Mods, please. Put an end to this madness.
We need a real statement as to whether or not /a/ content is allowed here. You have maybe 5 or 6 posters at most that want it to be.
If it's not allowed, then why is Jojo allowed here?
Mods, please. Put an end to this madness.
We need a real statement as to whether or not /a/ content is allowed here. You have maybe 5 or 6 posters at most that want it to be.
If it's not allowed, then why is Jojo allowed here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't just stealthily autosage this thread, please. End this insanity, just say something.
That's what you care about? Not the few posters who go into political rants everyday, and treat this place like their personal blog?
Report the thread, hide it. If they post disruptive shit in every other thread (like the guys I mentioned), then you have to report ever post and hope for the best. Without IDs though, you can't just filter a single disruptive user when we actually want to discuss comics and cartoons.
We should have IDs, yes. The mods need to do something. Deleting threads won't turn you into king nigger, we'll say something when you go too far.
Just stop these faggots, holy shit. The ones that ruin threads.
I think I'm partially to blame tbqhwyrn. I'm not an active jojofag, nor am I the reaction image guy, but for a while in the intermediate period between people making fun of /atg/ and /jojo/ being born I pioneered their threads. I'm the guy that changed the name to /jojo/ and disallowed on-topic posting in their threads
Just bumplock this nonsense too. I don't care about a fucking jojo thread. I don't blame them for not wanting to post on the hellhole of /a/.
We already went over this
0. /a/ is allowed
1. There are no 'mods'
2. There is only the BO
3. He's a little busy sucking dicks so don't pester him with these unimportant things
Something does need to be done because this is just ridiculous.
I agree.
And ban the new retard who keeps crying about the AT general while you're at it.
Things have been going well on this board for roughly a year, yet this guy has a hardon for that general in particular.
So, it's completely your fault.
Seriously. If you're going to go after a general, go after SU which has 6 boards dedicated to it.
/a/ isn't fucking allowed here and never will be.
I see no reason to stop having threads that have been here for so long. Nobody talks about Adventure Time for a reason.
The problem comes when a retard can go in a spree spamming threads left and right just because he got angry over something, throwing a tantrum like last week
The fact that he went unpunished after spamming those meta-threads and acting like a total imbecile is what makes me angry
Holla Forums and Holla Forums is the other big issue, all of their little fights derail threads big time, and it's a pain
t. some fag posting on a board that has like three threads dedicated to anime and is filled with anime posts and reaction images
I see no reason to continue having off-topic threads when multiple boards exist to contain them, especially when no one in that general likes comics or cartoons.
Shut the fuck up about IDs, why do we still have only 10 pages? Is it supposed to be a remnant of halfchan? Even Holla Forums and Holla Forums increased the number of threads they could hold. There's literally no fucking reason to allow less content instead of more, it's like purposely disabling multiple images just because.
You mean the ones that are replied to with "go back to /a/" and ">anime" EVERY SINGLE TIME?
But that's wrong. Nobody in that general likes Adventure Time. Plenty of them contribute to the board in other ways, there aren't that many people here.
It is where Jojo and Hero Academia is concerned . You seem to be the only one who has trouble with that simple concept.
There's a few very obvious outsides, maybe SA goons, Plebbitors, or tumblrtards, but they need to be given the boot.
How come all the top board are owned by retards, schizos, or a combination of the two?
You mean by making baseless claims about the comic book industry and going ">capeshit"?
But Jojo shouldn't be allowed here.
What the fuck is hero academia, another anime? In that case it shouldn't be allowed either.
Your claim, hilariously enough, is baseless.
I'm talking about this 'comics are dead' shit. In that other thread, I asked for examples of books like hellcat. These casuals are claiming that the ENTIRE INDUSTRY is SJW'd.
In the end about 75% of the ones they named weren't even ongoing, and we had a number of people defend them.
I like the current state of Holla Forums tbh. It's like a bunch of wacky little personalities running around and screaming at each other.
