Why is he such a cuck?

Why is he such a cuck?

I'm watching this now, and he's crushing on some brown gook and she friend zoned him, and he's such a fukin pussy? Why.

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He's the fastest man alive

but eh can't even ask out a chinky brown girl?

now there is a redhead

Actually the girl might just be a nigger.

Definitely a nigger..

Look kind gooky on the first scenes.

He's the fattest man alive


flash is secretly

Just like you. Oh wait that's not a secret.

Aw shit cripple can walk



Why does the show insist on him fucking his sister?

Yes, Barry Allen and Iris West were a couple in the comics but they also weren't siblings!

Patty is far superior!


That story isn't working for me. Earth 2 Caitlin is Killer Frost. Okay great no problem, cool fan service. Then our Caitlin gains powers and this turns her evil instantly somehow?

Oh and why hasn't Barry wondered if in this new timeline Eddie and Ronnie are alive or not?

Shit writers are SHIT!


Western capeshit.

I want to racemix with Talia's actress.

You never will.

Prove it

You post on Holla Forums.

That gives me an edge though

Only in the finer points of being cucked.

Because soon enough every white male character will be beta orbiters.

I can't get cucked if I don't have a girlfriend

Jenny is collectively our girlfriend

And she's a virgin. We have good taste tbh.

So are we, this way we get to protect each others virginity

Well user, the powers are what turn her evil. That's how it was in the comics, for all 3 incarnations. Though the second, if I recall, was partially bad before, but definitely more evil after powers came in.

And, user, guess what? Both of those actors are confirmed to be in this season.

Eddie should be dead, however. He was referenced as being dead and plays a role in what's happening with Eobard now, so he must be getting resurrected, not just alive cos new timeline.

Then again, none of the other shows reference the Flashpoint changes outside Stein's kid and Diggle's gender-swapped kid.

Feels bad, tbh.

Waiting for my Crisis event at the end of this season to write out Supergirl, replace it with something else and make the other 3 generally better.

Oh, and fuck off to Holla Forums, they have a general.

The Legends are from the pre-flashpoint timeline too, they wouldn't know
Which sort of begs the question of what the post-flashpoint versions are doing, or if they just ceased to exist because of lazy writers
Honestly those fuckers change so much more shit I'm amazed they can get away with making everything stay the same without making their entire audience check out

If I understand how they're treating the time travelling, the Legends leaving still happened after the fight with Vandal Savage. That wasn't changed at all.

Only known changes were:
Diggle's kid
Stein's kid
All the shit on the Flash

Nothing else has been discussed. It makes sense to me, but not everyone seems content that something called Flashpoint didn't completely shift everything.

But it's literally a different timeline
This shit doesn't work on back to the future rules, there would be multiple copies of the people involved floating around the timestream
I fucking hate it when shows try to have it both ways, it doesn't make any goddamn sense

No, you chucklefuck.

Barry reset the timeline, and it played out again in exactly the same way, including the Legends being formed and fucking off into time and spess.
There's not seperate versions, at all. Time started again from S1 of Arrow, and everything happened the same as before, except for the changes they're outright admitted have happened, plus presumably a few other ones.

The Legends don't exist outside time, else the Time Council nerds couldn't of altered the coices they made aboard the Waverider.

Want me to pull out a fucking see-through whiteboard and explain it for the filthiest of casuals, like they do on the show?

I straight up skipped the oil drilling and mc moaning like a little bitch cuck parts more then once.
It's just so bad.

I enjoyed that.

Why can't there be sister fucking on Arrow?


Too flat, imo.

Too white


Some petite women like Willa, Emily Kinney and Olivia Wilde seem to learn to be actually seductive, instead of just sitting there like a cow waiting to be milked like most women do.

Truly, pedos have the worst taste in every possible way.

I'm just picking the best pics for the board.

Pedos don't give a fuck about petite women, most of them fags and like little boys.



Who is this and what does she have to do with The Flash?

She played Eliza Harmon/Trajectory.

Was that the speedster slut who ran so fast she vaporized?

Top tier tits either way.




Her tits aren't *that* bad.


It only gets worse, just drop it already



Her face is

t. shit taste


First impression: I'd give her mucha fuerza
Second impression: That's a dude

Are there any actual women on TV?


Yeah, no. That's a guy.


petite and tiny women are the best tbh. also flat chested ones or the ones with small tits; big tits ALWAYS lead to big egos and bitchiness and insufferable personalities, small or no tits women always try their best to be the sweetest

nice bait

My experience is the opposite. Most big titted girls I met were submissive and shy about their tits. And the tiny ones were the big ego (or inferiority complex?) ones.

I like all kinds, except fake ones.

DING DING DING! We have a winner!

Most Autistic Post on Holla Forums February 20th!

The use of absolutes here suggests an incredible lack of experience with women. What study inside your ass do you base these assertions on? Most women in general are like that, imbecile. But since we're arguing anecdotes, all the nicest ones I've met have been busty.

Barry superspeed checked up on his friends after getting back from Flashpoint. It's when he found out Diggle has a son instead of daughter.

Is it because the big tittied ones were bullied in highschool or something? I know some girls with big tits got bullied in school for having big tits.


closet fag detected, your taste is clearly men with asses.

