Hey Holla Forums.
What do you do when someone talk forever about shit that gets boring fast?
He just goes on and on. How do I tell him to shut the fuck up without having him act like a fucking 5 year old girl?
Hey Holla Forums.
What do you do when someone talk forever about shit that gets boring fast?
He just goes on and on. How do I tell him to shut the fuck up without having him act like a fucking 5 year old girl?
I don't need to read anything more, just go back.
stop hanging out with them
it's simple
just kill yourself, faggot
You can just admit that you have no reading comprehension. We won't pick on you.
What part of housemate do you not understand?
Well shit. Someone on the internet told me to kill myself.
What do I do?
since you seem to be incapable of telling some WoW nerd to shut the fuck up, you should really consider killing yourself.
You kill yourself. What else should you do?
You need to understand that I don't care about what you have to say. Reading comprehension has nothing to do with it. The fact is, you are an outsider, therefore you must be smashed.
Who said I am not already planning it out though?
Pretty sure you're just an idiot.
Get him to talk about or do something else? Might work.
Start jacking it every time he talks to you.
If he asks why tell him his tales arouse you.
You're just avoiding the point and saying "lol ur stupid". It's a typical non-argument made by someone from Reddit or 4chan.
if you were already planning it, you wouldn't worry about stupid shit like dumb people talking to you for an hour and you being retarded enough to listen to them.
This guy is a supreme autist. The most Aspergers of anyone I know. Talking to him always turns into a screaming match.
Possible solution. Kind of too weird tough. I appreciate the input though.
Has it not occurred to you that you are maybe correct and I really am actually from 4chan or Reddit and I am not arguing the fact that I am not with you because I know that you, with your superior intellect, would just win anyway?
I know I am correct, you retarded faggot. The point I am trying to make is that your point doesn't matter. The fact is, you are some spring chicken from Reddit and/or 4chan and you are trying to make an impression on this site, when you are just making an ass out of yourself. At first, I wasn't even trying to give you a helping hand, but it seems that these other retards that are responding to you are doing exactly that.
Point is: Lurk moar, you pathetic cuck faggot.
You stream it.
Again! There is your superior intellect! It is exactly why I came here!
I just need some of that intelligence to help me solve my life problems. I don't know why you are being so mean about it. It's almost like you hate e because I don't frequent chans!
I am sorry we got off on he wrong foot. I just really want your help.
When I have it completely laid out I just might.
It's not about intellect, you fucking retard. It's about experience.
Experience != Intellect
What are you, some kind of cultural Marxist faggot sent here to try and change the way of chan culture?
Get out of here, you slimy piece of shit.
Chans have a culture?
Reddit always told me half of you were neo nazis and the other half were intelligent thinkers.
Something about a left pole?
Are you one of those left polers?
Nice exit plan, fucking kike. I used to do the same thing when I was 14, like you
Oh shit. Looks like you finally have me.
I succeed. You win.
Please accept this picture of Justin Trudeau as a gesture of peace.
I accept your cuckoldry
I know right? Lol!
What is wrong with allowing your partner to be sexually satisfied?
Nothing, as long as your partner is a white girl, and you are placed in the corner where you belong, while I fuck her
As an intelligent thinking neo nazi I resent his post.
You have offended me and my tribe
Now you must pay
About three fiddy
Yeah, it annoys me sometimes too…but its not nice to not listen. People have feelings, you know? You have to understand that everyone is different. No two people are alike and, you know, you have to try, try, try to understand what it is that interest them about there own voice, You know, I have this alternate personality that, like, loves to spew pointless shit all over the net and gain attention from it and I just can't help it. But I'm glad that you have the common decency to ask how to react seeing as how you are…maybe a little dim. Its okay though, dim people can still function. Well, I only partially meant to call you dim…I think you're great for caring and not doing what most other people do. Sometimes people are so rude to me, you know? They call me things like "faggot" and "kike" and "nog" and "cuckfag" and tell me to go back to 1/2chan, but its okay. Btw, I don't even know where 1/2 Chan is but I guess they think I'm from somewhere in between China and California. So where is that place anyway? People are weird, they talk alot, but you have to worry about maintaining your freedom too…i hear they passed a law about not ending a conversation without a proper and accepted "good bye". But you're safe, you're a good neck beard and everyone likes you so they talk to you alot. Its GREAT………….
Fuck! Where is the fucking text field limit? I fucking tried people, I fucking tried to make it to the end of this race!
Are you a black man?
But I only have 2 bucks?
No, I am a white man and I am here to oppress you, and your wife's pussy, you fucking cuck fag.
She only likes letting black men fuck her.
She wouldn't allow you near er.
Then I would force my superior white cock upon her.
White cock is inferior!
are you a liberal?
Liberal progressive and proud!
Trump is literally Hitler! My wife even said so!
haha kewl, I'd like to fuck your wife in the asshole :^)
how am I gonna find copypasta materials that fast, shit?
Are you black?
nah, i'm white but I could wear blackface
is your wife black?
Just tell him that cataclysm was the only good expansion and he'll go away
That's pretty racist biggot.
Pretty sure he liked that one. We have a poster in our lougeroom…
Sounds like he really is an unbearable faggot
Only one option remains OP, use it well
Just gotta wait for the end of this apprenticeship then I should have enough cash to move out on my own.
Counting the days.
well i think you just answered your own question
…is it not that simple???
You dare insult one of the greatest RPGs to grace my childhood?
I can't wait for you faggots to be wiped from the Earth shortly and a real dark fantasy to become reality.
It's too late, faggot.
this meme needs to die.