The guy wasn't around when we were laughing at both Marvel and DC's sales 6 months ago, when the only thing that was keeping Marvel afloat were Star Wars comics
Baseless claims like that the industry is in a death spiral and almost nothing coming out of the big two is worth the paper it's printed on? Because that is a incontrovertible fact.
How bad is /a/ anyways? I know that under any circumstances it can't really get too bad, considering that as a monolith of internet culture it's sort of too important to be completely terribile, but is it really too bad for jojoposters to move back in?
Remember that they also have an actual /jojo/. Just let them have that whole board be their fucking general.
/a/ is actually fairly well run. Honest, I have no idea why they have a jojo thread here when the one on /a/ is constantly active.. and so is Holla Forums's.
/tg/ even has a Jojo thread, but it's more about homebrew games than the show.
Because they've created too good a circlejerk to just watch it disappear.
Really, they should just get a fucking skype group or something. They don't need to keep shitting this place up with their retarded opinions.
I want to make a /cob/. Basically, a random board with a Holla Forums-related theme, where /a/ and quest-related and general drawfag content is also allowed. maybe after I make a /vb/ :^)
Because that's what /tg/ does, homebrew systems, custom campaigns and the occasional Space Marine Chapter
Then make it and drag your little faggot friends there with you.
It's well run as long as you don't have any wrong think that the /a/ meidos don't agree with.
So, like Redwood ?
That's what I've heard, anyway. I don't actually visit the place
So this IB is basically jojochan?
I'm not a jojoposter, user. I just think a lot of hobby boards could be improved and prosper far more if they were loosely run and didn't really care about being on topic so much.
We're currently experiencing the other end of the redwood spectrum: both no moderation and too much moderation are terrible options.
Because the jojo have nowhere to go sine /a/ is shit.
Reminder that weak-willed janitors who fall for the "tyranny of the majority" are what killed Holla Forums and Holla Forums
Reminder that japanese cartoons are still cartoons
Reminder that IDs defeat the purpose of an anonymous imageboard
Well, on Holla Forums's end there is a game being developed, I think.
Point is, everywhere else has appropriate, active Jojo threads.. and then there's Holla Forums.
They have /jojo/, they could just make a steam group since we know they all use it.
Japanese cartoons are called anime, and there's a board for them.
I originally thought that our /jojo/ was a way to take a jab at Adventure Time for fun's sake, we did that was when I am a Sword aired, then I left the site for some time and I find this mess….
Has this thread been bumplocked?
Not yet
This ride has just started
Don't forget that it's some Holla Forumsfag that's also doing this shit by pretending.
Yeah, it's called Holla Forums.
Cartoons made in japan belong on anime.
Right in the sticky it says that this is a board for WESTERN comics and cartoons.
When I originally made Jojo threads it was to spite some faggot that kept posting about adventure time, as obvious as it was that no one else besides him liked it. I'm as confused as you user.
Pretty sure he likes reading ad laughing at these little autistic blowouts.
We're going to start bleeding users if this doesn't stop.
Well… You're not wrong, but your logic isn't quite right either. The distinction has always been that Holla Forums is for western cartoons and comics, and /a/ is for eastern.
I mean, you could argue that anime includes all animation, so /a/ should have Steven Universe threads and faggots can go post Trixie Tang in their waifu threads, but they wouldn't accept that for a moment.
Get out niggas
Yeah, but that shit is slow, the only reason to here is to meet more /jojo/fags sine Holla Forums is much more popular.
Holla Forums has been growing lately actually
Who the fuck keeps making these "bait analysis" screencaps? They're just embarrassing.
This mess started when that other guy threw his tantrum last week
Is like if that event made this board to snap in several pieces
I meant 'they could make a steam group' as a derogatory thing, they strike me as the kind of people that use reddit and don't see the harm in crossposting.
There are at most 4 jojofags on this board.
And needed.
Then more than anything the BO needs to speak the fuck up.
