Can the web even be saved at this point, or will the only choice for people who care about privacy and personal control over their experience be to segregate themselves from the rest of society?
Devices that are so locked down that you can't even choose what OS to use are becoming more common
they already did.
Yes, I already did this. I'm weird for not having social media.
I am a computer nerd, and have been since I first got my greasy paws on my first. I love them, but they are an evil now. Big data and the ability to sift through that data has put us in an all-encompassing digital prison. Social media is ruining human relationships. Hell, I used to have more friends when I was in HS, and I thought it would be different growing up. I'd get to know my coworkers, or others like me, but I only know them through email and this site.
We are in a prison cell, only that cell is all around us, it moves with us, and we dare not attempt to leave it. I'm afraid the thing I love the most is going to ruin us. I have many guns, but they are nothing against real power, information power.
web cannot be saved. we need to abandon it and start from scratch.
You cannot abandon the web. It's everywhere. Where are you going to run away to?
Except if all of that eventually gets combined, simply wanting to have control over programs at a level that is considered normal today or not wanting to give companies access to your entire life could require you to maintain a completely different machine from the one you would use to interact on common services where most people are.
The only savior will be a Coronal Mass Ejection.
this, I spent $600 on a laptop and I can't fucking install any GNU/Linux distro whatever I try.
There are other internet services out there other than the web. There's also always the possibility of constructing a full internet alternative with packet radio, though most lower frequency options needed for longer range packet radio tend to have very low bandwidth per channel.
Free Software would have had a chance if the people working on it didn't happen to be socially stunted autists who can't make their stuff normie-friendly.
The mainstream web is too far gone by now to save. All that's left is various old sites that never "upgraded" to 2.0 and still work ok in old browser like Lynx or similar. But even those are constantly assaulted by subversive elements who want to (((improve))) them so they don't look like "embarrassing 90's shit". Check the openbsd-misc mailing list archives, and you'll see how often the subject comes up. But at least there the people in charge are more resistant to subversion. Other sites aren't so lucky, and day by day the web becomes more bloated with javascript and needs big bloated browser full of bugs and exploits to navigate.
And then people say "well you can just use these 10,000 add-ons to improve your privacy and security". Well fuck that, I can just use Lynx and not deal with all that to begin wtih. Plus, it even works in text mode, or an old Commodore 64, or that CP/M board like that arcade Jamma board some dude on SBC thread hacked on, with just a simple serial connection to a local *nix box to act as shell account.
The modern web locks you into ads & tracking, but it also locks you into constant upgrades (and thus backdoored hardware like AMT). It's a complete subversion of what the original web was about: something to display content in however manner your browser decided to format & display it. Not something to make the Internet into a second TV or fancy magazine with even more potential for mass brainwashing and propaganda.
But I know it can't be saved anymore, so I'm already using newsgroups (Usenet) more often, and also Gopher.
There was even a thread on /cyber/ where some dude keeps shilling for HTML 5, even though we keep saying it's overkill. That's why the web is not worth saving, because you would just waste all your time & energy arguying with people like that. Better to go in another direction entirely and not leave any room for subversion.
I don't see the problem.
The majority will dictate how the future moves on. Your freedom will be taken away all the same, but you can feel smug about it, so I guess that's okay.
Explain? I've never heard of this before. (Avoid webshit like the plague)
You can't. If such a situation comes around, not having the DRM enabled software/hardware that would give them full control over your machine would mean you would be locking yourself out of using their service (just as blocking JS now or using hardware so old that it can't handle JS well will lock you out of using modern websites dependent on loads of JS), and you can't control the experience on a web page when it's behind their DRM.
Currently it's mainly just for video/audio, though with the various ways HTML5 gives to interact with videos there are claims that it could be possible to use it to block user control of the entire site's contents. If that gets misused in any decent quantity, it's possible the W3C would consider expanding it to entire web pages.
That was me, and I wasn't "shilling" you stupid fuck. I was saying that if all you want is simple websites then you don't need a technological solution for it, you just need to make simple websites and HTML5 works well for that.
