No thread about the jewtube ad money drama
Other urls found in this thread:
... and anti net neutrality didn't censor your content, remember that. It was the same SJW, John Oliver types that came for your precious Google-hosted content.
This is the cost of having all eggs in one basket. We need people to realize that there's more to the net than google, facbook and reddit. We've reached a point where a few shitty companies literally control all conversation between a huge percent of people out there.
Putting all your eggs in one basket is a good idea, if it's a good basket.
Just replace it with a new basked every so often, because of natural wear and tear and social justice.
Always download the controversial video as soon as possible. People should have understood this a long time ago, but reiterating it is very important.
It's obviously not important enough to mention, reinforced by the fact you couldn't even bother to describe it yourself, couldn't you?
Wew, 2016 really has been a good year.
What's going on?
Jewtube had a recent policy change to allow them to take down anything they deem "controversial".
That fucks everybody over since it looks like they use an algorithm to look after certain tags to flag the videos and take them down.
Apperently even PewDiePie, their buggest moneymaker if I got it right, had one of his videos removed because of it, but could reinstate it.
Pic related is the new policy.
Something that OP should've fucking included.
Leaked Memo: Soros Foundation Eyed Stronger Internet Regulation in TPP Negotiations
How exactly is net neutrality bad? Simply saying the governmnet/George Soros is bad therefore net neutrality is bad isn't a reason.
That's saying where they'll let ads run, not what videos they'll take down.
Who can be against puppy dogs and rainbows?
Listen I know Makise is top tier waifu material but stop namefagging all the time.
vid.me has pretty much the same rules as jewtube.
no "harassment", whatever that means.
no "pornographic" content, means whatever they want it to mean.
That's right my good enlightened and red pilled slav... I mean, dudes.
This is entirely le SJWs fault. Nothing to do with the way corporations need to get aseptic spaces for their ads to maximize profit under capitalism.
It's a complicated situation, Youtube is like a TV station that people can submit shows to, the questions become about what the creators of the content are owed from the profits.
Google/Youtube make all their money off data mining and ads so now with content they can't sell to ad people they offer Youtube Red.
Not an argument
So you have no real reason then?
stop replying to the summerfag, we have filter lists for a reason.
Because Net Neutrality is alll a lie. Netflix being throttled by Comcast never happened, it was their business partner Cogent. The Obama Administration works for Soros among other international bankers and they want to control the internet to silence dissent. The leak I posted above proves this. You are like, "But why are you for private property Comrade?" and I'm just like, "lol, go ahead, let's make the future a reality, because you are a fucking idiot". Being the smartest person on this chan is a blessing and a curse.
m8, unless you start c(r)o(s)splaying as makise and are planning to show dat patoot, stop with the fucking namefaggotry. Seriously m80, I even agree on your NN shit, but learn when to stop. Please.
Pic unrelated, polite off topic sage.
These are some hot opinions, thanx
Hey, Holla Forums, why aren't you all over this?:
tl;dr SJWs get one of the most known names in JavaScript uninvited from a conference because he "would make people feel uncomfortable."
Shit, this should be a new OP. SORRY, MOVING
Pic related is Hillary Clinton reporting to one of her banker family masters. Not even leftypol would defend this, which is why its all: why you gotta' namefag and shiiiieeeeeet?
The facts are clear, Net Neutrality is a noble idea perfectly suited to serve as the dagger the elites need to sink into the heart of a free internet and bury it under national and international regulations.
The Ford Foundation is also behind this. Ford knew what they were doing but after he called them out they got to him, using gangsterism, and now his family foutune supports the ideals he had railed against, wew!
Newsmax is a neoconservative rag that loathes Trump and they reported on this too.
Here are instructions on how to filter the namefag:
Click 'Options' -> Click 'Filters' -> Type Makise Kurisu in the text field -> click 'Add'.
You're done!
Not an argument
very handy though :^)
You can't argue that net neutrality wasn't a tool to steal everyone's freedom, but you cannot accept that you were a fucking tool, so just shut it down, its all that Kurisu's fault. Well fuck you, you deserve to be a slave to an international banking cartel, and you sure as fuck don't deserve free software. I hope you fucking choke on Windows for ever and ever, fuck you.
This image could be easily adapted to the cucks on this board who shilled for net neutrality
This is not a new policy. They've been doing this for a while. h3h3 made a video in which he said they've been doing it for ages, and some other dickhead (philip something?) made a video confirming it.
