Scripting in game engines

Why do you guys don't consider scripting in game engines programming?

I've read a lot of opinions like this, you hear someone praise pygame for python, or love 2d but hear someone else shit on game maker and unity. You do know that you still have to make shit work right? You don't just drag and drop some stupid bullshit that makes the game logic for you.

As someone who is learning programming just to make games I don't actually care about going in the very deep roots of engines unless I really have too, it's not that I am lazy. But I really do not want to spend a year or two just making some complex engine when I just want to make my game already, if this was 10 years ago sure I'd make an engine but now I don't have to learn that.

I feel literally offended when I spend hours writing all my scripts figuring out how to optimize the hell out of my game while still making it more complex and some retard who can't do fizz buzz tells me that I'm not programming because I am using GML.


What the fuck did you just fucking type about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at MIT, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids with Anonymous, and I have over 300 confirmed DDoSes. I am trained in online trolling and I’m the top hacker in the entire world. You are nothing to me but just another virus host. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on the Internet, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with typing that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we chat over IRC I am tracing your IP with my damn bare hands so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your computer. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can hack into your files in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in hacking, but I have access to the entire arsenal of every piece of malware ever created and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the world wide web, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking fingers. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit code all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

I've never seen anyone say this before?

I've seen it in threads where people ask what to make games with, people recommend making your own to 'learn real programming'.

Post your algorithms if you're so good.

I've only used pathfinding algorithms and common sense in not fucking shit up with memory leaks

I would tell you the exact name of my game but honestly I don't wanna associate a complaining thread to it, but it was not easy to make and it is actually pretty complicated

And whats so great about that?

Nothing? It got the job done, but someone had to write the code. I just didn't had to do it from scratch.

Well then maybe if you want some respect for your "coding" skills you should try doing something impressive.

I don't want respect for my coding, I just want to say that I don't just drag and drop a button and make a game because I have an engine. It's still programmer thinking even if you aren't making the next GTA.

Is it? Post some of your stuff and we'll see if your thinking at all.

I can't, don't wanna associate my game with this thread. If you consider this as proof that I got no experience then whatever I guess, I lose. I suppose I should let people keep thinking that love 2d/pygame is somehow magically programming and scripting in unity or game maker isn't.

top kek kid

Yeah yeah

But scripting is programming...

Who cares? Be less offended and write more cool stuff like that C64 emulator Mike.Dailly wrote or all the cool 3D stuff theSivart and Snidr did. I use GML regularly, but I use ENIGMA because YoYo completely break Game Maker regularly, Game Maker is proprietary and ENIGMA makes faster executables.

Why the fuck do you care? Does it somehow affect your game if some uppity austists won't consider your choice of programming language worthy of their approval?

Get a grip

That's just faggot dickwaving with some conflation about what "engine" means. In any case making your own engine before you've ever made a game is fucking stupid because you have no real grasp of what it needs to support and how. You'll make a poorly performing piece of shit with gimmicks no one asked for.



\( \) aaaaaaaaaaaa




But I do fam

It's like you're are not even trying OP.

I've been practicing integrating Lua with C/C++ for games.

For an open source game, does it make sense to do this? Modders would already have direct access to the source. I've been thinking about it, and I think it would really only make sense for an MMO, so the server doesn't need to go down while changing behavior.

I'm making an Animal Crossing clone, and my plan was to script AI and behavior using events and Lua scripts. I'm thinking I could probably just make all scripts in C by subscribing function pointers as callbacks for events. When the event function is called, it passes an event struct to all subscribed callbacks.

Are you really trusting your modders to handle C correctly, or expecting your users to recompile every time they want to install a mod?

Don't expect much.

Take a look at Minetest and Emacs.

They have all the performance-critical and low-level stuff as engines in C++ and C respectively, and they have the rest implemented in Lua and Elisp respectively. This makes modding/writing extensions really easy and powerful because you get access to all the same features the creators had when they wrote half the program. You can copy parts out of the official program and modify them and run them without even a compiler. There's a huge library of real-world useful example modding code that's actually just the vanilla program.

Modders will be able to work with plain C, but it becomes much more accessible with Lua. You'll get more modders and better mods that way.

You are doing it backwards.
Call C from Lua, not the other way around.
If you make this adjustment, it's a fine plan, but probably overkill by a factor of 10. Unless you really need C's performance (you probably don't) you can just do it all in Lua. Look at love2d.

Sorry, didn't read the entire post before replying. If you want to make an animal crossing clone Love2d obviously won't work. Have you considered Godot? It does 3d fairly well from what I've read, uses a python like scripting language, and the engine is written in C++. You should really consider something like this instead of rolling your own unless you want to make an engine and not a game.

I've also considered that. I could write path finding and collision detection in C, and link to it in Lua. I think there's already hooks for SDL2 for Lua somewhere also.

I'd prefer it to be 2D.

On an unrelated note: would it be odd to use SQLite for storing character names, dialogue, and personality traits? It may have benifits over using flat JSON files.

That's your problem. Stop being a professional victim feminazi and learn to appreciate your own work instead of needing the approval of people from the internet that even you admit are retards.

Wait. You mean you want to do desktop applications and such on a game engine?

wincucks everyone

Good thing then, because that user proposed Godot for 3D, and Godot sucks at 3D (mainly due to lack of docs).

Honestly, I don't quite get why do you think you need C. 2D Animal Crossing seems like a really light game that could run at full speed in most if not all major programming languages. If you do nothing weird with your objects, not even GC should suffer. That is, you could make your game entirely in Lua with LÖVE and LuaJIT and experience negligible performance impact vs C with Lua.

Some people may cry "muh bloat!", but really, there is nothing wrong with this.