You don't know who or where you are, but you're willing to listen to the voices inside your head.
What should you do?
Dubs, trips, etc. take priority. If someone doesn't get them after awhile, I'll choose one. My posts will be erratic in here, but I'll keep this thread going as long as it's not bumped off or deleted.
Barge into a changing room and anal rape the woman inside.
Cooper Adams
You find a dirty piece of paper on the ground and proceed to slice your dick, just the tip, multiple times. You wince in pain and reconsider listening to the voices in your head. Some blood trickles down your crotch.
What do you do next?
Ryder Kelly
get a dog
Brandon Kelly
wrap the paper around your dick to stop the bleeding
Evan Cooper
Pour lemon juice in my dick
Jacob Reyes
I don't delete good threads
Jaxon Foster
shit post get dub
Dominic Wood
become enlightened
you are now transcendent, one with the voices
Elijah Lopez
Diarrhea explosion
Wyatt James
Spend four bucks on three chinese knockoff candies, proceed to attempt to read what it says and then throw them on the ground.
Henry Reed
I will have to do the job of keeping the religion of a Jew named FUCKERS.
Josiah Richardson
Rerolling this one
Juan Adams
Jack Gonzalez
Yeah, sounds like a fucking GREAT Idea.
Xavier Jackson
Wrap an isis scarf around your dick and scream alah akbar.
Levi Morris
Bullshit. You delete any good thread that has too many pedo's
Buy something online
Jordan White
You can't, for the life of you, find any lemon juice. You scour a nearby trashcan and find some leftover lemonade in a used up jug. Begrudgingly, you pour the liquid container of pain over your bleeding cock. You wince in pain and curse your weak sense of will.
Standing in small puddle of lemonade and bloody dick juice, you start to wonder: What do you do now?
Sebastian Davis
reroll for this.
Jack Ortiz
Call your older shota sister to come pick you up and patch you up. Shes a doctor She's also into insect
Juan Garcia
Search in the trashcan for food
Brody Jackson
rolling for suck your own turd
Nolan Ward
Go outside.
Samuel Ward
Grab the head in the trashcan? I don't know, that thing looks like a little head. And face fuck it!
Andrew Morales
You make a quick phone call to your shota sister to come get you. She arrives along with her boyfriend who's a fly since she happens to be into insect. She fixes you up and feel much better now that your life isn't leaking out your crotch.
You're in a good mood. What do you do?
Jaxon Flores
Fuck her his boyfriend with a horse diddler.
Caleb White
Exchange your sister for a goat
Landon Stewart
Butt rape sister then make sausage out of her.
Dylan Campbell
Make sister eat BF.Then self.
Kevin Brown
Sister is now a tranny. And you proceed to MAGA.
Luke Brown
Praise Kek.
Joshua Mitchell
fuck kek
Jayden Barnes
Have Kek ride your head for threads entirety
Ethan Russell
Eat Kek
Leo Sullivan
Eat and become kek
Landon Cox
Leo Allen
You get on your knees in anger, and scream to the heavens with a mighty, "Fuck Kek!" Moments later, a green blob falls from the sky and smacks you right in your face. It appears to be a frog. You're not sure what to make of this.
What do you do now?
Brody Powell
The odd frog begins whispering into your ear. You feel an urge to don your grandfathers stahlhelm and an angry black youth approaches and demands your wallet. You however only have a large rainbow flag on you.
John Foster
Ask the little green quest giver for the whereabouts of your true love
Bentley Russell
You ask the frog where your true love has been all your life. You've searched high and low, and all you've gotten is fake numbers. The frog gives you a blank stare and croaks. Either you're too primitive and can't understand the frogs complex language, or you're just talking to a frog.
What do you do?
Robert Johnson
Aiden Perry
fuck the frog at gunpoint without lube while moaning "YOU DID THIS TO ME MOM"
Thomas Roberts
throw the frog at innocent pedestrians
Josiah Kelly
Make an underground Figth Club but with pets and crown the little fucker as the final boss everyone has to defeat
Lucas Morgan
eat the frog's legs
Colton Garcia
Kek grants you powers think jojo or OPM Give him powers that you think fits kek
Luis Gomez
Josiah Martin
As you hold the frog in your hands, it starts to make strange faces. You feel a strange fire rising deep in your belly. Eventually, it goes away but you sense something is different about you. It's hard to put a name on it. The frog joins your party.
What do you do now?
Alexander King
I almost forgot:
What do you call your new frog companion?
John Gray
her name is kek.
Christopher Reed
Discover the meaning behind 1/phi^-3
Christopher Moore
Kek warns you about a terrible threat that could destroy the world as we know it :
He starts screaming and swearing in what seems to be an ancient language
Easton Martin
Hell, we could begin cycling these types of threads whenever they appear (to prevent their pruning under the regular waves of spam/cp this board receives). Quests have always been a personal favorite of mine 2bh
Henry Robinson
I hate normies so much!
