Be friends with dude for years

I don't know what to do any more Holla Forums. Everything in this world is so topsy turvey and strange. I just wanted to marry my HS sweetheart and go to church and shit, but now I'm watching my friends get pregnant or chopping their dicks off and my HS sweetheart cheated on me so I left her bitch ass, and I'm sitting here as a weightlifting alcoholic weeb watching my life fall apart. Sometimes I just want to accept that maybe people are meant to be degenerate and accept mental illness. Maybe I'd be happier that way, but I just can't accept it in the back of my mind, it just isn't right and these people need help, don't they?

Don't worry, their behaviour is self destructive and will only serve restore the old status quo through death; dead ends, and people who see the affects of a bad lifestyle - it's why they're called degenerates, they're in decline.

Either way you win - so long as people like you remain staunch in your views and an example of the benefits it brings.

Broke, alcoholic, and panicking about finding a proper job?

It's you against society. You can't save him, he's lost.


Confront him while crying and show him the tranny suicide stats and say you don't want your friend to be an hero

quality thread

Tell him that all the liberal faggots copying gender dismorphia syndrome are assholes for appropriating a real mental disability.
Tell him that he wouldn't want to become tranny if not for the culture that he surrounded himself and then redpill him on how blind collectivism inevitably leads to illogcal hivemind thinking and that real individuals wouldn't be making life decisions based on social trends and cultural influences.
Then tell him about spooks, it's important that he should learn to recognize spooks.

So when exactly do you want me to do this since he's about 1600 miles away and refuses to respond on his old fagbook account?

idk, send him a letter or something if you know his address. A bluepill can't drop of the grid so you must be able to get in touch somehow.

Tell him you care about what he does with his cock then proceed to suck it.


Nigga traps might not be gay, but transsexuals are gay as shit.


You have no self awareness whatsoever, don't you?
I bet you truly think your life is shit because of the people around you, don't you?

what's with Holla Forums's obsession with transgender wymon though?

Never a thread on girl-to-guys, probably because repressed shota / tomboy fetish…

But all these threads really need to stop.

The looks like a mess currently, but "worried about his dick", really OP? Get a job / life.

Discard your meaningless others and fix your own shit

workin' on it

I have far too much self-awareness, but at least I'm improving my life instead of chopping my dick off because I can't handle it.

slip some bleach into his drink some time

trust me, it's kinder in the long run

I've had friends and family fall for the transtrender meme. All I can do is wait for the bullshit to die down and try to avoid interacting with them IRL.

Find your calling

Sure. Those things are definetly linked to being a normal human being.

kill him and move to Antarctica

Dude, you have such a good thing going here. Wait until he's done transitioning into a qt and fuck him, you massive homo. Don't try to deny it, you're OP.

I don't believe you

Watch Encounters at the End of the World. Escaping to Antarctica would be like moving to a college town.
