Based Corbyn Calls for Mandatory Libre Software

As part of his new platform for technology, Jeremy Corbyn says he wants to require all publicly-funded software AND hardware to be released under an open source license. Further proof that libre software == communism. Richard Stallman says, "Support Jeremy Corbyn for leader of the UK Labour Party."

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Full policy from the Corbyn website.

That's pretty based.

That's called common sense!

Isn't it ironic that the proprietary software developers call us communists? We are the ones who have provided for a free market, where they allow only monopoly.

RMS literally doesn't know what communism is though. He says he's against communism while supporting Corbyn. It's obvious he's a confused communist.

Based Corbyn needs to win the leadership instead of the crybaby SJW Owen Smith. He's a clear leader who actually gives a damn about his people and the establishment hates him.


You seem to don't know what communism is either
It's not like if RMS lived in the time of the cold war when literally anything in the us that was not capitalism had be a commie was burned or destroyed to the ground but yeah he must be a commie.

Listen user supporting someone on something does not means automatically that he supports him entirely on everything.
The world is not a fucking piece of good or bad or left of wright.

Plus wanting a publicly funded software under a libre license is just common sense since it's you and everyone else who pays for it.

communism is also just common sense.

The current tender system used by many governments results in you getting a shitty product that doesn't fucking work.

Why would it be common sense ?

honestly I don't give a shit about ideologue
I'm a very simple person.

Looking at ideologies is just making people going against each other.

I don't consider Rms ideas to be in the ideological section because all he wants is a tool to be usable for everyone without the people being subjugated by them.

Can you see your hammer saying no you can't use it on X kind of material because it was not designed too or because you're not allowed to ?

The same applies with software.

even by banks when you see the ""Security"" that they use it's ridiculous.
Some of them are even still using a modified version of windows xp.


Just so you know, Jews aren't a decentralised network of world destroyers.


check em

Nicely done indeed.

this is the first time i've ever had a reason to vote labour

Jews can't think five steps ahead, they only make quick decisions in the short run. That's where the idea that jews are smart comes from, but they are incredibly stupid when it comes to long-term consequences. That's why you see them at the both ends of the extremes, either trying to make money at any cost, or being complete internet neckbeards who don't know how to make presentable products. But in the long run both run into the same problem of endless bloat software that's struggling under its own weight.

What a "shame" it will never come to pass because the majority of people aren't communists. :^)

Oy vey, go back to /po/ you filthy antisemite! Those facts are very triggering, like anudda shoah! Did you forget the 666 quintillion?

This communism meme needs to die. If you don't know what is running on your machine or can't inspect it, it is insecure by default. The hardware backdoors should not be tolerated. I hope ARM starts making inroads on the desktop and we get new operating systems too. Russia is periodically in the news about trying to get an ARM standard for government computers because they do not trust ((( Intel )))

ITT: people think the labour party is communist

do you even know what communism is

labor party isn't communist, but leader corbyn is.


PROTIP: capitalists, you can take and sell 'other peoples' libre software. the world will not become devoid of rubes for you to fleece. stop crying.

Stop implying that FLOSS is inherently communistic. If it were, the government would own all code and dole it out to whom they see fit this is not the case and economic policy is not the same as software licensing.

Open source software means you can just look through the source code to find vulnerabilities so you can steal people's data from the government.

No thanks, security is more important in this case.


you seem to have made a typo there

How would that even be possible you retards. How do they wirelessly communicate across the globe?

Do you have literally any scientific evidence to prove it.

I'm not even Jewish. Not everyone who thinks you people are completely braindead is Jewish.


he is a commie shithead who could destroy are green and pleasant lands and turn the UK into a Socialist Shariah state.
he is going to FOSS look like communism.


this, if software and hardware is funded by government therfore every taxpayer of some country already payed for it and such taxpayer should be treated as cofunder of software or hardware.

lol, all these butthurt proprietary fags still thinks their sekrit code dindu nuffin.

Top goy m8.

I'm not a proprietary fag, I just hate Corbyn, he would fucking destroy the UK with his immigration policies and ffs he is a communist hobo.

