We have found the source to pure QTs get on a boat
Pure QTs
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The Japanese men are too busy fapping to anime and playing video games
No man alive, Japanese or otherwise could enter Akihabara and leave with his dignity intact
Asians are the biggest liars ever, its a well knowed fact that they use abortions like condoms, but nobody go to abortion clinics, so a lot of foreigners go to Japan for free abortions cause shit is like Sweden or they are the biggest liars ever.
Same goy, they even had a lot of complains from womyn ngos, sex slavery is common there, like incest and pedophilia, fun fact, its a matter of "national pride", their women dress like sluts since childs and the only real problem there are a bunch of tards fapping to toons or banging their fugly moms because dad is too busy buying presents for his 14 years old gf.
Sounds preferable to the west. Too bad you can't into it without being borned and raised there like Morrowind/:::/
Wtf, I wanna move to japan now.
that's a nice WeebHouse
You sound like rapefugees.
/not really. ??//::::///
1. Like most countries, at least half their women are ugly. Let's be generous and say maybe 44.2%.
2. Keep in mind this is a country that doesn't consider it prostitution unless coitus has taken place. This means it's legal to pay a girl a suck your dick, titfuck you and take it up the ass and you won't be considered to have had sex. This same mindset likely applies to some or all of that "pure" 44.2%.
3. The dictionary defines a virgin as "one who is pure and untouched" or "one who has not had sexual intercourse." Sexual intercourse is defined as "sexual contact between the male and female genitals, or sexual contact between one set of genitals and any part of another person's body." That is to say, a girl who's taken a load of cum in her mouth or onto her face can neither be considered pure nor a virgin.