Why are there so many interracial cucks here? Are they just shills or do they seriously have something wrong with them?
Why are there so many interracial cucks here? Are they just shills or do they seriously have something wrong with them?
Other urls found in this thread:
Oy vey! Race mixing is the future, goyim!
If it triggers people, its gonna get posted.
On a completely unrelated note, what other sort of behavior do you think is immoral and should not be posted here? Just so I can also fight against this degeneracy.
Why do (((you people))) want to trigger us?
i'm not one of them, but where have you been the last years? why does anybody on /b want to trigger someone? because we can.
They are either victims of the poz or they are jewish shills trying to poz more goyim. Either way they are degenerates who need to be gassed.
you can't gas people anymore, it completely destroys the ozon layer
Sure, a good trigger is okay once in a while as a joke, but this shit is constant 24/7, along with gay threads and porn threads
And no, it was never like this 3 years ago, or even one year ago. Maybe once a month a thread like the ones posted would pop up but only to be ironic.
I have a better question, why do people from 4chan and reddit love interracial porn so much?
My grandfather is mulatto, married a nice aryan. Mother is redhead etc. Married another aryan. My wifes parents are x1 aryan and 1/2 native american. Son has dirty blond hair, green eyes.
Does this count?
i know, but unfortunately things change. and i think a lot of 4chaners moved to this site.
thing is: the more it triggers someone, the more they will post it.
I thought it was just shills for a while but I'm starting that there are actual cucks here. It's not uncommon for people with weird fetishes to try and drag other people to their level.
There's also a good chance that it's actual niggers/muds who get off on seeing white women degrade themself. If you remember what porn sites were like before the smart phone boom you had to actively search for interracial porn, these days it's plastered on the front of almost every free porn site. Remember that the smart phone boom brought a lot of niggers to the web.
Whoever is post in it doesn't matter though, just leave a single comment letting them know what you think with a sage and then ignore the thread.
Cuckold's gonna cuck, niggers gonna nig Etc etc.
What do you think? An Aryan is a pure European however light your skin might get you and your descendants will still have nigger blood and noticeable nigger features *noticeable to a trained eye that is.
triggering the nu/pol/ trumpcucks will never get old.
Go away, Chaim
This, and the social media boom.
10 years ago there were very few niggers on the Internet, it was very nice.
I actually find many woman of many races attractive.
Well as long as you keep your dick in your pants, and not buy any interracial porn…
They're all from Holla Forums
that's a bit unfair m8, at least 1/4 of Holla Forums are into trannies, not niggers
mostly Holla Forums
they thought using interracial would exorcise the patriarchy from inside but they just cucked themselves with establishment propaganda.
>>>Holla Forums
trivializing the genocide of whitepeople
You better step up your birthrate, cumskin. Time's running out!
Hello Holla Forums
sincere /leftycuck/ propaganda
Holla Forums shittery
Holla Forums reverse psyops
entry-level trolling
post-ironic metamemeing
Take your pick, any and all are probably correct
Leftists banned from pol.
Maybe it is funny as fuck to see you stormcucks get triggered that badly.
Will it ever stop?
Keep telling yourself that buddy.
If you have interracial porn saved to your computer and you aren't a shitskin you're a cuck.
It's only triggering for the greenest newfags, anyone who has spent time browsing the chans is way past the point of being triggered by cuckshit.
we're taking over Holla Forums
fuck off
Got a problem?
you have awful tastes
That's a Russian, user. We've been over this before.
I have really bad yellow fever. I know I'm going to create more Elliots but they're attractive and easy to pick up.
Exactly. Just shows neonazis are untermensch in every conceivable way.