What are you feeling right now?

what are you feeling right now?

My balls

Somewhat content but empty

how do they feel?

mostly sad but it could be worse

Warm and hairy


I wish I had someone to experience the feel of my harry balls.

Feels disappointment at self because I can't change, mostly

get a dog hehe

They don't say dogs are mans best friend for no reason.

I had one we broke up around 5 years ago lol


What drove him away?

I'm alright.


she has a habit of getting herself into situations she wants out of, but refuses to get herself out of them.


If she's pissing on the carpet then rub her face in it. That's how you teach a dog not to do something

yep, it works OP. Done it before, just don't like hit the poor dog :(

Go the SPCA and spay her


Gonna whack it famalam

I don't think you guys understood.
I was calling my ex girlfriend a bitch.


I will marry one of you. That is all.

That's not very nice.

so, I suppose it isn't.

yeah, that's not nice. >:(




That's not how you train dogs retard. You're going about it in an inefficient way.

I don't know what I expected

This. You can't just rub her face in it. Mop up the pee and put it in a bucket, and then DUNK the dogs head in. Alternatively you can pour the bucket on her.

Make the most of the pee.

I don't know, somewhere between screaming and crying, I'm fucking lost and my arms are covered in scarifications

Lonely, my first group of actual friends i've had in 2 years is falling apart and i dont know what to do. I dont want to be alone for 2 more years

u wot m8? post pics

at least your internet is working.

why only 2?

buzzing soon to be legit drunk chasing GETS , and hanging around the one Holla Forums board with some good in it. Sort of thinking about my dead ex wife.


its the longest i have experience with, just using it as an example. i probably should have just said "i dont want to be alone again"

I'm so sorry user. I have never been married but I want to get married badly. I've only had one lover and I still love/miss her but she doesn't want me so I can't really do anything about it.

I would probably be a miserable guy if I actually had a wife and she died. Do you want to talk about her?

Thinly disguised hatred for most people.

does this mean hatred disguised as kindness or kindness disguised with hatred?

It means I pretend like I don't mind peoples' shit when I actually wish the worst kind of harm upon most of the ones that I meet.
I know it's "nothin' personnel kid" tier, but I fucking hate people and would rather just live and work by myself with little outside help.
Too bad that requires a considerable amount of money and skill, both of which I lack.

What caused this kind of sentiment?


Probably being a poor, unskilled, and socially awkward shit. I don't know, it's probably my own fault.

Yes, obtaining land requires money, and maintaining that land for your own survival requires skill.

I'm the same but I'm not feeling that awful. Take some vitamins.

Yeah, I can probably fix my problems.
Though for now I'm going to bitch because I'm bored as fuck and have an internet connection.
Once I lose that I'll probably get off my ass and do something about it. I just felt like venting a bit really.

Slightly horny, slightly bored, in need of some music because I'm really noticing the silence right now.


ambient music makes things nicer

Listen to some otomads


I'm trying to stay calm and you're titling me into chaotic mode.
I swear I'm never normal I'm either chill or hyper as fuck and music can affect that.

i want to fucking kill myself honesty, no friends, my family is like the family in the show bloodline on netflix, always trying to undermine and fuck with me while pretending to care. they are the most passive agressive people alive. maybe if i just do enough heroin theyll get what they want

are you gay?

Bisexual, why'd you ask?

Sad that I didn't ask for this qt girls number that I met at a party. Dunno why I didn't, it was so obvious I should have tried, but I was high. Will hopefully see her again soon, but I hope she is still single by then. Probably won't be. FML


don't even bother with her

she's probably just looking for a weed conect


Anger towards my father because I think he killed his GF.

The fuck? Details plox.

cool pic I guess

this thread just went from kind of boring to possibly really interesting.

My father and his newest GF got into a fight drunk. Some details of the story he told of how she ended up face down in a creek don't add up.

I have a whole folder of cool pics, I like to collect them.

bros before hos

same here actually. Maybe we can trade.


If you have morals get the dude arrested, if you are jewish then demand money to keep quiet about it.

I have zero respect or tolerance for criminals.

It's not the fact that's it's a crime that matters, it's the fact that it's fucked up.

get out of Holla Forums moralfag

Nothing satisfies these people, I regret going to thanksgiving.

same here except I don't have a good job

tfw no gf

There is still not enough evidence to support my theory, but he has done some awful stuff before. He tried to sue my mom for overpayment of child support and the court told him he owed us $1000, then he never paid it.
It's also a bit of revenge if that helps, you autist.

Learn from my example.
Don't become a semi-normie lurking imageboards on friday nights because no friends.
Stay NEET.

In addendum he also dumped my mom who was pretty okay looking at the time for a crack whore he met whilst he was a prison guard.

How's this my man?

I actually work part-full time although I have a few friends I still browse this site every day.

boring, uninspired.

Not bad but tbh it reminds me of the music they play in a movie theater before the trailers start. I'm more a psybient kinda guy.

I work a full time job doing something I actually went to school for.

Still adjusting to not being a poorfag, because lolmoney apparently. I have no friends because I'm now officially "That crazy guy I used to be friends with, you'll like him if you give him a chance babe. He's just scary at times."

I refuse to be a sideshow attraction to your failing relationships guys. When you want to come back to reality, I'll be here.

Is that projection? probably.

completely dead inside

Dogs use the scent of where they pissed last to know where to piss now. Doing that will give them a stronger sense that the rug is the bathroom.

also why the hell would you rub your dog's face in piss

That chessboard floor is a telltale sign of rank amateurism. That's what CADD students use for textures when they're modelling their dinky teapots for the midterms they get C+'s on. If this guy were a real artist: he'd know how to model mahogany floors with knots and a good coat of varnish.

