Learn the truth about @DrJillStein and #StopTheSteal before it happens. #ElectionSteal2016 #Recount2016
ok op. we get it. did jim pay you for this?
you are the worst thing to happen to Holla Forums, ever.
That cunt is corrupt.
t. freech
Who the fuck is Jim?
What happened to Hot Wheels?
Every cunt is corrupt in this circus, if you know what I mean
by supporting someone who wants to steal even more of our money?
How can you steal something that was acquired fraudulently?
Jill Stein doesn't even matter any more. Wisconsin fraud has already been discovered in Wisconsin, in favour of Trump and his Wall Street budies aka Rothschild.
Jill Stein doesn't even matter any more. Wisconsin fraud has already been discovered in Wisconsin, in favour of Trump and his Rothschild Wall Street buddies.
Republicans are all criminals in plain sight.
Who the fuck is Hot Wheels?
What happened to moot?