We masterchan now
This place feels more like 4chan nowadays
Wah! I cant post child porn! Boo hoo hoo.
Better keep using pedos as a scapegoat to escape the reality of whats really going on with the goons running this board.
i don't see the need to post images of children
Do you have any other pics of that same girl?
I only see that 1 pic of her and she is to hot for me not to ask.
The random board is meant to be for everything that is legal.
thanks for twisting what i said in what you wanted to make of it.
i think you should be allowed to say what ever you want. when it comes to images i agree that it isn't necessary to post images of children.
You must be new here, you do know this place was a pedo haven from the start, right? You do know that the first picture uploaded here would get you banned today, right?
You do know, in the beginning, HW would just ban faggots that cried MODS and acted like it was 4chan, RIGHT? Why don't you fuckoff to 4chan if you don't like it here? You have trap threads and other shit appealing to your faggotry.
problem is that its hard to tell what is legal or not and some of you faggots are trying to be edgy about finding that border.
mods aren't lawyers.
how 'bout you stop being a faggot and just leave if this is too hardcore for you? :^)
make me
No bro, seems to be a one-hit wonder that's been circulating for a while.
not trolling but maybe reddit or 4chan is a safer place for you.
You don't have to be a lawyer to discern porn from non-porn, a reasonable person can do this.
Pretty neat! Consider those checked.
maybe you're right, but i can understand that its easier to just not walk the line and risk a law suit and ban all images of children.
How to respond to what? You are crying that people are posting stuff you don't agree with. This stuff isn't posted on reddit/4chan(hence why I suggested you go back).
I gave a solution to your moralfaggotry since idiots like you can't grasp this place grew from this shit. You're like the sandniggers that barge into a country and then try to change it. How fucking thick are you?
so i posted something you don't like and now you want me to leave? really sweet irony
All he did was reccomend some places that would be more towards your liking instead of playing sharia patrol
stfu you bitch
Just go back to Faceberg.
maybe if you weren't a fuckin fag you wouldn't get banned as much
i know but i like it here and i'll stay. if you can't handle that someone agrees with the mods on this point then i simply can't help you.
i never had a facebook account and i never will.
oh no, i'm not allowed to say my opinion.
Youre not if the mods you support have their way
we'll see about that.
my god you're stupid. How old are you and when did you start coming to 8ch and what was the reason being leaving 4ch/reddit?
Please refer to and that post has nothing to do with kids but the mods still ban certain things they dont like
You havent been here long have you?
not long after they introduced advanced
a few weeks after the the first exodus
If you don't see the need to be allowed to post children you are 200% cuck.
its because you pedos use every opportunity to test your limits and whine about it. i don't say that we have perfect mods. but its like a war. you post images, they ban you so you post even more images…
Oh it's easier. Like it's easier not to fight and just let your wife fuck that nigger in front of you.
no i'm not
yes its easier. its not that they earn the money or have the resources to be able to fight a lot of law suits. the site would have to shut down.
This place used to be paedo central. than the pig farmer bought it.It was better before.
times change, get used to it
Spoken like a true cuck
then don't. you sound like my grandpa, though.
that's not what i wrote. what i meant was that its also your fault when this place turns more and more to shit. both sides (pedos and mods) raise the stakes.
maybe if both sides don't behave like idiots you can meet somewhere in the middle.
Mods have made it clear that they wont do that by allowing 1 pedo thread.
I already know where this is going
Since you pedos are either too fucking dumb or too fucking lazy to research the laws related to your perversions, here you go.
"In order to better determine whether a visual depiction of a minor constitutes a "lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area" under 18 U.S.C. § 2256(2)(A), the court developed six criteria. Not all of the criteria need to be met, nor are other criteria necessarily excluded in this test.
1. Whether the focal point of the visual depiction is on the child's genitalia or pubic area.
2. Whether the setting of the visual depiction is sexually suggestive, i.e., in a place or pose generally associated with sexual activity.
3. Whether the child is depicted in an unnatural pose, or in inappropriate attire, considering the age of the child.
4. Whether the child is fully or partially clothed, or nude.
5. Whether the visual depiction suggests sexual coyness or a willingness to engage in sexual activity.
6. Whether the visual depiction is intended or designed to elicit a sexual response in the viewer."
"Concerning the lascivious display of clothed genitalia, the U.S. Department of Justice described use of the Dost test in child pornography and 2257 documentation regulations in a 2008 rule, writing that the precedent United States v. Knox, 32 F.3d 733 (3d Cir. 1994) did not prohibit ordinary swim team or underwear model photographs, but "although the genitals were clothed in that case, they were covered by thin, opaque clothing with an obvious purpose to draw attention to them, were displayed by models who spread or extended their legs to make the pubic and genital region entirely visible to the viewer, and were displayed by models who danced or gyrated in a way indicative of adult sexual relations".
Briefs submitted in late 2009 for Brabson v. Florida, a case in which girls were secretly videotaped during the "innocent conduct" of changing into swimwear, differ concerning the nature of "intent" in the Dost test. At issue is whether "Cases applying Dost hold that the focus in determining whether an image is lascivious should be on the objective criteria of the [image's] design, not the 'actual effect' of the images on a particular defendant"."
You do know HW quit because it was too much of a pain in the ass for him to run this place the way he wanted right?
and you pedos call it easy to determine if a picture is cp or not
by the points mentioned the following pictures could be cp (i'm not a lawyer)
Also this is the random board so should everybody have to compromise even though what they are doing is completly legal.
Its cucks like you that give the mods so much power.
>14 years old
>jerking off to a Final Fantasy game (yes)
>Mom calls from downstairs asking why I'm jumping on the bed
>realize my parents have been able to hear me fapping on my squeaky bed this whole time
look at this
i think its hard to tell if a picture of a child is legal or not. it was just a suggestion to compromise. i think if you pedos keep behaving like you are now:
- you are going to lose the rest of the support of the other anons
- the mods have to become the assholes you say they are
- and the chance that this place turns even more into 4chan rises
all i wanted to say that its also in your hands.
4chan user here, this place has totally lost its edge.I used to be really jealous of all the edgy boards and atmosphere around her. Is there anything of that left?
i'm only browsing /b and /b has changed. there are moments/sometimes even days when it feels like old times. i'm no one who lives in the past though. if it changes to the point where i don't like it anymore i start looking for something else.
Good luck i remember the point when it became impossible to have a serious discussion even rarely on old Holla Forums.Leave before that point.
to all of us, i guess
No, you're just a retard.
you must be some expert on the matter