These threads are even making our PPH spike, we're at 102 currently.
This is ridiculous, just say something board owner.
He just needs to speak up, we can't go on like this with every thread that's not a waifufag thread or a general being derailed.
Yeah, getting banned for daring to question anime and nipponese superiority sure is well run
/tg/'s BO is also a weeb faggot
I don't think our resident jojofags have a problem with that, especially since they actually believe anime is good (god knows why).
The BO has stated multiple times that Holla Forums is /a/ and Holla Forums
The BO has said nothing ever.
If you have some kind of statement then prove it.
Actions speak louder than words
All the anime threads are up
Threads complaining are deleted and posters are banned
1+1 = 2
apart from jojo which other anime threads are up
Also there are no Holla Forums threads.
Have you ever wondered why the anime board of all boards is half dead and not in the top 5 boards at least on a imageboard full of fags who love anime? It's because almost no one likes the over moderated shit that /a/ is here
Because /tg/ is making a homebrew system out of it, that's what they do, homebrew stuff
/tg/ also deletes your posts asking why someone's posting chinese cartoons on /tg/
We're talking fullchan here, not cuckchan you faggot
Oh, hey! I remember you!
You tried to derail several threads and flipped your shit repeatedly over animu pictures and got your shit slapped.
Of course an autistic fuck like you would end up on Holla Forums.
I lurked /tg/ and stopped lurking when the BO turned out to be faggot, but okay.
Enjoy being an autistic fuck seeing 'patterns' everywhere.
There are more than enough anons who like anime on Holla Forums to pit /a/ in the top boards if it wasn't so over hotpocketed. You live in delusion If you think otherwise.
nice opinions.
and yet every time you post anime, people tell you to fuck off. I wonder why.
You tend not to forget when someone spergs about anime on an imageboard and then kicks up shit at a BO because he didn't get his way.
But thanks for confirming my suspicions you fucking retard.
If we were screaming at eachother constantly about COMICS AND CARTOONS, I'd also be fine with it. But there are people who think others care about their politics, constantly post shit that has nothing to do with the board, or purposefully go out of their way to shutdown discussion in threads they don't even take part in. It's retarded. I never cared that some people were assholes, but keep it on topic.
Don't forget to accuse him of being a samefag Holla Forums goon you autistic retard.
It's off-topic, we'd be having this same argument if we were on Holla Forums.
16chan is the answer
Notice how there are no posts in the jojo general.
They're all terrified about losing their hugbox and are defending themselves here.
^in the jojo general from the last hour
As soon as this thread was started they moved right on in.
You couldn't be more transparent if you tried.
Explain without being a complete fucking retard. You are still anonymous thread to thread, no one can follow you between threads or make assumptions on you except what you put out yourself. What you really mean is:
I won't be able to samefag all day long to make it look like others share my shit opinion if we put in IDs
Quit sperging out you autistic retard
I have no problem with anime reaction images being posted, just with there being a general dedicated to talking about one cancerous show/manga that for some bizarre reason gets to stay on the board.
So in this thread we found out that chinese children cartoon posters are so autistic they were banned even from /a/
They also crosspost in /tg/
Just siteban these autistic cancer. Tired of them sperging out whenever someone threatens their circlejerk.
We'd be aware of the number of posters in Jojo general if we had IDs. It can't be more than 6 people.
I see more posts complaining about JoJo than I see JoJo posts outside the Adventure Time thread.
Just put them back in their containment board, they'll go right back once you take a "no anime allowed" stance. Give them no ground and they'll leave.
Or, like someone said initially: Just delete their fucking thread! That's where they gather, nuke the fuckers.
Well, that's not what I was talking about in regards to /tg/, but Jimmy Rustles and his autism squad up there made it perfectly clear that the notion of anime alone triggers them.
/tg/'s got no problem with anime threads in the way that Holla Forums does. Check for yourself.
