Other urls found in this thread:
that's not what's happening. ICANN will just not be under the department of commerce anymore. it'll be under US jurisdiction, just not under department of commerce.
further, this is a duplicate thread.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Fuck them, we can just go back to using hosts file.
Reminder that OpenNIC exists.
So if this happens, and say, the revoke the domain name of Holla Forums, how would we access sites like this? Cloudflare blocks any attempt to use use's direct IP.
will check this out later.
Thank you Holla Forums for voting for government controlled "net neutrality" and paving the way for this!
Its too late now
The fancy solutions mentioned in these threads will gather at most .01% of the userbase, the other 99.99% being too unsophisticated to learn them.
Obama just got your back, faggot.
We need to make our own IP address space or an overlay network or something. It'll be like the new internet. But this time, no minorities, women, "social media" or SJWs allowed.
So no chance of anonymity, I suppose?
Have fun on your own.
Holla Forums is cancer.
Who said anything about blocking anonymity? Its very presence repels SJWs, minorities and women because they like to be able to destroy your life for criticizing them. When you're anonymous, they can't.
You can't prevent people from posting TMI.
No, but you can exclude sites that require real names and snoop on users' location from your IP address space.
The taste of Comcast's and Verizon's throbbing cocks must be amazing considering how enthusiastically you're deep throating them by shilling against Net Neutrality.
If you want literally no women, minorities, SJWs and social media you have to check people's identities before giving them access and you need a system that lets you remove sites you don't like.
Enabling proper anonymity is hard, enforcing anonymity on people who don't want it is impossible.
Top kek
You have to build a place they don't ever want to go, even if they know about it. It has to be seen as having no value whatsoever, because it has too many limitations to be commercially exploited.
Fuck that hurts my head. Arpanet and HTML are different fucking things. That's almost as dumb as those stupid Mandela Effect "oh hey I remember something differently" "oh I remember it that way too" "conspiracy!" threads.
You cannot have an anonymous system that checks for your personal identity. It's not just logistically impossible, it's a logical contradiction. Either people are anonymous or not, you cannot have both.
If you think chans actually are your straight white male stomping ground, you are literally inverse Tumblr. No one cares about who people are in real life but you obsessive authoritarian faggots. You complain all day about behavior that you yourself are guilty of.
I wish all Holla Forumsacks would die. In the event that an alternative network is developed, I would hope that the knowledge/cost barrier is kept high enough to exclude them, normalfags, and all other stupid shits out there who are ruining the internet.
Implying Comcast and Verizon are not (at the very least) half-willing bedfellows with the feds
The "inverse-tumblr" argument is weak.
The whole point of the chans is anonymity. So that no one can get fired/trouble irl for their views (or in your case, shitposting).
Tumblr does not have anonymity.
There's a reason that anonymous sites/boards tend towards right-side politics
I don't understand what you're trying to say. His point is that filtering out people because you expect them to be shitlords/SJWs before they even do something conflicts with anonymity. How does that conflict with what you said?
Are you retarded? It's relatively easy to go without people doxing you on a website with user accounts if you practice basic OpSec (like people did for years before the recent trend of posting everything about yourself online), and it's completely possible to get doxed on an anonymous image board if you don't practice OpSec. The reason that user made the Tumblr comparison is because the user who he was responding to wants a safe space on the internet where views that oppose his are banned, just like the SJWs on Tumblr.
Seriously go die.
See pic.
The point of anonymity is to prevent discussions from becoming a circlejerk of known users, not to sate your persecution complex.
Not in the sense I described, but no one forces you to put personal info online, famalam.
Because newfags took the stormfront trolling seriously. Chans are not your hug box where everyone has to agree with you, go back to TRS.
In this case? They're most definitely not with the Feds.
Systems with discardible identities is fully possible. What is meant by anonymous in these contexes is not the impossibility of tripfagging but the possibility of keeping your meat world identity away from your network IDs. Does that clear things up?
Your entire Internet history is sold by your ISP to advertisers and profiling organizations. Your purchasing history is sold by almost every store you buy shit with using a credit card. A copy of your license plate number is associated with your name on LexisNexis and a bunch of other sites when you purchase a car.
Even if you practice good OpSec, other people giving away information about you can screw you over.
Shit isn't simple to address.
All this samefagging
You're just upset that white people are waking up and won't accept the love you and Tyrone have for each other.
Its okay bro, no one cares what you and your nigger boyfriend do behind closed doors
You seem to have a problem between distinguishing opinion from fact.
Please look in the dictionary under subjective.
SAGE this shit Holla Forums propaganda thread.