What drugs are ok to use when pregnant? Besides weed and psychedelics.
What drugs are ok to use when pregnant? Besides weed and psychedelics
Morning after pills
Are you serious?
hydrangea, dragons breath, wolf's bane, sleepy sorrel, and hemlock.
don't use drugs EVER you degenerate sack of shit
It's still safe to continue swallowing nigger semen
Good luck raising your retard.
Probably best to stay away from drugs and whatnot in general. Keep your body clean and healthy, while eating a healthy diet to spawn strong, superior children.
Kill yourself and spare everyone from the further mistake that is your life.
I hear this drug called "abortion" is pretty good after you have it you can have all the drugs you want
Any benzodiazepine
Ethyl ether
Any inhalant
heroin should be a-okay
Men can't get pregnant
Stop believing stupid tranny propaganda
b-but i want to have babies.
Kids love pcp so it should be ok for fetuses.
no, including weed and psychedelics
That's what you think!
Smoking while pregnant isn't dangerous because of the nicotine, you stupid fucktard. The act of inhaling smoke causes birth defects.
Although psychedelics don't affect an unborn child, I would be weary of using them for any possible danger you (the pregnant person) might get in as a result. However weed is often used as a way to deal with morning sickness and depending on your state you can get a prescription for it. A baby is a gift and very delicate even caffeine in large amounts can be bad for it so try to take a break from drugs for as long as your pregnant and if you choose to breastfeed, however never take advice from Holla Forums and talk to your doctor about any questions you may have
Most alcohol isn't ok but you can have tequila.
I heard nicotine is even beneficial.
That's pretty much it, weed and mild psychdelics.
crystal meth
pennyroyal tea and wild carrot seeds. :)
Crack is pretty safe and fun
Bullshit. Jews own the pharmaceutical companies.
these. If your pregnant, stay away from everything, unless you're okay with potentially ruining an entire life or even ending it