We've been over this countless fucking times, on here and on cuckchan. Anime threads and anime discussion aren't allowed here. It's that simple. All we are asking is that the BO enforce the rules like he's supposed to.
We'd know a lot more about how often people are posting in threads and samefagging. I've said simply things to people like "that has nothing to do with this thread" when talking about a particular show or comic (I mean, NOTHING to do with the topic, not even semi related shit) and then I suddenly get three "totally not the same person" responses getting offended at me. I just want the ability to filter ONE GUY from time to time who won't let things go, because I'm only here to talk about comics or cartoons. If I wanted to talk to people being complete fucktards about random shit, I could go… anywhere else.
The BO just needs to fix this goddamn board.
I'm saying that the response is disproportionate to the problem. Ever watch Mouse Hunt?
Who here remembers that "Janitor" tripfag who tried to get anime allowed here a week or two ago?
Who wants to take credit for that faggot? /jojo/? /a/? Holla Forums?
This board's problems are so ludicrously widespread that this is the only solution.
Yeah, because /tg/ is just traditional games, and you can make at least a rpg about ANYTHING. You could start a thread about the last movie you watched, and almost for sure at least one person could help you turn that into a setting.
But this isn't /tg/. I think the people angry about the jojo stuff should just HIDE THE THREAD, it's not that hard to not be a total sperg. If they worry that jojo posters are ruining other threads, that's what IDs would solve. Just ignore them.
Oh, so you're done with your break. Good to know that faggotry levels will return to "dangerously retarded" once again. I guess you learnt nothing from tempting the BO last time.
So I guess /jojo/ is going to join the ranks of SA in boogeymen groups that aren't as active and powerful as everybody thinks they are?
I think we disagree on the definition of Ludicrously Widespread.
I don't even know what the fuck is going on here anymore
No matter what we need to hear from the BO, because the number of metathreads we've been having is absurd.
By clicking the box that says "IDs enabled" and allowing every user to self moderate.
Tell me you guys don't want to filter two guys getting into a political debate when all you wanted to do was talk about something you just watched or read, and NEITHER of them has anything to do with the topic? The problem could be solved with no effort at all.
The problem is that somehow some anons equated free speech to mean "PEOPLE HAVE TO PUT UP WITH MY AUTISTIC SHIT". But that's not right, free speech doesn't mean you have to listen to the rantings of every lunatic you may run across. It very much doesn't mean that one person who doesn't like a topic should come in and post over and over to try to stop others from talking. Free speech isn't using empty buzzwords for every thread, to the point where the words have no meaning. It's about the free exchange of ideas, and shitposting is PREVENTING that.
Good post, but I think we're in AUTOSAGE again! GREAT MODERATING, BO!
Let's do an experiment. We currently have 150 threads..discounting the share and Welcome Thread…that leaves us with 148 and I took the time to count the threads with more than 20 posts…which is about 82 percent…so much for every thread.
Then take all the waifufag threads out and the rest should be derailed.
ID's don't help self moderation as much as you think it would. Just look at places like Holla Forums where even with ID's people still take the bait to an amazing extent. Do you know why that is, user? Because people LIKE taking the bait. People enjoy having someone to argue with over banal shit that they honestly don't care about but still want to screech about. That's the nature of the internet. No amount of self moderation can fix that save the most obvious and effective form of it: DON'T TAKE THE BAIT. Literally, it's that simple.
Are you talking about those threads that got off topic because that one sperg couldn't hold it in and people ID'd him based on how badly he flipped out? I'll admit to not reading every thread, but the ones I've been in have been pretty on topic except for those.
But it's the same people arguing and samefagging over and over.
That's some of them, there are also a metric fuckton of Holla Forums-Holla Forums derailed ones.
Huh. I guess I missed them. Are there any that are still in the catalog?
Stop with this damage control and just go back to /a/ already.
Really now
Holla Forums is my main board, friend.
No they're saying everyone who likes anime is samefag, notice how the same sperg flips out in defense.
