Spacex explosion destroys facebook-owned Israeli satelite, setting back Facebook's
Slow clap.
Spacex explosion destroys facebook-owned Israeli satelite, setting back Facebook's
Slow clap.
There's like three threads on this.
Maybe there is a god.
Catalog didn't show any when I ctl+s'd it. Must have been loading slowly.
The space wars have begun.
it's corporate war !
realistically though the indians didn't actually want free facebook, they suspected botnet, so it might not be a bad thing. there might be more practical ways to distribute infomation, such as simply requiring minimal bandwidth to send it
My euphoria necessarily refutes your hypothesis.
Thank you space Nazis.
Pajeets love botnet.
t. Satya Nadella
wow, you never really think of spaceX as a company that does things well, but there you go.
Is that an esolang?
Twas supposed to be a cross word.
Memes, the source of all magick
HEH and KEK, the two twin memetic gods, JEJ, the Union of the two said gods.
Doesn't work all that clearly when in plain text.
Setting back the future by a few years.
Apple users have been pretentious cunts since the eighties.
Sure, but back when Apple computers came in kits, the users had to be at least halfway competent.
Not by the standards of the era. These days all electronics are much easier to use. Holla Forums kids like to pretend Linux is literally Dark Souls OS but it's idiot proof compared to back in the day.
There were a lot less Apple users before the iPhone you fucking idiot. That Really was the floodgate for hipsters and incompetent retards pour in.
That's some fucking circular logic. Why do you think the standards have dropped so much?
It was created by a christfag. Of course it's wrong.
Are you retarded nigger?