Yeah, it's almost like individual Jews have different perspectives on things, like regular people. Why they might not even be a hivemind out to destroy muh white race. No, obviously they are simply coordinating with each other to sweep both sides of the isle. It could not be that they disagree with each other.

Corbyn is probably a secret Brexiteer. Immigration hurts wages, so it only follows that he's anti-immigrant and a protectionist, just like that fag Sanders. This is why people of his party hate him. But hey, if we can get government to use free software and to release software to the people, I see no fault in that. That should be the default position of all the parties, imho.

You got a reminder that NSFW images need to be spoilered, like it says in the rules:

Nothing got deleted and you didn't get a real ban. What point are you trying to make?

This. Holla Forums must go.

your mom must go

they don't even sound the same
england pls die

Between this news and Apple getting absolutely raped this has been a good week.

If we're going to be forced to pay for the software by taxation either way, shouldn't the public at least have access to the source code?

1/10. Bait too obvious.

This, if anything, free software is inherently more capitalistic than proprietary software, which which is developed in a monopolistic way.

Also, what said. If taxpayers are funding its development, it's only fair that the software should be free.

There's absolutely no benefit in making it proprietary, only drawbacks.

Defense technologies. You want to open source your missile tracking software?

actually I always wondered about that.

Strategically it is not a good idea.

But It would be interesting to see how too adversaries (you know simulating but they don't know it) adapt if both of them had the source code of their enemy.

Rapid evolution followed by stagnation. Cyber warfare especially would eventually hit a wall. Software would be refined to essentially perfection, and the only things that would change the game would be hardware. Intel, AMD, Cisco and the like would become effectively subsidiaries of the NSA or DoD. If they can't breach their software, they'll control the hardware underneath. The opposing state would either create it's own hardware or give in.

Making software free doesn't mean hosting it out in the open for all to see, you doofus. Only users of the software benefit from the 4 freedoms. although the line gets blurred in the case of equipment like ATMs and kiosks

Although it would make for an interesting question to ask RMS: is it ethical to keep software containing state secrets proprietary? Also, what if one is required to use a computer with proprietary software at work?

I can't imagine any state would use proprietary programs developed by a 3rd party on their defense systems without access to the source, if not demanding ownership over the project outright.

If published software contains state secrets you're doing something seriously wrong whether you provide the source code or not.

So everyone on a Navy ship has access to the electronic warfare software source code? Or even just the operators of the station? The pilots of helicopters have access to all the software inside? That's incredibly stupid.

I don't know if it's the stallman-compliant guideline, but I'd say that it needs to be available to the people who would actually be allowed to replace the software if the copyright license allowed it.

If I fly a helicopter that I don't own I wouldn't be able to replace the software it runs even if I did get the source code. It's not my helicopter. I'm not allowed to do that for reasons that have nothing to do with copyright.

This is in the GPL FAQ:
>Is making and using multiple copies within one organization or company “distribution”?


Free Software goes against private profit of software developers.

Laws against ransomware do that as well. If something stops certain people from making as much money as they would otherwise that doesn't automatically make it bad. The usual position of Free Software is that proprietary software is unethical, and it's fine to prohibit unethical activities even if people uses them to make money.

If you want to properly attack free software you have to attack the claim that proprietary software is unethical, not explain that proprietary software can be used to earn money.

Wew lad. Are you implying that Stallman supports "open source" software? He does not and never has.

Also, government code ought to be released into the public domain.

Thanks, m80. That answers it. Have a random pic as a thanks.

I always knew linux is shill. It could only be made so shitty by design, to keep people using botnet windows instead of alternatives

Those two are not contradicting each other. I never said that there is a millenia-old Jewish masterplan. If you have a regular evil person, that person will consider the long-term consequences of fucking you over and reconsider if they are unfavourable. An evil Jew will fuck you over regardless and then wonder why there is a lynchmob at his door. This has made Jews stick out like a sore thumb and gotten them kicked out of various countries over and over again, dragging the non-evil Jews down along with them.

/thread right here

The following is a random keyword the nsa monitors via platter charge

Holy shit no.



Sauce? What happened?

are you here to piss people off?