Fuck the anime debate entirely. The tumblr and Holla Forums derails are the worst fucking thing happening on Holla Forums right now.
This doesn't even have to be a matter of supporting Holla Forums, but you CANNOT allow Holla Forums to astrosturf things and create the illusion that they are somehow running a noble rebelion from the corners of the most popular boards.
These faggots, and the tumblr dykes invaded halfchan through Holla Forums and they did it so well that they ended up as janitors and mods on that godforsaken site.
If the Holla Forums BO has any notion of responsibility or duty, it should be to kick in the shit of any of these faggots when they show up to stir shit.
wow, you sure got me there
Go storytime Power Girl OP
No we aren't faggot.
But he doesn't, we're asking for a holy storm to come down and cleanse this board of the filth that has infested it for so long.
You were the one asserting that I "go back" to a board I've been to once. I just wanted to know if you knew which threads were derailed by politic because you seemed to be well informed and I didn't want to go read through all of them to find out which were which.
He'll just fuck it up again.
Yeah, starting with the sperg who started the thread in the first place.
That would be fine as long as anime goes too, and yes that includes /jojo/.
Now this is a statement I can get behind. Though I will be honest, I'll miss the sperg rants. They're fucking hilarious.
Have fun with nothing but folks complaining about the "progressives" in cartoons and comics..and the occasional story time (of the good stuff but most commonly the shite ones)
Why is this allowed?
This. Without OP's unique brand of faggotry we wouldn't have a problem
Exactly. I doesn't matter if I take the bait because the guy who laid the bait is not above responding to it just so he can post several more times. It's easy to say "DON'T TAKE THE BAIT", and we all know that, but the shitposters know it to. And since at least a few of them are legitimately fucked in the head, they go on and on until a thread is mostly just them posting shit to themselves.
And, despite me giving no fuck what Holla Forums does, you just proved that a board that prides itself on being "educated" knows the value of IDs. Do you honestly think the situation would improve at all without IDs there? Because it wouldn't.
Why are these allowed?
BOs must strike a careful balance when it comes to banning spergs. You want to keep your cheeky and fun spergs who bring entertaining shenanigans.
The ones who spur hilarious arguments on rare occasion and create a satisfying communal anger. It's fun to be angry sometimes.
The spergs that you need to kick out are present in this very thread. The kind who are just legitimate cunts who can't take a joke and who go out of their way to disrupt things because they aren't having a giggle. These are spergs who, like Holla Forums posters, want to destroy and derail things. They want to drive people away and stifle all discussion that they refuse to tolerate.
Are the jojo threads out of place? Most definitely.
Do they warrant this bullshit? Not at all.
Some idiot broke out the infographs in the Rocketeer thread earlier. I completely ignored and reported, but he just kept posting due to his autism.
Alright OP you get your wish, I will respond since you seem to be making a mountain out of a molehill here. You say there is in fighting but it's just you and 4 other people who think it's a problem out of 24 posters.
Since jojo is a part of toonami now, I let it be posted here. I did mention a few time that current toonami threads would be fair game as long as people didn't spam them. Now if thing ever got bad I will think about having some sort of cyclical thread for anime's that have appeared on toonami, for now I don't see the problem. If you don't like jojo that much just hide the thread.
That Janitor tripfag was the one who posted those meta threads about anime a few days ago. He resorted to spamming multiple anime threads so he got banned.
I will bumplock this thread once I finish going through it. And word of advice samefagging meta threads without a vpn where mods can see you isn't the wisest idea. You know who you are.
Hey now, don't drag me into this.
Proof of said deletion, user?
Oh, like by you?
Haven't you figured it out yet? Our BO doesn't speak. He acts. He doesn't act if he's shouted at either.
Do you know what you've done?
Piss you off to no end ?
What's even on toonami these days?
Good job Beyonder. Now maybe we will get some peace around here.
We're now going to see anime threads here.
They're going to feel welcome.