If you just want to fuck off to a private danknet then there's already solution for it like Gopher, which nobody uses. If you make a new solution, nobody is going to use that either.
You just proved you're a shill by using disingenuous tactic and associating it with darknet, that has nothing to do with gopher or usenet or other old simple plain protocols.
That's kinda' exactly what he just said
What is the answer though? Shun the adoption of certain tech?
Stupid people are easily impressed by complexity. So they like things like HTML 5 and big browser & OS with lots of lines of code.
CIA niggers also like to push those things for other reasons. Then they call you amish or backwards if you're smart enough to see through those tricks. It's a jewi tactic. The details change, but the pattern remains the same: call names, try to embarass, ridicule, or socially ostracize.
Fuck you and take this fucking drama back to the board you dragged it here from, you fucking subhuman piece of shit retard.
underrated post.
some guy today just said this: "in any case, if someone doesn't like Next they can always run their own node with whatever 1998 geocities shit they want"
when I was saying inf next was shit and new imageboard should just copy 4chans normal html and css
What laptop famalam? What OS does it have now? Have you tried a command in the Windows CMD to set the BIOS to boot grub?
based terry
clearly didn't understand what I meant
oh my bad, would you clarify?
I helped with the installation of GNU/Linux on about a hundred laptops today. It went smoothly on most of them, some of them had problems, and some of them had really weird problems. But we managed it on all of them in the end because we had enough autists with obscure knowledge about BIOS and UEFI and bootloaders and drivers.
Find a local usergroup to help you. It's probably just really hard, not impossible.
"run their own node" meaning with whatever interface they want, including old shit, new shit, red shit, blue shit. The data (text, images) is all the same with a distributed model but no one has to suffer autistic mods, ads, tracking or modern crypto if they don't want to.
Strict separation between content and presentation!? What a revolutionary idea!
It's infuriating that both Web 1.0's static HTML "formatted" by raping tables, and Web 2.0's HTML fused like a Siamese twin with abortive CSS/JavaScript, completely failed to realize the vision lain out in the 1980s by SGML.
Does your laptop have a UEFI instead of a BIOS?
Is it an Asus laptop?
i'll be your friend user. Holla Forums meetup when?
what if we made a jit haxe compiler to run between the site and the browser javascript interpreter?
with haxe we compile from any language to any language, so we can script a site in any language and be supported by all major browsers?
I wanted to ask this for some time now already
What source code does 4chan run on? Graphically I would say it looks like futaba. If 4chan runs well with more users than Holla Forums, then why don't we use the same source code if it is FOSS?
oh yes it was shit and I am glad it all burnt down. This web 2.0 faggotry is everywhere now. I literally witnessed how all my online shops turned to web 2.0 shit in the last 18 months and how most websites I frequent outside of 8ch did the same. You literally cannot use a single website nowadays without javascript faggotry. If it was functional I would understand it but all it adds is just bloat and spy/adware. Also it appeals to milleanial faggots and womyn so no wonder it is shit.
What the fuck do you think the word 'avoid' means?
Holla Forums is web 2.0
Any website that emphasizes user content is web 2.0
Perhaps you meant to say "I didn't like the base stylesheet that was fixed with another stylesheet written by an user since hotwheels was too busy getting high on pills to do anything."
Not to mention, Next was even more accessible without Javascript than Holla Forums itself is.
as far as i know it isn't open source. Infinity Next was supposed to accomplish working well with more users better than Infinity, the software this website currently uses.
Infinity Next is usable without JS.
were you actually born before the 1980s? otherwise you are a millenial.
and was the most Tor-friendly imageboard as Tor users could upload files on all boards. (16chan)
Shhhhh, its dead now
Go back to Holla Forums pls
Holla Forums runs a closed-source fork of Infinity because pigfuck Jim closed it up.
