Why are men lazy whores that can't put some effort into their appearance and hair-styles?
Why are men lazy whores that can't put some effort into their appearance and hair-styles?
because you're not worth it, dumb skank
Because a man's value is his utility, not his beauty.
because not all of us are gay homosexual faggots
You faggots need to get a haircut and a job you hippies.
because life isn't a romcom anime and your likely fat
yeah whatever. keep polishing you nails and curl your locks or whatever other useless shit you waste your life with you whore
there are no women here
op must be some sort of homosexual
Im not op you worthless faggots. nor am i a homosexual kek
you're just afraid that your parents may hear about it.
because, to be frank, our human worth is not based in something shallow like how pretty we are, but how tough we are.
how does it feel to suck dick more than your mom, faggot?
Thats some heavy implying right there.
don't be so hard on him. he has a great hairstyle.
I keep my hair short out of utility.
I have a job, because my value is my utility.
Long-hair is anti-utilitarian. It gets in the way of your vision. But I don't moisturize my skin, I don't push my cuticles back, I don't pluck my eye-brows, I don't whiten my teeth. and I don't try to diminish the appearance of my scars or tan-lines.
Keeping clean, keeping below 20% body-fat, and keeping nails and hair short is all that is necessary.
i know. his parents gave him probably up for adoption.
you must be projecting. my mum is a saint.
part-time saint
well, sometimes she sleeps.
with her customers. we know, user.
Cost-benefit analysis. Hygiene is worth the effort (or we'll get sick). Dandying up like a metrosexual is a waste of time.
Shower, clean clothes, ram a comb through it; done.
stop fantasizing about my mom, pervert.
i-is she good looking?
how would i know. its my mum.
I wish women would put less effort in their appearance. This shit is not attractive. Cut it out.
post pics, we'll tell you.
wow. somebody hooked these poor creaters in the gabber badly. so cruel.
did you use duckduckgo?
And here is a prime example of something i call "masculinity complex". A fear of appearing feminine to male audiences often creates a polarizing effect in the sense they are opposed to feminine behavior such as vanity. Thus instead of being too vain, they are not vain enough. Vanity is in our nature as humans, we dont have to ignore our humanity to appear masculine like this "utilitarian" autist. Nothing wrong with wanting to look your best, (its what people who can get laid do) just dont spend too much time on it.
trying a to hard
kek pic related, your worth as a man is only equal to what you do with the cards your dealt at birth
I live somewhere that is cold, and don't like hats
fuck yourself