Great mod, or greatest mod?
his humility and wisdom, he is making Holla Forums great again.
let's show him how much we respect him.
thank you Dysnomia, we love you faggot.
Great mod, or greatest mod?
his humility and wisdom, he is making Holla Forums great again.
let's show him how much we respect him.
thank you Dysnomia, we love you faggot.
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish he hadn't done that egg thing but apart from that I don't think I've ever met a better human being on the internet. Chans have a way of making people get so full of themselves, so cocky and autistic. You see that everyday with other people here, but not Dysnomia.
Not even sucking your dick but, you know, you seem like a really cool dude.
I agree, this is the main reason I like him, he does not behave like the usual mod where they let power get through to their head, he also handled the pedo and cancer thing very well, he banned the pedo without abusing power and he acts like a true Holla Forumsrother.
what os the egg thing?
what did I miss?
im jew
You're better off not knowing. Don't worry about it.
seems like in quite a long time, we have a good mod.
I am really thankful even though he banned me a while ago for saying good things about him,he does not want to be thanked or appreciated, he has humility and quite cool.
I'm jesh
I love you dysnomia (no homo)
He's just being tsun-tsun about it
Fuck off Dysnomia you double nigger
I am not dysnomia you paranoid faggot.
I think he is genuine user, contrary to the popular belief some people are actually cool.
fine. Fuck off you cuck, and Dysnomia can fuck off too.
what did he ever do to you user?
only pedos are buttblasted about him.
thanks guys. even if you're being ironik
I became mod for this place because I genuinely enjoy it, and I want you guys to.
the egg thing wasn't me, I'm too tight for that.
oh please everyone knows I'm self deprecating.
ohhh the previous mod who put an egg in his butthole, yes, that's not dysnomia.
we do, Holla Forums is starting to resemble the old Holla Forums more and more, I am noticing this, also stay true to the tradition of Holla Forums, caturday threads,gore,OC,memes…etc
Glad you are true to the old (mischievous,lulzy,funny spirit of Holla Forums)
Holla Forums is the essence of image boards and you understand this, this is why I like you Holla Forumsro.
Wish you the best man and thanks for everything you did for this board.
I'm not being ironic. I'm genuinly happy to hear the egg thing wasn't you. I don't mind what you do in your spare time but I think just respect for the office means one should not be posting that kind of stuff.
thanks it means a lot to me that you feel strongly for the nature of old Holla Forums
stay strong oldfag ;_;7
those are called trips you cuck
thanks Holla Forumsrother.
stay awesome.
I know, but dubs guy is used for trips as well.
Benji (if it's actually him) > dysniggera
what is this screencap and what does it have to do with dysnomia?
user please put some effort into your OC.
I didn't make it
the meta has gone too far
take the meta pill, lass
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
Benji is awesome too, there are similarities between the two, and I think dysnomia have a mod-bro approach which I like so much.
I for myself will support him whenever he needs I did with benjikins before.
I'm still trying to swallow the brown pill.
It's a tough pill to swallow.
How you possible pedo fags are putting so much effort in showing him in a bad light, you are just making people like him more.
This, no one likes a samefag
they both have a fun allowed approach to modding, less intervention and letting the community do their own thing while limiting cancer.
He handled the pedo situation in a great way in my opinion.
Hi dysnomia
you're on Holla Forums, newfag
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
Potential soon-to-be child pornography thread reported.
As a proud member of Anonymous working with other members in Anonymous with #OPInnocence #OPPedoHunt I report all threads that depict / and or otherwise sexualize children or show questionable content.
These threads and its content can be but are are not limited to ’Too Young For Those Tits (TYFTT), Too Young For That Ass (TYFTA), Pre-Teen & Teen (JB), Young Girls, Cute Little Girls, Young Candid, and this also includes such threads ’Bad Parenting, Creep shot, You Love You Loose, Guess Her Age, Nudism’ as these can often be places where such violations are performed with pictures of underage girls and boys being posted.
We must also mention that threads/images that sexualize underage girls that are drawn, sketched, animated or crafted, (Known as Lolicon) are just as bad as the real thing and is also in violation of rules of not just 4chan but the Adam Walsh Act and the laws of the United States Of America (18+ Required Law) and Human Rights Act.
We in Legion thank the Janitors & Moderators of 4chan who listen to our reports and work with us along with the interception and help from the FBI, LEA, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), New York Police Department, Google & Microsoft in working together to help stop child exploitation and abuse.
Remember, we must protect the children as they are our future - the future of Legion!
Never stop fighting the vile scum of this Earth such as pedophiles and child molestors!
We shutdown Freedom Hosting, OPVA, CPHeaven and many more deep web sites we can do even more!
If you help, support, produce, assist or in any other way endorse child sexual abuse we will find you.
WE DO NOT BORGIVE Child Molestors
WE DO NOT FAGGOT The Children That Have Suffered
what? I would never have fun, it's against the rules.
I am not Dysnomia and you are a stupid faggot.
using samefaggoty in a funny way is ok, but using it to crack consensus is faggotry and cancer.
same faggotry as fun factor or for trolling is ok in my book but some faggots use it in an unfunny way to win arguments because their argument is weak, they need to be pointed out.
lol wtf anonymooose? what's up with the pasta and how is this "potential soon to be cp thread"
how new are you?
lol fuck off thought police.