Just wait until Web3.0/the Semantic Web. Content and presentation designed to be easily separable and processable by machines for the purpose of datamining. Supposedly a lot of websites are already adopting it.
Then you aren't managing to avoid or circumvent the final point of the OP, which is the subject of this thread:
That's a summarizing question though. The final point is the line above it. Anyways, my answer to this question should have been obvious from this
Let me spell it out:
No. That may be one attribute of Web 2.0 but it's by far not the only aspect. There is also the heavy reliance, nay mandatory use of massive amounts of javascript for 3rd-party ads & persistent tracking mechanisms. There is the constant spam of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media related shits. There is even directly shared identiy & password use. These sites operate more as a small cog in the devil's machinery, rather than the relatively indepedent sites that used to be the norm.
And anyway, you also had user-created content in the 90's as well. That's what web forums are. Some old sites that later became commercialized operated that way in the 90's too. I used to post on slashdot in the early days, when everyone could be anonymous without taking an instant moderation hit that renders your posts effectively invisible. Well there wasn't even any moderation yet, you simply posted, just like you do here (except there was no captcha to fill out). Which brings us to another aspect of Web 2.0: the incessant culture of "like" and up/down-voting mechanisms. It's nearly everywhere in some form or another. It's fairly meaningless because you can't judge something with a number, you need real words, discussion, insight, reason. If anything these mechanisms serve only to drown out unpopular things and bury them. But not everything that's unpopular is bad, and neither are popular things automatically good. So this effectively functions as a distraction. But it's actually worse than that, because it also reinforces some of the same "lessons" (brainwashing) that were drilled into everyone during their formative years in public schooling. John Taylor Gatto talks extensively about this.
The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher - By John Taylor Gatto, New York State Teacher of the Year, 1991
How public education cripples our kids, and why
Haven't read about Gatto in a while. Nice post user.
It is the only definition.
Emphasizing user content on web pages is web 2.0, jackass.
If you're arguing any of this is bad, you have autism.
And further, Next was easier to use without javascript than Infinity. It's because autists like you that Jim gets away with being a fat kike and closing this shithole up, with no pushback.
Holla Forums does run Infinity, what are you talking about? although it is a closed source fork of it.
i assume it is, but i didn't do any serious searching or anything. it doesn't have the features we're used to anyway.
Prove it.
Its all closed sauce nao
What? Do you think that it was replaced by functionally identical different software?
What ever was "Infinity" and "Infinity Next"? Smoke and Mirrors, designed to extract NEETbucks from Holla Forumsirgins. The "software" was never impressive when it was open for review and now it is a walled garden.
The software was never impressive, and nobody ever said it was impressive, everyone constantly complained about it, including its creators. That's why Infinity Next was started in the first place, remember?
And that's not what "walled garden" means. A walled garden is a platform that only allows content or software that's approved by the platform provider. Holla Forums has significant proprietary extensions but nothing that would make it a "walled garden".
Do I have the freedom to examine the source code and do I get Freedom 0?
The software improved dramatically when Odilitime pointed out quadraticwheels programming errors. And captcha, a board with 5 pph needs captcha? Not to change the subject, but we have no idea what proprietary spyware is running on the 2ch servers user.
You don't get those freedoms, but I never claimed that you got them. The version of Infinity Holla Forums runs is proprietary and I don't like that but most of the things you said are nonsense.
The captcha is there to stop denial of service attacks on post.php. Those don't have anything to do with the pph.
There may or may not be proprietary spyware on the 2ch servers, but that's not really relevant to this. It would probably look at the database and the logs directly, so it doesn't affect the status of the version of Infinity. If Infinity were GPLed that spyware probably wouldn't violate it.
Probably not, because any software like that would crash the database due to join limits thanks to Infinity's shitty schema that they refuse to touch.
It's a house of cards, even going so far to avoid touching the schema when it came to deduplicating files.
It would still be easier to talk to the database directly than to integrate with Infinity.
Ronin Pass soon
Something is terribly fucking wrong when we need multithreading to load webpages.