That's pretty nice. I didn't go to college because I don't know what I want to do for a living. want to live.

You think I do? I'm just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Oh and drinking, heavily.

It's actually masonic symbolism you neophyte.

heh sorry didn't notice your post for whatever reason

meh. I'm not so much interested in the /x/ tier occult art anymore.

I've shifted towards more /cyber/ stuff.



I love both aesthetics, depends what mood I'm in really.

o shit
are you the same user that posted in my thread?

I sure am

This anons dad caught him and murdered him too

cool. you seem like a chill guy.

Thanks, you too.

Nope, still here. Sorry, no more murders today.

was going to snark about blog threads, but holidays kinda do this. wtf is it about em if all the feels people see through the peddled bullshit?

hung over

Uncertainty anxiety.

lol faggot

I don't know what a mason is. Are they like girl scouts except they sell bags of concrete from door to door? If that's the case: what the hell is your problem with them?



you too huh?

Like I will never experience happiness, purpose, or even so much as a ray of hope that I may wake up one morning and find myself satisfied with my life.
I feel lazy, useless, stupid, withut willpower, and void of the ability to take any opportunity to change this.
I feel deathly afraid of what will happen to me if people find out how I feel, that if anyone knows I will lose all credibility as a thinking being. Or worse, they'll try to change me into something I hate.
I wish I had even just one friend, someone I could trust and open up to. But that would be too much to realistically ask. We don't live in a fantasy world, after all. People don't work that way.
So I stay silent.
My life is going nowhere and I can see my end coming. It's like a big digital timer, but some of the numbers are broken or missing. I can see the countdown happening, and I know what ultimately lies at the end of it. I just don't know when.

The worst part is that in the end I know that I alone can change all of this, that I have the power to end my suffering and live a life I could be happy with.
But I don't.
And it's all my fault

Uncle Robbie? Is this you?


"People who claim to hate furries, are themselves projecting their own subconscious desire to expose their own true inner furry nature" - Dr. Alyson Havelock (PsyD, LPCC), 'American Psychology Today' (APA, New York NY), Vol. 47, August 23, 2012, p.34.

Gotta poop

Erm, who?


Several months ago: Felt like I ruined my life
Now: Back to not giving a shit about my current situation

I feel like life is just passing byi.

I'm a spoiled boy who abuses drugs because I have too much free time and no responsibilities. I'm feeling pretty good, though.

Vacillations between boredom and mild entertainment

thats good what kind of drugs, at least cocain, there's alot of fucking drugs if you think about it.

I literally just woke up, I have a headache, I'm cold, and I really need a drink.

I feel empty inside

just took a huge shit after three days of not taking shits

Shrooms, MDMA, Amphetamines, Cocaine sometimes. Everything in moderation though. I guess thats just the life of a student.

horny, eternally doubtful
wishing i could find something entertaining

My hearts gone, brains fried, and my balls hurt.

Do you have a dog for your hairy balls?

I tried to suck my own dick and now my neck hurts like a bitch.

I was able to lick the head though so it's okay

Did this too when I was 14 years old. Not worth the effort, though.

i've managed to get to the tip before. i'm pretty sure its impossible to suck yourself though unless youre a yoga master or something

Helplessness and lethargy.

The usual.

Maybe your dick is too small?

are you a women? no man has ever asked me how i feel before.

i'm over 7 inches tbh

i've seen a gif of someone sucking themselves that looked smaller than mine

What are you feeling right now`?

satan is trying to deceive us


I'm on downtime from magic truffles so i'm balancing it out with a coffee and some music.

You're right, I think his dick is actually waaay smaller than 7 inches.

Why feeling awkward?

I did shrooms a few times a couple of years ago. Intese and beautiful experience, don't want to try them again though.

because you ask a lot of stupid questions

I only had half so i have another shot at in in a couple days.
I ate the best chips i ever had, for some reason the stuff really made my tastebuds go crazy over the paprika.
Pic semi related, not those but similar.

sad and angry at nothing in particular. does that make sense?

Iktf, user. Fuck this gay earth.

I think you are a stupid person.

I should've killed my self 10 years ago.

Just finished watching (for the first time) several episodes of the TV show Hannibal.

I'm a necrophile with a very violent history so it was extremely feely for me to hear so much shit-talking on violent offenders. and mostly to be turned on by the majority of the victims. Trying to process all of it and I just keep feeling worse and worse about myself.


I'm feeling pretty knackered tbqh

Emotionless and numb

I feel a bit sad, because when you feel sad, I also feel sad.
But I am also feel love, and it's for you user, because I know you deep inside are a wonderful and warm person, with a golden heart and a diamond soul.
I feel happy, because I can at the very least give you words of support and advice, and all it takes for you to hear them is to ask.
Have a wonderful night!

Dude, there's literally nothing wrong with necrophilia. It's not like corpses have feelings. Also – you're in for a shitload of very fine-tuned, well-written gay with that show.

Dude I wish there was nothing wrong with it. You're desecrating the corpses of someone's loved one. You're violating the sacred physical property of someone who was cared for and loved and has passed away, who is no longer with us, and you're making them unclean, you're raping them. They can't give consent, they can't express their desire to be used once they're gone. Unless they explicity say pre-mortem that they want to be used for necrophilia there's no way to say for sure what their desires are. The corpses may not have feelings but the people who love them do.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the show though.