Alright, everybody. We got 3131 active users online ATM. I want to test how receptive Holla Forums will be with unifying onto one thread.
If role call threads become successful, and are used too much, then I predict that we will have to rely on the mods to choose which role call thread stays and which ones get anchored. Either way, if this proves effective, try to limit role call thread to 1/day. If something really pressing happens, then possible 2/day.
and for the love of God, keep your identities anonymous for now… unless you REALLY don't want to.
Pic related, my twitter.
sage for blatant sliding and data mining
Okay, Jews, we get it. You don't want us to organize. Give it up already.
What is there to datamine if the accounts are going to be anonymous?
Just fucking kill yourself
fuck off OP
OP is a massive faggot
Well it just seems suspicious because it's new and I don't like new things.
lol wat
It seems that the defeatists and the paranoia shills are mobilized, at least.
I had a laugh, thanks OP. Wonderful satire, right?
Yeah lets just stay a containment board and never branch out of Holla Forums. Holla Forums of the 2000's NEVER branched out of their image board in order to influence shit. You're literally a kike.
I have shit to do. I don't sit in front of the computer all day. I normally lurk this board on my off hours. I don't have time to optimize my computer or whatever.
We are organized as fuck already in an organic fashion - here. Why would we reject a natural unity for an artificial one? Why lend credence to social media? Why degrade ourselves by reducing ourselves to some sort of "activism" like the liberals subscribe to, and that on a rigid and basically pozzed platform? It's extremely easy to track us on twatter, yidbook and so on. They can study us there far more easily, and infiltrate with no effort.
Stay in the trenches and reveal NOTHING.
What;s the best way around twitter asking for a phone number, or easiest way to get one?
I'm sure you have good intentions OP, but nobody is going to want to link their Twatter accounts back to here.
If you want to get organized do some real networking with people in your area over at >>>/meadhall/
So far:
About 6 naysayers
About 2 snarky jokesters
One who I assume supports the idea
Zero action.
Conclusion: Holla Forums is bad at mobilizing.
If we are going to have our ideology hit the mainstream, we can't just stay here and jerk each other off all the time. We need to be constantly exposing people to our viewpoints. We need to be able to organize better than our enemies who are able to organize against us.
That's why you don't link yourself to the account. Set up a fake email.
You can skip the phone number part, there's a tiny "skip" hyperlink near the bottom corner.
I know about /meadhall/. This is different than meeting in real life. On the internet, we don't need to drive, or physically move. Organizing physically is ideal, however, organizing over social media gives us quick results and higher numbers. Both have their strengths. I would encourage everyone to go to /meadhall/ and see if they can meet each other in the flesh.
Matlock reporting in.
OP here. Followed you. Is there anything else to do? Can you suggest who else I should follow in your twitter sphere?
I use to have a twatter from the Operation Blitzkrieg thing last summer
Too bad I forgot the fucking password
The catch22
I guess you will need to just trust me then.
Like what could possibly happen if you make a fake twitter account and show people who to follow?
Because here's the thing, they can shut down twitter accounts, but if we have large enough numbers on there, it won't matter.
Fuck your shitty attempt at datamining OP.
as soon as i got blocked or anything i had to put in a phone number..
One of the key tenets of hypnosis is repetition of a message. In order to to send the message that unification on social media platforms = datamining, one will say:
"Everytime I say twitter, you think "datamining"
"Everytime I say twitter, you think "datamining"
"Everytime I say twitter, you think "datamining"
Just scroll through my timeline, most of the people I RT are worth following. As for what to do, spread memes and propaganda, comment on big accounts like Trump or news stories or trending hashtags, follow people with Holla Forums meme names and avatars.
Also, doesn't matter if OP is a dataminer or not, being on Twitter, we're being watched and datamined, here we're watched and datamined, you shouldn't be putting personal info out anyway and should using a pseudonymous identity.