They haven't changed anything, this has been the policy for a long time. It's only now that they're actually telling people about it, and giving people the tools to appeal it
Nice hugbox you made for yourself.
cheers mate, that's so much better
I'll be here everyday just like I have been since this place started. You win nothing and have only derailed with "filter, filter", because that passes for anonymous discussion of the issues these days.
You cannot argue the fact that you anons were nothing more than useful idiots for supporting net neutrality so you retreat into a self-imposed hugbox. Fucking pathetic, I really detest you unthinking types who spout memes yet have only shit taste. Memes were meant to be good but now its just so much fucking normie shit. I guess I don't really blame you, the dud did recruit heavily from Reddit. I even see links to Reddit threads on 8ch all the time now, this place is such a fucking shithole, holy shit. I only come here to share my love for GNU and maybe to help one solitary user realize the reality. If I can do this much it seems like a fair bargain, but I think I'll take a break for now, the lack of intellect on this board is saddening, it like trying to fish in an open-pit sewer.
Better solution: forced user. There should be a UserJS or option for it.
god it feels good to piss off namefags. Does anyone know any regex that'll hide all namefag posts rather than just this guy's?
there is though
And that's how I know that you are a worthless piece of shit in addition to being a filterfag
As an update to that, some guy in the sticky posted a solution which seems to work well
It isn't lost on me that it is the Fortune 500 pushing this stuff, not some tinpot Marxist country. However, I think that capitalism should be seen as neutral in this; companies will support whatever values they are convinced are predominant in society at large. 60 years ago many of them only hired whites because they thought that was what they had to do to be respectable, today they have affirmative action programs for the same reason. Companies do not have values, they just want a profit, and as such they cannot be blamed for creating cultural changes, merely propagating patterns they find in the dominant culture.
Kill yourself. Remember goyim, always go for cartoon women instead of real ones. Never marry or reproduce, let your race die out. Good goy.
Honestly we need a very strong and user friendly media-wiki instance which has only the "video" feature enabled. It should also have a forum system, in which users can communicate freely, this would allow a sense of community to mature.
i'll make the logo
I'm pretty sure 80% of Holla Forums wants freedom.
Objectively false
I am convinced that very few anons on Holla Forums care about principles based on logical examination of the facts, that they are primarily driven by their own egoism, a desire to consume, and by that I mean to consume mostly pirated media, such that they pay lip service to the idea of freedom. They are free riders, scum, they are parasites and deserve their faux freedoms like bit parity under net neutrality. A ship of fools indeed!
You may be right, but you don't need THAT much edge in a post.
This is why nobody likes namefags. How old are you?
What does net neutrality even have to do with this? This has nothing to do with carriers. This is just a website being an asshole about their service. Net neutrality doesn't come into play at all.
Yeah and then the namefag came in and derailed, as always happens in Holla Forums
centralization is bad... mkay? What else is new?
But people do not gravitate to decentralized things because stupid people either get shot or shoot themsevles... and what if it turns out you or your kids are stupid?
Ever think of that newfag?
But yeah hurry up internet we need to decentralize these stupid services of social media and videos.
Pic related
Almost 40
Did you ever stop to ask WHY a particular company decided to be assholes out if nowhere? Life is just a Tsunami that washes over you, is it not? An unexamined life is a life not worth living, ergo kill yourself.
xD lmao smh tbh fam
Captcha: smglli
SJWs form the perfect disposable meatshield to protect corporations from the leftists who have historically smeared them, and attack all enemies with impunity. PC is capitalism wearing the skin of leftism like Leatherface.
You wish, brain dead YouTube viewers wont move.
I wouldn't expect any to outright move, but I could see some beginning to upload their videos to multiple sites, as long as their networks permit it.
Here's how I see this. I've worked for big tech for more than a decade. Been at almost all the big names out there on the business side of things, so I'm no coder etc.
Big tech sucks monkey balls but they get away with if for a couple of reasons. And these reasons are the only ones that matter as it's what the people i.e. market wants.
Before I get onto listing these reasons I want to make it perfectly clear that I don’t like big tech even if they’ve given me my daily bread for a long time. I also know fully well that there are many alternatives out there that are built on better code etc. but no amount of fanboyism will change the reality of things even if it’s a better product.
