Post Jims
Post Jims
I suck cock on feminists
yeah why are you cucked?
My son is a fag
Kys Jim.
This fat fuck broguth pig shit to 8cuck and sees himself as a savior.
Everybody is Josh and a pedo.
Pic related: Jim's vision of an image board.
This fat fuck will ban on random and he's not ashamed. He's a raging maniac who bought this website from a sick starving midget to make a fortune off of it. He will remove anything he can get away with and he will shill in anonymous. He even does so on his own "image blog".
We love you Jim. Where did you get the hat?
pedos deserve to be banned.
The only maniacs are them and the cucks that support them.
There is nothing to profit off of here, to say that is not only irrational but is devoid of any basis in reality.
Try harder pedofag.
Fuck off, cultural marxist faggots.
Those were not pedos.
Pedos didn't go on a wild censorship spree, Jim. You're the raging maniac.
People not surrendering to censorship are not the cucks. Keep sucking those feminist cocks.
Jim, you're the definition of irrational. Being a tard is no excuse.
Jim can't keep getting away with molesting little asian boys. We must stop this monster from hurting more children.
It's not about speaking bad about the moderation, I mean if you have reasonable and coherent arguments than by all means. But the fact of the matter is, you do not have any facts or basis in reality for these arguments. You just shitpost incessantly because you got your filthy rathole of a board removed and no one likes you.
You do however, realize this fact; you are not liked and you are even hated.
That's why you try to force your point of view by kicking and screaming like the little children you never stopped being mentally.
Ya know, the same pol that you get kicked off of every time you try to make a positive pedo thread. You aren't going to garner any sympathy or support that way.
In fact that's the strategy of (((some people))) I know.
Doubt it, every screen cap that you guys point to as evidence of moderation abuse, is nearly always some pedo who shits up the thread with CP or lolis or just does what is going on in this thread, which is shitpost and samefag. All the while calling whoever disagrees with them "jim".
Yes they did, they spammed Holla Forums for over a year now and have driven many good posters away. Look fag, you have no freedumbs to post scantily clad little girls, get it through your grease laden skull.
This has nothing to do with feminists and entirely to do with worthless pedos (you) trying to start a one man crusade for the reprehensible desire of kids.
Kill yourself.
Irrational is spamming a board till it's utter shit because you don't get to post your psudo-CP anymore.
I have made many arguments about why Jim is a horrible admin (purging IPs, forcing his shitty news+ board on the site, being computer illiterate, using laws that are obsolete, pretending to promote free speech etc..) but I was just called a pedo, like everyone else. There's no point. You are even implying that I am a pedo with this very post. Find something new, you are completely transparent.
Which word? Cultural Marxism? That term didn't come from Holla Forums you illiterate piece of garbage. Holla Forums isn't the only board that uses the term. It's been around longer than the internet itself. By automatically calling someone a pedo if they disagree with the moderation, you are literally using cultural Marxist tactics. Just like if you hate Islam, you're an islamophobe/xenophobe, if you hate fags you're a homophobe, if you hate feminism you're a misogynist etc… All of this is a product of cultural Marxism.
So you covered yourself by changing it to nearly? You're so fake, Jim. Pic related.
Yes they did, they spammed Holla Forums for over a year
Yet another lie by you, Jim.
Before your gorilla rage nobody spammed because of you and pedos mostly kept to themselves. After you showed yourself the spam has only been legal pics and from the people I know who's been spamming none are pedos. If you see spam as censorship then you should be happy because it ain't stopping.
Except they cucked you, Jim.
Your mental level does not give you permission to dictate what words mean.
Funny thing how most of them are coming from someone who just wants to post pictures of underage people to jerk it to.
There has been no evidence that jim is doing anything to hinder free speech, save for the way pedos have been treated. Which has been completely justified. When pedos were asked to roll it back to their own board, their reaction was to spam the fuck out of Holla Forums and make it a point to say "if you don't give me what I want, I will spam". They put the site at risk of getting taken down because they would frequently post actual CP that had to be taken down. The pedos actively put down free speech by putting the entire site at risk for the sake of their perversion.
Because you have no argument.
No shit, maybe if you actually read what I said
I'm not asserting that the term originated there, I am saying you are using it to appear to be on the side of them or seem reasonable to them.
You are trying to gain the validity you lack, but it fails because everyone sees through such an obvious virtue signal.
There are perfectly rational reasons to not agree with jim and not spam the fuck out of a board. Or jimpost for no other reason than you're angry with jim. But these methods are lost to you because your mind is addled.
The motivation behind this irrational rage is because you do not get to put your perversion on display for all those to see.
And I wonder what the posting history of that user would reveal about him?
On top of that, I'd like to point out that exceptions do not violate the rule.
The rule: pedos get banned.
The exception: non-pedos are banned for bad reasons.
Another lie, by (you).
I have been on Holla Forums since the first exodus and witnessed firsthand the kenndi, travis, and ponyfag spam. All of it happened once pedos got told to reel it back and they did not. No surprise there.
Sorry I am not like you pedos and do not enjoy censorship like you do.
You cucked yourself.
Than you'll die of your cheeto induced coma, or when the FBI raids you for all the CP on the USB under your bed.
See, you're just using the same cop out. "Lol they are just buttmad pedos". You didn't even touch the actual claims I made against Jim.
This is why trying to argue that Jim is a horrible mod is worthless, and you wonder why people just shitpost instead of arguing? You are the reason.
You must live in a bubble. Holla Forums aren't the only ones who constantly call out cultural Marxists. Libertarians and classical liberals do it all of the time, all over the internet. As you may or may not know, Holla Forums despises libertarians and classical liberals.
There's no point continuing this "discussion".
No, user was banned for THAT post.
These are not exceptions. These are THE RULE.
I have shown you what you do, Jim. Prove me wrong. Prove your claims.
Either way, banning people you don't like is not acceptable and it's not like we're going to just disappear by now. Do you think?
I have backed up my claims. Your turn, Jim.
So you ban and delete for fun? How about explaining why that user needed that ban. You chose to ignore everyone. How about answering now.
I have already shown you don't know the word.
Jim told me to hide it, I don't think it's CP.