government is a cancer

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Yes because people can govern themselves.

The irony levels are over 9,000


Anarchism requires all peoples to agree on what is acceptable and what is not. Not only this but they must all choose to do what is acceptable at all time. How else do you deal with a serial killer without prions? You'd have to murder him yourself, which violates the sacred hippy liberal law prohibiting capital punishment. Yet, if you imprison him, you have just become a government. And this is why anarchism is the ideology of autists and teenage edgelords.

Killing a killer does not make you a government.
Nice strawmen.

People can order their own lives. Are you so slave you don't even think it is possible for others?

that isn't even close to what I said. here's what I did say in regards to killing a serial killer:

Now, in regards to imprisoning a person, I said:

Because if you imprison someone you're assuming you have the authority to imprison him. Where does the authority come from? Society. You become a governing force within society, or what I like to call a government

I totally agree OP.


it's not that complicated to not have a Government, it is actually the natural order of things to not have a government.
humans can govern themselves,
we plant veggies and build our houses and tend to the land and bond with a woman and have children.
Like the Gods intended.

How can you get economic freedom without capitalism?

Government is a repeating system that will never die, as long as people co-habitate with each other. There will always be someone, officially or unofficially, deemed the "leader," or "the one who is most capable."

From there, you always end up with some form of government, whether it be democracy, or a small-scale dictatorship.

Abolish government and you will inevitably see hierarchical power structures arise. Stop being such an ideological child, OP

Government and hirarchy is un-natural, it stems from the survival reptilian brain which makes people want to dominate one another.

the reptilian brain is important for survival but when an imbalance occurs, this part of the brain is more active than the part of higher thinking.
we live in a fight/flight or fright mechanism which makes us think that having a "leader" is a natural thing.
when we operate from a higher mind perspective it's very logical that we live off the land and have a shelter,family and plant our own food and cooperate with other human families for the good of the community, without a power center, decentralization is the right course of action, we can live like this when we let go of fear, which is the basis of the idea of government. which makes us greedy and need to hoard more resources and be locked into survival.

remember survival in itself is not a bad thing, it's important evolutionary feature, but the bad thing is being locked into survival and fear.

why are all "anarchists" such wankers ?

is it just the new version of college student commies ?

Because every single 1 of them is a retarded edgelord faggot. They don't even have the brain power to consider the fact that whoever is the smartest with their resources will have excess, from there he can then pay people to do whatever he wants them to do such as form a militia and enslave everyone else who has less capacity for force than he does. The only law of nature is force, the more force you can attain the more force you can use to get whatever you want. Human greed wins out every single fucking time.

You don't get one important thing: anarchism is the political philosophy version of pedophilia.

You can try telling a pedophile that their fetish is stupid because children eventually grow up, but telling them that won't make them want to quit fucking kids. The same is true of an anarchist: there is something uniquely compelling to them about an innocent people that hasn't yet developed even a de facto state.

People can order their own lives. Are you so slave you don't even think it is possible for others?>>6454630
And anarchism isn't some "sacred hippy liberal" thing. So what is it if not a strawman? A red herring? perhaps.

Except that no one suggested imprisonment except you. Don't be lazy and invent strawman to defeat, that no one you are arguing with is suggesting.

You have total obedience to the law then?

A common misconception is that capitalism = free market.
Yet we don't have too many large regions in the world with free markets. As technology rises, more free markets are possible.

Forcing thousands and millions to obey a bureaucracy against their will is a government.
Sons and daughters adhering to their house rules is not government.
Exiting a house is much easier than transferring your entire life to another geopolitical border.

not an argument

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

That one wasn't meant to be an argument, but an explanation. Spam harder, faggot.

not an argument

This is exactly what I mentioned, you are locked into survival more where everything is kill or be killed, dominate or submit.

but your logic is messed up, if you have a sound mental process you would see anarchy as the right order of things.

an explanation of what?
anything you disagree with is your bogeyman to ya? good explanation thx

Sounds good. Nobody's ever made a convincing argument for the special moral authority of a state except maybe divine authority argumentation, but that's very ad hoc.

Who's arguing fuckface ?
I was just making the point that all self styled anarchists are wankers and you just reinforced my point wonderfully.

he means you didn't provide anything to back your claims so into the trash it goes.

Holla Forums is so retarded.

If you like anarchy, why are you on Holla Forums instead of living off the grid in the woods somewhere?

Why would I bother arguing with a wanker ?

what are you,12?

No, he's just british

then what, as an anarchist living in an anarchy, do you do about a serial killer?

you sound very pleasant user

technology, trade, etc
are not dependent on a state

kill him

what about a thief?


take your property back from him, and if he tries to resist, fuck him up to the extent that it's necessary

but that doesnt solve the problem? he's just going to keep stealing, isnt he?

not unless he likes getting fucked up

Has there ever been a successful anarchist whatever in history? Maybe that's an indicator to how practical it is

What if I'm not able to do that?

so you're telling me if theres a serial killer he should be killed and not imprisoned as an act of mercy should he be found mentally ill? theres no trial or anything, just Sharia style street justice? and if you cant beat up the thief what happens? "i guess he got away. nothing i can do now. oh well." ????

if he likes pain

state paid police wont do it for you either

tough shit. git gud or hire someone to do it for you

i refer you to

All of you are fucking retarded, and nobody on either side has read anything about the subject

I recommend reading Anarchy, State, and Utopia by Robert Nozick or just listening to the Tom Woods show

i'd rather dig Rabelais up and suck his dick

well gee, that anarchism thingy really does sound like the solution to all problems!

This just about sums up Holla Forums, and internet political discussion in general.

You can do whatever you want lol

We're already living in a anarchy

applied anarchism

also this

A government will always happen yes, but that's why you need to have regular revolts every few decades.

Let it build up and then tear it down before it gets too big to tear down.

I remember when I was 14

"Forcing thousands and millions to obey a bureaucracy against their will is a government."

Are you sure that isn't *your* idea of government?

"Sons and daughters adhering to their house rules is not government. Exiting a house is much easier than transferring your entire life to another geopolitical border."

Rules —–→ structure —-→ government (whether "official" or not), and where, exactly, do you suggest moving to, since you cannot "exit a house?" I believe just about every landmass on this stupid planet is "owned/claimed" by some "geopolitical" entity…. well… the ones that are "livable," at least…

Yes, government is cancer.

Corporations are cancer also, and yet you think they aren't working with the government…

have you ever played MGS
Deus Ex
system shock?

have you read brave new world

transhumanism will not work.

Do this on Holla Forums you fag.

Egoist Anarchist reporting in.

All things are nothing to me.


He'd be permabanned instantly and you know it