Carson Roberts
(check) Yes DO IT
Luis Hill
[The Frog] is now your stand.
Gabriel Collins
Dylan Martinez
A terrible scream escapes the frog. He begins to speak in a series of unfathomable "reeeeees" the likes of which you have never heard. You hear something about normalfags in his nearly incoherent rant. You place your new friend, Kek, on top of your head and start walking.
What do you do next?
Isaiah Anderson
You start walking then something happens.
Thomas Rodriguez
find some homeless people
Jackson Roberts
Go get a beer
Charles Wood
Asher Turner
feed sisters fly boyfriend to kek for shits and giggles
Gabriel Lee
you come face to face with a normie
Liam Richardson
You find a nearby liquor store and pick up a cheap 40 oz. bottle of brown fuckmeup juice. You set your beer on the counter and rummage through your pockets, but all you come up with is a paperclip, a strange red ball, and a blue piece of lint. The cashier is getting impatient.
Now what do you do?
Jayden Ramirez
Use your Stand, [Crazy Frog], to rob the store.
Cameron Clark
Jacob Anderson
A deep power is released from deep inside you. Before your eyes, Kek transforms into an enormous green monster. Before you have a chance to control this unforeseen strength, Kek begins a barrage of bunches. Each punch is so strong the molecules of air sliced vibrate the atoms and release booming "keks." By the time it's over, you're standing in the ruins of what was once the liquor store.
What do you do?
Nicholas Martinez
Find out your stands hidden power.
Ryan Adams
You grab Kek from on top of your head, and hold him so you can have a face-to-face. You ask him what his powers are, how did he get them, and how does he use them. He stares at you, then squeezes his eyes into a smile. It doesn't look like he's going to budge. Perhaps he needs some persuasion.
What do you do?
Josiah Baker
Throw him on the ground.
Jack Brown
let him check these dubs
Justin Hall
Kek is raised straight above your head. The bright blue sky beams overhead. Only one frog is raining from the sky today. You bring down your arm slam Kek straight into the pavement. Kek's body lay motionless. on the ground.
What do you do now?
Easton Cox
Recite a poem as tears as a figurative river forms from your eyes.
Austin Watson
Throwing Kek on the ground causes a warp hole to open and his loyal army of Holla Forumsacks emerge from it, wielding axes shaped like swastikas.
Eli Williams
Kek reforms into a green toad.
Jayden Thompson
Kek pisses on your face
David Walker
Kek whispers "Apud eundem, Ego sum, et iterum: Ego sum."
Jack Parker
Austin Jones
Brandon Butler
You are now kek.
Lucas Rogers
Scream at the top of your lungs about how dark and edgy you are.
John Perry
Rerolling for this
Levi Ward
Do squat jump to become a bigger guy for us
Andrew Bailey
Go to the gym to get /fit/ and avenge your fallen friend.
Matthew Edwards
So he is gonna kill himself to avenge kek?
William Young
No, he's going to kill the fucker who did that to Kek.
Jordan Lopez
Cut off one of your hands with a very dull object.
Dominic Rivera
Holding your breath, you jump up into the air. When you fall down and your feet hit the Earth, you try remember your gym form and pop into a squat. You manage to go down and back up without falling on your ass. You think may have been off since your knees ache a little. Your legs feel slightly stronger and your glutes get tighter.
What do you do next?
Ryder Morris
Finger your asshole.
Connor Martin
Brandon Clark
Go to Church
Jeremiah Anderson
Wage war on the kikes.
Jack Kelly
Put the red ball inside kek ( you know you want us to use it)
John Turner
Eat Kek
Julian Taylor
You feel compelled to devour your ex-companion. He was a traitor who refused to cooperate with you, and your stomach is growling for revenge. You pick up the body of Kek, and open wide. The frog's body feel slimy against your tongue and throat, and you have to force it down to keep from gagging.
Easton Nguyen
Your stomach begins to rumble. You feel a little sick.
What do you now?
Carson Peterson
teleport into
Nolan Reed
Embrace your new gained power - for you are the first to become truly one with your stand.
Zachary Hernandez
feel myself shit buckets as I convert into a part kek abomination
Christian James
motherfucking THIS
Parker Clark
Blake Myers
It was KeK's plan since the beggining… To become one with a human He needed an mortal body in order to fight the normalfags
Carson Martinez
Jack Rivera
You stand there, triumphant. You have now eaten Kek and become a singular being with the frog. However, you have around 6-8 hours before he gets digested. Your start keeps rumbling.
What do you do now?
Dylan Peterson
Beat up your brother for being a trans
Adrian King
eat a hotpocket
Cooper Stewart
Only his physical body will be digested, his spirit stand will remain.
