Next gen CPUs will support only Windows 10

That's not to say they won't work with it, just that their use with anything other than Windows won't be supported or ensured. We should really stockpile old x86 stuff if the Intel management engine stuff wasn't enough already. We should also start training ourselves up in repair and reverse engineering to make sure we can make the best out of our old machines.

Other urls found in this thread:

Or you could, you know, install Gentoo you wincuck

inb4 "muh only windows 10": it's talking about windows drivers, the faggot "journalist" obviously completely disregarded loonix, which will work just fine

risc can't come sooner

like I care since i'm running linux and I can "emulate" older CPUs on virtual machine manager. But on the other hand AMD reaction is quite strange, since they've got whole console market they could show middle finger to microshit and do whatever they want.

They really keep pushing this bullshit don't they. For fucks sake man, even Windows XP still gets used more than 10. Most people that installed 10 are people that fell for the Directx12 meme.
Hell even the local computerstore here recommends sticking with 7 or just to pirate it if you can't afford it.

Didn't they already get in trouble for monopolizing the market by some manner of bundling IE on the desktop? This is like a million times worse.

Anyway, I don't even trust any Intel/AMD shit made in this century, out of the general principle that it's easier to backdoor them the more complicated they get. There are probably other hidden exploitable bugs in older processors that weren't outright advertised like AMT. Maybe even unintentional bugs that are the result of backwards compatibility, like how the memory sieve exploit relied on 20-year old architectural cruft to gain negative ring privileges. It's a simple fact that the more complicated a program or hardware is, the more bugs it has. The exception would be if they tested hardware to the same level as NASA, but their stuff was much simpler to begin with.

I'd be really happy with a DEC Alpha or old SGI or Sun workstation. Heck, even an Amiga with 68060 accelerator would do the trick, since I don't care about modern games, or watching highres videos, and most websites aren't worth browsing anymore.

This article says nothing about Linux or BSD support. Older versions of Windows will not be supported on the new chips because Microsoft will not be working with the manufacturers to release drivers.
Stop misrepresenting articles to create panic


commit sudoku

AMD Zen when

Reminder to read the article before trusting anything OP said. It is a day of mourning for Wincucks, but no one else.

Next time read the article before replying.

Well I'm fucked.
I can't go full Linux yet because of a few programs. Notably Paint Tool Sai.
Sorry but Krita is optimized like shit compared to Sai. I wish someone would aim to make something just like it for Linux.

Then there's also the music programs I'm going to need to start using soon too.There are still a few games I play with others that don't run on Linux.

What's taking so long for visualization with pass through to get better?
You'd think by now there would be a single efficient program that manages everything and gets in going in a few steps.

Please tell me that the streetshitter running the show at MS is driving the company into the ground and that it will be no more by the next decade.

He didn't, it was addressed
Maybe if you had read it instead of crying over it you would have known that

Doesn't effect Linux, so were good. Microsoft is just gonna piss off gamers and normies.

If you properly set up your virtual machine you could enjoy about 90-95% performance in games when compared to windows. Since you are using programs that require CPU and fast HDD, you should try to pass through not single partition but whole HDD. Also assign more cores to virtual machine. I would like second opinion on my tips since i'm not an expert.

krita (digital painting)
equivalent to Paint Tool Sai

The gimp (image editing)
equivalent to photoshop

inkscape (vectorization)
equivalent to illustrator

scribus (page layout program)
equivalent to indesign

It's not linux it's gnu/linux

You don't know how computers work.
Virtualization/emulation will always be slower.

Yes this would be the case if hardware manufacturers weren't a bunch of homosexuals over their sourcecode.

If graphic card like nvidia works it's only because of the work of some great guys who reverse engineered them not because of nvidia or amd.
At some point people could even flash the firmware of the gpu and replace it but now all GPUs are signed and everyone is fucked.

user understand that programmers can make magic happen when they have the source code of the hardware.

For example look at the wii it has only a 243MHz amd GPU and little memory but it can render 3d graphics like a champ, and do you no why ?
Because nintendo has access (under NDA) to the source code and specs.

The GPU is the mindfuck. You don't even need it because CPUs are so fucking fast now.
But now everyone wants to use GPU because they were jedi mind tricked. They think you can't even move a window without GPU. They write bloated code for desktop environment that only barely works with GPU.
It's a big joke.

The original article wasn't clickbait, but the name of this thread sure is.

t. windows flag

Of course windows is too dumb to even samefag properly.

Keep shilling, fags.

Holla Forums BTFO

>intentionally misrepresents what the article is to be a clickbait disinfo LUGENPRESSE faggot
It's like poetry, it rhymes.

Read a post before you respond to it.

Pretty sure you only tried it on Windows, instead of on Linux.

Damn straight, son.