1. Ease of use.
Most non big tech products are way too focused on the advanced user. They started out as projects of some coders and they’re built through the eyes of the “engineers”. They’ve got way too much functions visible for the casual user. Buttons, parameter, etc. etc. fucking everywhere. This simply scares away the average casual normie and makes the service etc. hard to use for someone who doesn’t want to spend a week studying to use your product.
2. Fanboyism and internal fighting
People like to shit on Apple fanboys etc. but the “linux community” is no better. Constant bickering and “muh distort is better” bullshit. This is so bad that the community keeps on splitting up to smaller and smaller groups that want to focus on their pet project. There are forks of everything and from the non techy normie it looks as if there are a million and one different “things” out there which never get finished. So they’re reluctant to invest their time in learning that new thing. As they just want something that works and they don’t give a fuck about the bells and whistles they can’t even understand.
3. Hype and death
Some things from this non big tech community do manage to create waves and start to take off. Normies adopt it and all is nice. But then one day the group behind it start to fight one another, one takes off and starts his own thing, or the group just decides that “meh we don’t have time for this anymore” and shuts it down. Then someone tries to take up where they left off and it almost always ends up going nowhere because internal fighting or some other drama.
4. Obnoxious dev.
We all know that Zuckerkike etc. are obnoxious pricks but at least they’ve got a billion reasons on their bank account to be a dick. Too many projects that are non big tech are lead by idiots who’re arrogant as fuck. They see themselves as gods and think they know best. Customers inquiries are given smug replies etc. hence there’s no chance in hell for the business to ever grow.
Conclusion: Techfags are way too bad at keeping together and not fighting. Too much splitting into silos etc. and they’re reluctant to ask for people who know the business side of things to help them out with what they know. So nothing ever goes anywhere.
Other services:
Youtube and sites like youtube all cost an absolute shit ton to run. Most of these sites run on losses. But because Google has so much money coming in they can afford to keep it running. Unless you get a healthy business up you can forget competing with youtube etc. Which brings us back to the above points on why so few non big tech succeed.
People want easy to use services and reasonable service levels. They don’t give a fuck about the code beneath and most don’t even care if you collect all their personal data and sell it. So you need to stop competing purely on “better product basis” and accept that while you’re good at code etc. you most likely are a complete moron when it comes to the business side of things.
Wrote the above in a bit of a hurry but wanted to get this said. Probably full of typos and shit but so be it. You get the point.
It'll blow over like every single one of the thousands of jewtube dramas, the users are too cucked to move and get used to having poison shovelled down their throats very quickly.
Reposting the "make Holla Forums's built in filters not shit" userjs, looks like people here might appreciate it:
"use strict";var userFilters = { name: [] , trip: [] , com: [] , sub: [] /* You can add arbitrary per-board filters to this list: , board_tech: [ /fagioli/i, /systemd/i ] */ };JSON.parse(localStorage.postFilter).generalFilter .map(x => userFilters[x.type].push( new RegExp(x.regex ? x.value : x.value.replace(/\s+/,'\\s*'), 'i')) );var getText = x => x.textContent;var rm = (selector, type, functor) => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)) .filter(x => userFilters[type].some(f => functor(x).match(f))) .map(x => x.closest('.post, .mix').classList.add('cancer'));rm('.post .subject, .mix .subject', 'sub', getText);rm('.post .body-line, .mix .replies', 'com', getText);switch ( active_page ) { case 'catalog': rm('.mix .thread-image', 'name', x => x.dataset.name); break; case 'thread': rm('.post .trip', 'trip', getText); rm('.post .name', 'name', getText); // catch new posts in AJAX updates that should be filtered $(document).on('new_post', (e, x) => { let newid = '#'+x.id; rm(newid+' .trip', 'trip', getText); rm(newid+' .name', 'name', getText); rm(newid+' .body-line', 'com', getText); if ( userFilters['board_'+board_name] ) { rm(newid, 'board_'+board_name, getText); } }); break;}if ( userFilters['board_'+board_name] ) { rm('.post .body-line, .mix', 'board_'+board_name, getText);}// randomize delete password after each post so Jim can't sell your metadata:$(document).on('ajax_after_post', function() { localStorage.password = new TextDecoder('windows-1252').decode( crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(20)).filter(i => i > 0x7f));});
/* user CSS */.cancer { display: none !important }