Fuck off to your fbichan
fuck off pedofag.
go to honeypot chan you fuckin bitch.
Mods remove this cunt
what do you fags find attractive in kids?
I can understand jailbait, but kids are not even attractive.
Not even developed tits, flat breasts…
this literally does not cause any form of arousal.
It arouses anger, which is why they do it.
Time to spam their threads with old ladies!
That's all these pedos do is spam boards and threads, hoping to destroy this chan just like they have destroyed all the others. I don't think they like little kids as much as they enjoy controversy. They hate each other as much as we hate them; which is why hanging out with nobody but themselves on their own chan is not to their liking. They will not be satisfied until freedom of speech is truly dead, then they can kick back and say, "Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah! We told you so!"
They are nothing but Spam; therefore they must be dealt with in the same way… Each of us should find our own tactics to rid this site of their toxicity and cancer.
I want libre to come bak >:I
this guy is right
true,very true.
Now this guy is making a public service, pedofags gtfo