8 years
in prison
no, in office
Dolan J Turnip
lmao funny joke xDDDD
This is a MAGA thread now
America was/is already great.
It will be great soon enough, faggot.
Trump is going to make America dumb again.
This will be trump in a few weeks.
Can't you leftist make up your minds already?
Reported to national security
I'm sure that Steve Goebbels Bannon, Reince Priebus, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Steven Mnuchin and Mitch McConnell's wife will putsch him in the right direction
are you the same faggot from Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is a Nationalist board.
Holla Forums is random, fag
Holla Forums is international, too
Holla Forums supports no political camp
try Holla Forums for light relief
Speak for yourself faggot.
Reminder that Holla Forums hates you leftypol cucks, much like the rest of Holla Forums.
I'm pretty high on that list.
Daily reminder. Hillary is going to get the electoral votes anyway. It's either her or another Hitler and everybody knows it. Also:
This isn't a democracy if the electors don't vote for hillary.
Yeah, that's a lot of proxies. Good job m8
Yeah against leftypol it's true that's for sure.
are you living in an alternative universe where donald trump loses because in this universe word around town is he won
Even if Hillary won by popular votes >implying the 2.5 million votes are legitimate the average normalfag actually believes Trump won by popular votes as well because the average normalfag has no idea how the electoral process actually works.
And even so, if Hillary won her entire presidency would be made turbulent by a Republican controlled senate
Trust in mainstream media is at an all time low and a Trump victory against a media now apparently so disconnected from reality has them alienated more so than ever from the average middle class
Keep dreaming leftycuck. If any option got proxxy votes its "stormfags"
two outrageous lies in the space of 30 words.
there are about 11 million illegals. no reliable figures exist, obviously.
Obama while potus never suggested illegals break the law. never, ever. sauce me wrong
if you lot don't stop lying, trump will disown you in person. he'll have Melania deal with internet trolls.
I don't get it, I've never seen trumpkins calling people 'liberal anti-white racist bully' and calling for safespaces.
leftist's memes are stale
I haunt the whole site, an angry avenging wraith. It's not just this site either wherever the beast of racism/misogyny/xenophobia/transphobia/alterophobia may rear it's ugly head i will be there to DESTROY it.
Deal with it you fascist little fuck, or I will MAKE you deal with it…..You wouldn't like that, I can assure you. You wouldn't like it one bit….
I don't care how many of you shitty little stormboppers flood this site it will NEVER be yours. You might ve too newfag to remember this but Holla Forums was ALWAYS a pro-democrat website. Get over it Drumpflovers.
You're preaching to the choir bro….I've been call in out the Drumpftard hicks for months. It's like talking to a brick wall though.
Great to see that someone is willing to do battle with the vile horde of drumpfkins pat your self on the back good sir, you are doing this website a great service. Keep it up, we're all rooting for you.
You have my sword.
The election was rigged against Donald Trump and he still won.
Bruce Jenner
Thanks for the support. Instead of just saying you'll help why don't you ACTUALLY help if we remain silent now the Drumpftard horide swarm us and we will ALL be doomed…..Stand up and do battle against the Drumpftards before we lose OUR site FOREVER.
ooga booga sheeeeeit nigger nigger
Ignore these retards bro, you're doing a good job.
nigger kike spic faggot wop coon bluegum cunt
I'm just glad you seem to actually be retarded and can't seem to manage even Holla Forums tier shitflinging.
Good to see you finally found your home.
Don't you faggots have riots and temper tantrums to throw in the middle of the streets like the rest of your PC SJW kin? You guys are cancer.
Pretty sure its a bait thread friendo
kill yourself, leftiepol hates sjws as much as stormfags and Holla Forumstards.
Go back to sucking your kikemaster's tiny cock.
Kill yourself gay stormfag.
Pretty ironic considering every one of em (even though they like to pretend they aren't) ARE fucking sjws. The fact they want anarchism/communism is proof of that.
I don't like communists, but even they are less cancerous than stormsjws
Holla Forums in general is less cancerous than Holla Forums.
I know because I was a stormfag.
Could you make those Santa hats a little smaller? It's really a pain to have to change the theme every time I wipe my hard drive.
Claims with nothing to back them.
just talking out of your asshole.
You have to go back.
Such a surprise coming from a left dicksuck like yourself.
No proof to back that up.
Gas yourself.
you too, go back to sucking circumcised jewish cock.
follow your leader.
lmao we'll see who's doing the gassing to who
Mediocre at best.
lol at stormcuck's childish fantasies.
still in denial.
kill yourself cuck
make america delet this.
Holla Forums is chaotic neutral.
Thank you for correcting the record.
ingest bleach.jpg
implying truth matters
we are in a post factual world
what is matters less than what is believed to be
also polls like this are not representive of the truth, tell me how many people voted compared to how many users on Holla Forums, how many were proxies and how many bots.
how many were from other boards.
how many were trolling
then we can talk, till then you are a retard.
Say it with me, President Trump.
comprehension skills abandoned you, faggot?
what is counterpoints what is believed to be.
i.e. facts matter less than beliefs
>what is subject-verb agreement?
Oh yeah my big bellah