After Brexit: The Opinion of One Meme Magician

In the aftermath of Brexit, there's been a huge amount of salt-mining going on for obvious reasons.
However, the waves and momentum of these leftist tears have the potential to build up into enemy strength. Strength to DO WHAT? That would be at the direction of the jewish meme magicians who oppose us.

What we can do about it:
Do not merely rile or persuade; Demoralize. We are past the age of the familiar trolling that we have become so familiar with over years of experience, it is time to project strength.

How to do this:
For now, flush from your mind all memes related to mocking how angry the enemy is. This strengthens their anger (perhaps into impotent burnout, perhaps into something useful for their controllers).

When the enemy complains about racism, you counter directly with the virtues of British sovereignty, and how no self-respecting country gives up control of its borders (or some variant).

When the enemy complains about the votes of old people, you label them a degenerate for so completely devaluing the wisdom of their elders, to the point that they would imply that their opinions are LESS valuable rather than more.

When the enemy complains about economic woes, you label them a coward, and mark how Britain is going to lead the whole of Europe out of globalist hegemony, and that the British will be remembered as heroes for starting that march. Then curse their weakness and unwillingness to suffer TEMPORARY hardship for such an important cause.

When the enemy espouses the virtues of "bringing the world together rather than creating barriers", you do NOT launch into a complicated denunciation. You label them "naive", or a "feckless utopian", or to be subversive, you point out that "diversity is only maintained in separation" and if you have the cheek, "Every national group needs safe spaces, including whites"


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I really don't think we need another thread on this, but this is a good idea. Why don't you try posting this advice in other threads on this topic?


polite sage

Don't need another thread on what?

This isn't a Brexit thread, this is about post-Brexit propaganda.

Also, my regular and timestamp dubs say that Kek wills it.

They'll try to have a re-run of the referendum, with hair-em-scare-em stories to ensure Remain.
I don't think it will work.
Right now they seem to be mostly shitting on Farage - blaming him for breaking a promise that somebody else made. I think they fear a huge surge for UKIP at the next election now that are Nige has proven his mettle.

Well, and these memes would help to safeguard against momentum towards that, because if there's truly HUGE public outcry, and it looks like turnout would go up 15% on a re-vote, they might pull that shit, hence you demoralize the enemy as Britons "Take their country back" in the memetic sense.

However, in purely practical terms, does it look like Boris will succeed Slippery?

There is this weird leftist meme that rich white people are the ones who want this, when that is the opposite. Elites want the EU so it is easier to exploit for profits while the working class wants the exit. I'm not sure what the best meme to disseminate this information is.

Good advice user.

Talk up Commonwealth trade. I have. Why the hell should there be tarrifs between England and Canada anyway, it's literally a City corporation.

Short-form for dealing with complete disinfo like that is a quick memetic killshot of extreme sarcasm.

And then whatever they say to argue the point, or call out your sarcasm, you completely agree in a way that makes their argument sound completely retarded.
This is also demoralizing. Enough so that it's worked on our shills, in my experience.

Addendum: I'm aware this point would seemingly contradict the OP, so let me just say: People spreading disinfo rather than earnest-but-shitty philosophy should be treated a bit more aggressively, but the larger point is to not lend the enemy strength through sadism.

Completely agree. This is the first true victory for Holla Forums and Modern Nationalism on a world stage. It's time to embody the virtues we aspire, Pride, Faith, and Victory.

Hail Victory

Bumping for Pride, Faith, and Victory.

Praise Kek.

So this but for brits?

Ehhhh, that seems to be more illustrating the difference in "odds".
Granted, there is a certain "man up" aspect that needs to be expressed here, but also bear in mind, I'm talking about "The Memes we spread" in the sense of the "units of culture" that we convey in every conversation, not just pictures that we hope will go viral.

Bumping for genetic war, OP is 100% correct.

This is a gigantic victory for Europe. We need to propagate our ambitions and make our future goals clear. This is only the beginning! We have the upper hand, now with a democratic victory. Utilize the momentum and current focus we now have to further the cause for European independence!

I agree with this sentiment 100%

Moving forward with mockery and snark works when we're the underdog, and staying at that level of engagement actively prevents us from stepping up our game.

Change the tones of your memes. Snarky humour can be swapped out for entitled confidence. And the memes can be dropped as a QED fuck you to the raging lefties who are still triggered.

I think just pointing out that the left talks about "democracy" all day, but then does not want to follow the wishes of 52% of the electorate, and put the UK back under UN-ELECTED BUREAUCRATS who make 60% of the UK's laws.

How can you be liberal and against democracy? ????

It would seem the concepts to embolden would be:

These will change their attitude from angry to hopeless, as they are ill equipped to fight battles other than that which they have meticulously specialized for

Reinforce their weakness back at them, most of them have low self esteem anyways

shut it down

You could say these would apply as the umbrella concepts to the arguments/memes I laid out in the OP.

However, be forewarned that if you apply these umbrella concepts WITHOUT backing them up with strongly asserted values like soverignty, patriotism, non-reliance, and a number of other arguments that might make you blush, a leftist opponent will most certainly fill in those blanks for you with their old chestnuts of racism, Nazism, ect.

The entire purpose of this exercise, one could say, is to avoid not only counter-productive sadism after our victory, but also to avoid post-victory squabbles in which we are having to DEFEND our victory, as this returns us swiftly to trolling out of habit (by our nature as anons).

TL;DR 2.0

You can't leave the EU fags, they won't let you

Or at least they're doing everything in their power to stop you

If Tories reneg, every Leave voter goes for UKIP.
You could debate that it would be worth it if they tried such a stupid stunt.


Asian here, wish you britbongs and nationalists out there the best.

God speed. I of a poorer Asian nation, one day wish to be able to stand up with you all with the pride of giants.