Eventually they'll be around for a month, and they'll use it as leverage like these fuckers have with their time on this board.
We're fucked, man. Fucked.
Please tell me, is it the same guy sperging out about JoJo and 'Comics are Dead'.
Hey, you (or the sperg who started this shite) asked for the BO to step in and now he did. What do you want now?
But you CAN IGNORE FUCKING THREADS. I still think the ID thing is a bigger issue because self moderation WITH IN A THREAD is more important. You being a sperg for not knowing how to use the catalog right is trivial in comparison.
I don't know, maybe I'll just sit back and watch the heat death of Holla Forums.
Nah, the one's getting fucked is you.
Fine. Just do it quietly from now on.
A little reminder
You brought this upon yourself for being such a retard
Obviously you've seen me mention IDs a few times in the thread, and you yourself are going through and seeing at least one totally autistic samefag in this thread. Will you consider that IDs make self moderation better for the anons here?
It's your board, your call. Maybe it's not as widespread as I assume, or maybe it's a lot worse. But right now you're the only one who can tell for sure.
The first one is a different person, the rest are the same guy. He is in this thread :^)
I suspect our dutiful Barthanders would use another address to continue his crusade.
This one?
Also to clear the confusion a little. I had a total of 4 mods during the lifetime of this board. They all left for different reasons.
Did at least one of them leave because he became rich?
Yes that's a different person.
Now I wish we can go back to laugh at AT's horrible quality like we did in the first place, to be honest
So we're in the right to report the reaction image poster and the guys that come into threads to tell us how shit the West is?
Also, what's the status on the goons lurking about turning every thread into Holla Forums vs Holla Forums, to which every dickhead takes the bait and derails with the same shit for 50 posts?
Good help will always be hard to find.
Are there any positions that are open?
Anyone who wants the position definitely shouldn't have it.
Yeah..that advice should be given to any position of power.
It really isn't much of an issue overall. Meta thread seem to bring them out for some reason. Which makes no sense since I know who they are.
I will consider it though only because filtering certain users could be helpful for people. For now it stays as is.
All right then, screw it
I stand corrected. Our own Diavolo can speak.
There is only one blatant user that has tried to derail threads by bringing Holla Forums up. But I haven't seen him around in a while. Most people who get into Holla Forums vs Holla Forums are just random anons baiting each other. Which shouldn't be surprising considering Holla Forums is one of the largest boards on this site.
No matter how big of a faggot they are that's a shitty move. Every user has a right to have agency over their own anonymity.
Okay, I'll just continue reporting stuff that is completely off topic (keeping in mind the Toonami clause)
Also IDs can be manipulated.
Holla Forums only had a few months of respite before shills realized that and went into full force again.
lock the thread already smdh
It's like 2 am but I can't go to sleep until I've had closure because autism
The obvious culprit is the one anons will never believe. It always has to be some kind of secret agent goon or something in their minds.
This is something that needs to be stated over and over. You don't fuck with Holla Forums not because they are always right or somehow better at arguing or whatever.. They're just everywhere.
Even the least extreme Holla Forumsacks are still completely and wholly incompatible with this Holla Forums garbage that thinks its the true King of Holla Forums. So kicking shit in Holla Forums's direction is guaranteed trouble.
yeah but on the other hand they probably shouldn't be a faggot.
try clicking the image
And thus, this saga of salt and stupidity comes to a close
See you guys tomorrow, have a good night
gbye user
Now was that so hard to say a week or more ago you little faggot?
You have to agree that I'm the smartest and most handsome user ITT, though, right?
The BO said that Toonami is allowed a long time ago.
Wish we had a BO that wasn't a complete faggot. Even half a faggot would have been okay.
I'm archiving this thread in case of later faggotry on this topic.
What does that even mean?
Ya know what I really miss? Bane posting. Anyone do that anymore?
Alright thread is now locked.
And yes I do have positions open for volunteers. Will post an update about this on the header for anyone interested soon.