Let's decypher this code together

Holla Forums, I got this virus in an email but since I'm using BSD I am not worried about viruses.

What does this code do?

function d(){ var _wds = "W"+"S"+"c"+"r"+"i"+"pt"; var _c = "\%S"+"y"+"st"+"em"+"Root\%\\s"+"ystem32\\cmd."+"ex"+"e"; var _zds = this[_wds]["C"+"re"+"ateOb"+"ject"](_wds+".Sh"+"ell"); var se = _zds["E"+"n"+"vi"+"ron"+"men"+"t"]("S"+"Y"+"S"+"T"+"E"+"M"); var _dd = se("Co"+"m"+"S"+"pe"+"c"); if (_dd == _c) {return 1;} else {WScript["Q"+"u"+"i"+"t"](1);};}d();... and so on

full code here: paste.teknik.io/Raw/KNgKi

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm no expert, but it is trying to gain access to a root shell and then have it execute the script that calls eval on the arrays.

We need a systems guy with windoze experience to go into specifics and I'm neither.


Remove eval, add console.log(HTs), remove top shit and you get more obfuscated crap. Man, I forgot that wscript even existed. The file was also probably modified with notepad. Disgusting.

Smells like curry or kiddies. Can't decide.

Looks like just base64 "obfuscated" by a retard a few times.

What does it actually do?

The function d() gets the environment variable "ComSpec" which returns 1 if a command interpreter is found and quits otherwise.

After that it decodes its payload, you'll be able to see the payload if you print the variable HTs like , I can't be bothered to setup a virtual machine to do this, but if someone else could do it real quick that would be great.

Here's the entire payload:
Here's how I deciphered it:

Should we start a git repo to obfuscate this? Also, what's the file extension for this language?

Garbage perl script to make the thing a little bit more readable (may mangle):
#!/usr/bin/env perlmy @lines = ;my %dick;for (11..311) { my ($k, $v) = ($lines[$_] =~ /var (\S+) = (\S+)/); $dick{$k} = $v if $v;}while (my ($k, $v) = each(%dick)) { chomp $v; for (@lines) { s/(\b)$k(\b)/$1$v$2/g; s/\r//g; }}for (@lines) { while(s/"(\S+)"\s*\+\s*"(\S+)"/"$1$2"/g){};}print(@lines);
./script.pl < obfuscated > still_obfuscated

Thanks to you we have some URLs to work with:
var IGv7=["18vek.spb.ru/p3isx", "instalserie.pt/ofagf4n5", "itogazaidan.jp/hnnencdd", "aromas-naturales.50webs.com/87bou8", "virmalw.name/31fwt4cs"];
Here's the full degarbled (note, this code IS NOT MEANT TO BE RUNNABLE, it just cleans stuff up for analysing and may have inaccuracies):

Some of those don't work and others are binary files, I'm not yet sure what they are, I've tried disassembling them but I see lots of bad instructions so I don't think it's machine code. Must have something to do with this thing:
for (var Lp9=0; Lp9 < JEc3["length"]; Lp9++){ JEc3[Lp9] ^= random(84 * 3 + 4, TIk);}

For stuff like this it's easier to run it in a javascript VM with a debugger and just make note of the interactions with the environment rather than try to deobfuscate by hand. I'm too lazy to do it, but it's trying to place a %TEMP%/ec89LoOKa788SL2.dll file on your system and then likely run it.

Only one of these seems like it's working, here's the binary file that was on:
itogazaidan.jp (no wonder it got hacked, nothing's been updated on there since 2005!)
Here's a more permanent download

I think might be right, I see
var Px = "%SystemRoot%\\system32\\rundll32.exe" + "";var LJz3 = "%SystemRoot%\\SysWOW64\\rundll32.exe" + "";

Can you do something similar to pre-evaluate arithmetic expressions like 6+3*8?

In this case using eval is kind of okay, it can only match on arithmetic expr. Tried it and my pc isn't on fire yet. There may be bugs like not knowing about parens.
perl -pE 'while (/(-?\d+\s*(\+|-|\*|\/)\s*-?\d+)/) { my $res = eval $1; die "dead" unless defined $res; s/\Q$1/$res/g}' < thing

Thanks alot for that, you can really start to see the patterns here now:

So they're encoded with the lookup tables Io and Vi5

We need to start commenting what each argument is and giving functions proper names so we can figure out what it's decrypting and encrypting.

It downloads the thing from a random domain, calls St(on it) and then Kx1.

Ah, so I'm guessing they decipher the binary file in

Any characters below 128 use the same code, any characters above that use the lookup table, after that the character is appended to a character array.
Can the regex/perl guy or anyone else write something that converts the array[key]=deciphered_character; pattern to a key:deciphered_character, format?

Let me correct myself: It doesn't pick a random domain, it is deterministic. Should always return IGv7[4]. Either the writer doesn't know how random number generators work, or this is intentional. Probably intentional, random isn't obfuscated.

That explains why only one of the sites actually had a download, I thought the other sites just happened to remove the malware or something.

I've deobfuscated a large chunk of it now:
I'll try and build a decrypter for the DLL so we can disassemble it after I finish.

Did you add the comments, or did they actually leave that in themselves?

Those are mine

I've done some more, but the function HIi() is really stumping me, I think there's some sort of pattern to what it's doing because said random() is deterministic, even then, at face value it looks like it just corrupts the string by xoring it randomly. I'm guessing since random() was the only name that wasn't obfusicated it *might* be a red herring of some sort, but I'm not sure.
Here's where I'm at now so you can take a look:

DLL decrypted, hoping they didn't obfuscate it so I can just straight decompile it.
Here's the script I used, also I think the deobfusicated thing we made has a mistake, I think the encrypt and decrypt procedures might be the wrong way around because I had to reverse the dict.
Here's the decrypted DLL:

My AV went berzerk when I downloaded that thing, so it looks like you decrypted it well (enough). Checking against virustotal (which apparently someone also already did 30 minutes ahead of me) gave this result:


Looks like it's just another generic cryptoclone, how boring :/

Yeah, it's the trend these days, so it was likely to be one of those.

Apparently it's a fairly recent variant:


Guys, you're amazing. Thank you for discussing it really interesting stuff.


Hybrid-analysis is so comfy.