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
your samefag detectors are messed up brah
Oh please. I wouldn't even need to point you out if we had post ID and you changed IP every post. You're far too transparent for anyone with a healthy dose of skepticism. Also I know you're trying to be ironically serious to get me flustered but nobody is more ironic than me
Not in this game bro, but pedofags have been complaining about Dysnomia for quite some time lately.
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
Potential soon-to-be child pornography thread reported.
As a proud member of Anonymous working with other members in Anonymous with #OPInnocence #OPPedoHunt I report all threads that depict / and or otherwise sexualize children or show questionable content.
These threads and its content can be but are are not limited to ’Too Young For Those Tits (TYFTT), Too Young For That Ass (TYFTA), Pre-Teen & Teen (JB), Young Girls, Cute Little Girls, Young Candid, and this also includes such threads ’Bad Parenting, Creep shot, You Love You Loose, Guess Her Age, Nudism’ as these can often be places where such violations are performed with pictures of underage girls and boys being posted.
We must also mention that threads/images that sexualize underage girls that are drawn, sketched, animated or crafted, (Known as Lolicon) are just as bad as the real thing and is also in violation of rules of not just 4chan but the Adam Walsh Act and the laws of the United States Of America (18+ Required Law) and Human Rights Act.
We in Legion thank the Janitors & Moderators of 4chan who listen to our reports and work with us along with the interception and help from the FBI, LEA, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), New York Police Department, Google & Microsoft in working together to help stop child exploitation and abuse.
Remember, we must protect the children as they are our future - the future of Legion!
Never stop fighting the vile scum of this Earth such as pedophiles and child molestors!
We shutdown Freedom Hosting, OPVA, CPHeaven and many more deep web sites we can do even more!
If you help, support, produce, assist or in any other way endorse child sexual abuse we will find you.
WE DO NOT BORGIVE Child Molestors
WE DO NOT FAGGOT The Children That Have Suffered
he is not the anti-user you double nigger, in fact he encourages anonymity, I have been watching him for sometime, he achieved something good actually where he removed pedos while not compromising anonymity, which is not easy, but he did it.
cry moar pedofag.
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
Yeah, he loves anonymity
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
I don't believe that, I saw him before say that he will not have ids on Holla Forums.
You are just talking out of your ass.
That's because you're new. He said it in a sticky a long time ago, around the time when the old mods left. He'll say that he didn't promote the idea by saying "lol xDDD i wuz just being ironic". That's his response to anything he said in the past.
dude, I been on Holla Forums since it started, I was here on Holla Forums while hotwheels was building the site while we were lurking.
once again talking out of your ass, why are you buttblasted about him?
Also you don't happen to have a screencap of this, otherwise you would have posted it.
I know the quality of Holla Forums increased since he became the mod of Holla Forums.
Dysnomia is based and made Holla Forums great again.
only one that is butthurt here is you, it's clear in your posts.
kill yourself mate.
Why don't you go suck his cock in IRC, fag?
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
I don't take screencaps of everything that happens on this site, especially a shitty board like Holla Forums. It was in a sticky thread that was up for a while. Everyone saw it except for you because you weren't even here yet
why would I even listen to someone who thinks that Holla Forums is a shitty board?
so basically you have claims but nothing to back them, so opinion discarded.
because Holla Forums has always been a shitty board, especially since the old mods left
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
Holla Forums is strating to be so much better.
That's why I like Dysnomia, he proved he can take Holla Forums in it's previous shitty state and help make it into a good board.
with the understanding that the users are what will revive Holla Forums and he will help us do that.
quit being butthurt and ask yourself why are you fighting against him so desperately.
acknowledge what he did for Holla Forums.
I have nothing to gain on the matter, I just want to see Holla Forums in a great state and I can see he is helping do that.
I have nothing to gain, he is not paying me to say this, I am just being fair.
To me it looks the same as it always was.
What has actually gotten better about it?
Dysomnia is awesome he invited me to watch tyrone fuck his girlfriend with him
You are either new or retarded
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
I don't have a girlfriend. I lost her many years ago.
Let's see,lulz friendly attitude, funny threads,more quality threads and posts, less political threads, some good raids in the past few weeks, no 4chan tier threads.
No template threads.
No pedo shit,pony shit contained.
No attention whoring
Thanks, I guess I have a lot of work to do then.
How many times are you going to post that?
it proves nothing and has zero effect.
I almost believed you until that part.
I don't see attention whoring Holla Forumsro, we all know that's not you kek.
go to 4chan and see the difference
Ironically my IP is banned for CP.
Well there's that one avatarfag
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
kek @ abyss
Can you not read?
that chick has a big cock.
aye, it's a trap
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
cry moar you impotent cuck.
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
butthurt stormpedo niggercuck detected.
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
eat my AIDS
Dysnomia uses his mod account to call out samefags:
Here he is doing the same thing half a year ago:
Dysnomia is the anti-user. He is not your friend, don't believe his lies.
……………………………………………………………………troll line
How can you appreciate this
dys is Jim's poodle
he is complicit by his inaction in the political intrumentalisation of Holla Forums and the collapse of the ib ethic into opportunistic sheckle farming. weakness characterises his ownership of Holla Forums and collaboration is the liet motif.
Dys will be the last owner of Holla Forums and his legacy will be contempt. good intentions are worth nothing.
Dysomnia literally killed this board's community.
Long live Hotwheels.