The effort would be almost non existing with a compiler option like -march=native.

I tried to use Win10 for one week and I gave up after it took one day to install visual studio. Finally the os asked for a windows 95 disk. WIndows is unbearable.


Someone really needs to write a Win10 virus that upgrades it to Win95.

Do you mean risc-v? There's plenty of risc. ARM is a risc architecture.

I tried it on my X201t as well, but though that isn't a fair comparison. Though I must had that wasn't expecting that to hold up at a normal resolution or anything, but even with a really small resolution I couldn't draw simple lines without lag.
I also need to ask, have YOU tried Krita on windows? That way you would actually be able to say that it just runs like shit on windows for whatever reason

Did I really type visualization? Fuck

You need to read more carefully or ask a question to clarify before you fill in blanks yourself.
Where did I complain about the speed of visualization? With my talk of a more efficient way to set them up you should be able to tell that by "better" I mean easier to set up and better management. The results for virtualization with passthrough are already so good why would I be complaining about performance anyway?

We really can't have nice things can we?

That's an absolutely retarded statement. Almost nobody sells PCs with GNU/Linux pre-installed. You install it onto a PC originally intended for Windows.

Inkscape is a good vector editor, but if you want a good vectorizer, nothing beats Vector Magic.


Why are you so angry?

what does this mean? The onboard intel graphics won't work? don't you have a graphics card anyway?

I think this is just fearmongering to get people to switch to win10. Even if it does not support win7, linux might be running. However, I read that ASUS has no win7 drivers for G-series laptops and that they don't give a shit about customers requesting them. One guy posted that he cannot get the touchpad running. I am not sure about linux compatibility.

It's disgusting how they try to force you to use a shitty product and how they want to bully you into submission.

it is official to me that I am moving every thing over to -nix at this point. I mean, I've got several devices on it, but I absolutely refuse to be subject to 10 and anything similar to it moving into the future.

Fuck you Microshit.

As another artist, I can say that Sai really is a fantastic program. Its really easy to pick up and use. Krita is also fantastic, but there's a much higher learning curve to it.


Unless you been drawing it with a potato, I don't see any problem with krita 3.0 on my first try.

how hard were the drugs the microfucked devs were on when they decided to announce this?


fucking jews are taking control over our computers
the only what can save us is a new holocaust

I guess Holla Forums isn't crazy about the jews after all.

I've seen some. "Muh people only use windows because it's what they get pre-installed" is a myth.
I've even bought one with ubuntu 12.10.
Installed windows on it, to the butthurt of Holla Forumsfags everywhere.

What is the fucking problem.
All it is is that M$ wont make their older OSs support newer HW.
>>>Holla Forums

As this is about CPUs and not pre-built PCs bundled with Windows, what you are saying is even more ridiculously retarded than it would be if it was about the latter.

Why the fuck are you bringing up Holla Forums?

Unfortunately this is a lie.
GIMP is a piece of crap.


From TFA:

Maybe if you had read it instead of sperging over it you would have known that

So, how's that cmyk support coming along?

PaintTool Sai is listed as Platinum on Wine's AppDB.

You should be able to use it on Linux with no problem.

Where do you get parts to build a laptop from scratch, you massive faggot?

Why are you sperging about it?

The only difference between them is one comes with enough presets to let you do something that is somewhat like what you want, without knowing anything about what you are doing, and the other does not. If you know what you are doing, they are somewhat equally capable.

Amazon and Newegg

Why proprietary software and hardware are bad in a nutshell.
Also, why we need free software and hardware in a nutshell.

You'd have more choices if people weren't hellbent on using bloated software. These days you need 3D GPU to move a window in fancy desktop environment. You need 1 GB RAM to do word processing. In 1980 you could do word processing on a 64 KB CP/M machine with 4 MHz CPU and two floppy drives. Only 5 years later, you could do GUI word processing on a 68000 CPU and 256 KB RAM on Mac, Atari, or Amiga computer.
Bloated software is more complicated and has more bugs, and needs more hardware resources. There is also the unending upgrade cycle trap, including the "security updates" that wouldn't have been such a problem in simpler system design.

You can run Paint Tool SAI, with tablet pen pressure, on Linux

I agree software becoming more bloated is a problem, but using more resources than 80s software isn't a bad thing. Making programs work with those restrictions on disk space and RAM back then could be very tedious depending on the program. (Friend of mine said if a program was even 1 byte too large, it meant having to find a byte somewhere else in the program that could be safely removed.) Developers should strive to be more efficient with disk and RAM usage instead of carelessly wasting whatever the host computer has, but they shouldn't have to make software with the same restrictions as 30 years ago.

It's reported as "windows 10 only" as part of a marketing gimmick

retards off the street see "win 10 only" and assume they cannot run linux now, only win 10