible that their shit is getting this deeply nested into the tech community. A community which you'd expect be filled with logical thinking people. This isn't like occupy wallstreet.

How the fuck can this happen. We've been warned against this shit by both writers and research, but it's still happening.

Man I hate feeling powerless against this madness (while being accused of the opposite by those in control).

Because it's cool and socially desirable to be into "tech" these days.
AFAICT it pretty much started with a certain gonad at a Cupertino fruit company, and spread from there.

Kill yourself.


> --With the word "promiscuous" TAKEN OUT OF PROGRAMMING CONTEXT by the accuser

That's it, I'm out.

The juggalo that got Crockford banned.

Spineless nerds who think that if they bend to the cult of niceness then people will like them. And who doesn't want to be liked? Being a programmer is not really a very sexy occupation, you don't get the "manliness" or a construction worker from sitting at a desk all day. You also don't get the joint problems of a construction worker, but that's usually ignored. Then some rainbow-haired sirens begin whispering into your ear that you could be so popular if only you did these small little things. Change your speech, let them be in charge of the community, you get the deal. And you will be so popular, so many women will want to enter the field and they will all be interested in you.

Of course those women (a good chunk of which are men) are the worst people imaginable. If they weren't, if they actually cared about computer technology, they wouldn't be triggered by words like "finger" or "touch" or that it's called a "manpage" instead of a "personpage". It's just an excuse to get some easy work, instead of doing something actually useful you just sit there and occasionally run a word filter on the codebase and call yourself a social activist.

I don't give a shit about being popular. I have been hated pretty much since the day I was born (not exaggerating here, but not by my parents) and I don't care about being popular. I'd rather have five people I can call friends and tell the rest of the world to fuck off, then be a spineless cuck to please a hundred people.

user, if you aren't well liked you should work on this, because being well-liked means that you will have more access to resources within the expanded-tribal structure of humanity today.

Just the thought of these things existing is nauseating.

I no longer care. Shit's been going so much for so long that I'm just grateful I can keep to my little bubble with no outsiders fucking it up.

Apparently a lot of people are calling them out for their shit on HN, of all places, right now.
On the front page there's a story titled "Inclusitivity is a joke" after the last two Crockford stories were buried off the front page.

Looks like the fat tranny who's so attention starved for dick went a little too far this time and people are calling them out for what they are.

Take your own advice kid, and off yourself


"Why I won’t be speaking at conferences with Douglas Crockford anymore."

pure comedy gold,is this really what the hipster tech world is like?

Call me crazy, but maybe we could make the most of this? Webdev faggots are literally the cancer of technology, Tumblr ruins some poor individual bastard's life now and then but they don't force the rest of us to center technology around their convoluted, broken garbage and turn an entire fucking web browser package into a simple chat program because bottom up design is so hard.

Why not let the blue haired whales lynch them before putting the kibosh on the SJW fad? No more Node, no more Electron, no more Angular, no more machine bogging cancer. Then we kick them out.

Kek frowns upon you.


These are the times you can feel lucky to like C. The nearest thing to a C community is the Freenode channel, and it's not as cancerous as this.

tub-o-lard, pls

Please go back to Reddit or 9gag or something.

We see through you are clever ruse friendo. How did you find this place?


Nice projection nigger, but backing a guy up who got unfairly banned from something because some bitch got triggered doesn't make you a gaymergate faggot.

And not just that, the people who use it to make really retarded and shitty UIs too.

I know your pain user.

No need to read any further, really

(((M-x Kas-Perch)))

I only bow to Ammit.

The goddess lain is the only true deity.