How do i get over a teenage crush?
She's not even super attractive but I can't help myself being it one of my first crushes.
Pic related.
How do i get over a teenage crush?
That's a guy
have you tried suicide yet? i heard it works with almost every problem.
Naturally androgynous people have the best personalities imo.
kill those that make you weak
Silly user! You spelled worst wrong!
Dont make that mistake again you fucking faggot
I'm trying to understand your point but i can't
He doesn't like you.
I don't like you either.
if you think being androgynous results in a good personality, where is your brain?
Totes, fuck off cum gargling cuck
Sounds like something a faggot would say…
My dream is to get a masochistic girl under my control tbh. Yes she will have problems but so what?
anything you say is now wrong forever
it was a joke referring to how homosexual males often use very feminine words, thus creating the ruse that I was also a homosexual male like OP only to reveal that I actually wasn't gay, unlike OP
fuck off OP
OP, Xyr is a walking red flag. Get yourself a woman who doesn't revel in mediocrity.
What outside of the face makes it a red flag?
Also i have a woman user, that's why i wanna get rid of this crush
Just imagine how she looks now, in her forties, fat and married with kids.
Don't ruin this for him - he needs this badly; let him have it ;_;
Think about all the shitty thing that happen
If you stumble upon the nice stuff shake it off and think immediately to how she sucked all other cocks rather then yours or whatever was your situation OP.
Human brain is easy to selfcondition into liking or hating stuff
you fuck her. the only way to get over it is to fuck her senseless.
Oh wow its this faggot again.
Op. You must bang you crush. The underwhelming experience you will get will end the feelings.
Trust me.
user that's a recent picture.
grow up.
Grow some balls and get a real woman