Test our newfound ability against Holla Forums
Ian Gutierrez
design my superhero costume for when I gain kek powers
Brody Edwards
You come face to face with a leftypol fag You don't know why, but you fell an irrepressible urge to rip his heart off his chest and eat it This might be because of KeK' spirit smpwly invading your body and mind
Anyway, you're hungry so you do it
Matthew Bell
Ryan Perez
Charles Garcia
Ian White
Zachary Thomas
Wrote the book on memes, a note from the author
Sebastian Perez
You go back to find your "sister." A smile stretches across your face. That freak won't know what's coming. You walk slowly over to it, and before it can react, you push it onto the ground and straddle it across its chest. The smile on your face deforms into an angry grimace. You start pummeling, one hand after the other. There are many wrongs that need to be righted in this world. Time passes. You don't know how long you've been at it for.
Ian Cook
You hear a buzzing in the distance growing louder and louder as it gets closer to you.
What do you do?
Jaxson Lopez
I only listen to the bread in my pocket faggot.
Jace Martinez
Punch the degenerate fly that thought inter-species marriage and fucking trannies was perfectly fine.
Aaron Watson
your new powers defeat that buzzing noise in a amazing cool way, showing you have a lot of potenital in your powers still to come.
Also rip off your trans brother penis off.
William Gray
Make-up sex.
James Adams
Get a job you fucking hobo
Luke James
Evan Rogers
Your ask your unconscious brother if he's ready for his operation. You reach under his skirt and through his panties. Tugging and yanking, his limp flesh is torn from his body. Post-op or pre-op? Now you know for sure. A buzzing sound grows closer in the distance.
Thomas Jenkins
Holding the bloody human mushroom, you turn to face the sound coming from behind you. Your brother's boyfriend transforms into a horrendous hairy beast. Your hands, guided by your inner rage, hold the dick in front of you with both your hands supporting it. A strange energy travels through your arms and channels into the dick. In a moment of erectness, a sharp, bright green beam erupts from the tip obliterating everything in front of it. You stand next to the aftermath.
What do you do?
Adam Sanchez
Ah yes. This reminds me of a comic.
If anyone has it please post.
Jace Cooper
Found it.
Christopher Nguyen
I just torrented generals recently, needed some gla action but am getting bored already. Which one should I play next
Alexander Allen
Alexander Parker
OP here. I've tried bumping the thread, but it looks like no ones posting here anymore. You want me to just end it? 'Cause at this rate, the thread's going to die anyway. Very slowly. In probably 3 or 4 days.
William Hernandez
What was the origin of this comic, and where can I find more?
The artist went by Plastic Brick Automaton, but his website went down awhile ago.
Hudson Robinson
Since you are going to end it: shotgun mouthwash
James Hernandez
cut your dick with a piece of paper again
Andrew Carter
After the shocc has settled, you realize the impact of your actions. You need to get away!
But where to…?
Brandon Hernandez
Beat the crap out of your brother with magical frog powers.
James Kelly
Adam Turner
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to licc your paws I used it when I was a teenager and I genuinely felt like it worked, though all fit science has currently led me to believe it's impossible and the only way to get a smaller stomach is to decrease your body fat percentage by eating less calories than you burn
Eli Stewart
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to licc your paws
Dominic James
Angel Jackson
don't listen to tell us more
Oliver Nguyen
Nice clipping.
Jaxson Carter
took me the longest time to realise that was a man's head and not a hairy bottom
Gavin Perry
Take a rectangular plank and place the flasks under the corners. Then post your coffee table on pinterest.
Jaxson Peterson
A lot of the text is useless pseudoscience, so Despite tl;dr being appropriate for drawing on the right side of the brain, it's a shitty attitude to have more generally.
Liam Williams
Doesnt apt permit partial updates, mutiple versions and aren't debian repos qualitative superior? Doesn't debian seperate its paccages?
But installing/maintaining arch is actually a breeze and storage apace is cheap now.
Do you guys know wether tumbleweed is worth it?
Ian Anderson
The rumbles in your stomach continue to get worse. Your face scrunches as you try to remain composed, but soon it overtakes you. Your body crumples to the ground as the pain becomes unbearable. The expression on your face freezes as your body enters in shock. Without hesitation, your stomach expands like an inflatable beach ball. Unable to hold in the pressure your gut bursts open and all the life exits your body in one swift moment. Blood falls to the Earth around you, and your vision goes dark. Your stomach was not able to digest whatever Kek was made of.
Adam Brown
In this adventure you: -gave your dick papercuts -poored lemonade on your bleeding penis -fixed your leaky dick with the help of your shota sister and her insect boyfriend -cursed kek -interrogated a frog -made the frog your friend and named it Kek -summoned your stand and destroyed a liquor store -killed Kek and then ate him -did a squat jump -beat up your trans sister and tore of her penis -used your sister's penis and Kek's powers to disintegrate your sister's boyfriend -died from a bad case of indigestion
Jeremiah Adams
OP here. I'll do more later. I want to practice more to make better drawn quests. Maybe work on writing or find a writefag who's good at making quest rules or something.