It's okay goy. I know you've always wanted to racemix with a pure qt Jewess like me...

It's okay goy. I know you've always wanted to racemix with a pure qt Jewess like me. You don't have to hide your true feelings just because Holla Forums doesn't like them.

Other urls found in this thread: RITTERSPORN/Victims of the Gulag.pdf

open boobs bb

I'll go out on a limb and say she's not armed etc etc

Oy vey, that's really insensitive goy! I had to get six gorillion stitches to reattach my arm after the fascist police blew it off! You should be more respectful of one of G-d's chosen, goy!

It's a he by the way. Disregard it and carry on.

They're all mongrels at this point.

Jew or not, now I'm interested.

You could at least try and post some attractive Jewesses, if they even exist. Ones with big tits preferred


Never spew inside the jew.