List of meme distros:

List of meme distros:
Mint: muy hi-quality securidad
lfs: A good "learning experience" and little else
Gentoo: compile for three hours for that 0.001% speed increase
Funtoo: See Gentoo
Exherbo: Gentoo, but more autistic
Debian: Billion year old packages. Unless you bring in some newer
packages and fuck over the stability of your system and why even bother
Slackware: No dependency resolution wew lad
Ubuntu: hipster
Fedora: Bug: "DNF can remove system packages if you used PackageKit"
OpenSUSE: The worst "control panel" UI known to man
Arch: curl | sh: the distro
Void: Arch, but more autistic
Manjaro: curl | sudo sh: the distro
Antergos: Arch with a GUI installer
Alpine: Nobody actually uses this
Qubes: Tin-foil shit
Elementary: MacOS, but worse
Deepin: ChinkOS
Mageia: Basically a shitty Fedora clone
ChromeOS/ChromiumOS: ok
Solus: "I wanna build my own DE, so I'm building my own OS."
SteamOS: I dunno if this or ChromeOS is more botnet

Just use TempleOS tbh

Other urls found in this thread:


TempleOS: OS for schizophrenic christian autists

Just use nothing tbh

The future aliens told me to use Plan9

You forgot Microsoft Windows. It's best distro

Check out Salix

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Windows,
is in fact, NSA/Windows, or as I've recently taken to calling it, NSA plus Windows.
Windows is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning NSA system made useful by the NSA corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the NSA system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of NSA
which is widely used today is often called "Windows", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the NSA system, developed by the NSA Project.

There really is a Windows, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Windows is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Windows is
normally used in combination with the NSA operating system: the whole system
is basically NSA with Windows added, or NSA/Windows. All the so-called "Windows"
distributions are really distributions of NSA/Windows.

OP, do BSDs next!

Nobody uses gentoo for the -march=native gain. I use it because that's the only distro I can use without the dbus/polkit disease.

I'm surprised people here don't just use bare metal Emacs.

So the best thing about the distro is a meme?
Wew lad.

So you just never automount anything?
Seriously, I'm interested, do you really go through a manual mount whenever you plug in a USB stick?


I don't even run Gentoo and I do that.

Okay one of the best things abut Slackware. Slackware is just fucking amazing in every department.

It's not obscure at all. It was the most popular distro for a long time.

autofs, m8.

can someone translate this to English?

"my high-quality [contemptuous babble]"?

He's saying mint is insecure because

it's obscure relative to windows/mac, and it's very accessible for retarded hipsters

Fedora has honestly been pretty great so far, haven't found anything to dislike about it. dnf and rpmfusion are nice and just werk, I always hated apt so I didn't want to install debian and I'm too lazy for arch. Will stick with this a while since I don't see any reason not to besides systemd obviously

and DRPMs are comfy as fuck.


Go use slackware then anime fag.

I run bleeding edge Slackware. ;^)

Except Windows 95 and lower, which didn't have the NSAKey in it yet. Believe that was only NT4.0+

Mint has serious problems.


The update blacklist:

xedit is now xed

Are you the same faggot that posted this inaccurate bullshit on Holla Forums and got BTFO?


b-but I like yast... If you don't like the GUI then why not just use the ncurses version?

TempleOS is the king of meme operating systems, friend.

i prefer to edit every config file with vi over a serial connection attached to a 25 year old thinkpad running Hurd

i also only type using my penis, and SUSE is gayer than I am

huff raid

you just went full edge brah

i'm not wrong

also thanks fam i try tbqfh

If you're using anything lower than Windows 7 you literally are worse than all the normies with iphones combined. And if you don't trust Windows 7+ but don't use linux you're even worse than that.


woke niggas reppin in this thead

top tier: RHEL, Debian
destitute tier: CentOS
eurofag tier: SuSE
poser tier: Ubuntu
freetard/GNU tier: (changes daily)
meme tier: everything else, and the freetard/GNU tier

If you disagree you likely do nothing with Linux more than install IRC and set an anime wallpaper.

here's a top kek

You forgot

God tier: Arch, Gentoo

Arch is unusable for anything serious as it's like building on quicksand and gentoo I just feel embarassed for you for promoting.

What's wrong with Gentoo?

Slacko is p gud
puppy linux based on slackware

What isn't? It has every deal-breaker of the other distros and no benefits.

Not really sure what you mean, can you give an example of a deal-breaker?

Gentoo fills its niche well in my experience.

Let's say I want to develop a complex piece of software that interacts with many libraries and needs to be deployed with security support for 2 years and require minimal/no intervention by the admin. And I pick Gentoo for that. How would that go?

You're fucking hired, when can you start?
t. Holla Forums department of installations

Probably why NASDAQ uses it, right? Fucking retards talking about what they don't know. Gentoo's minimalism and USE flag scheme allows for a super small attack surface.
Don't forget the extended arch support and an embedded profile.

There is no significant use at the exchanges despite an off-hand remark blown up into clickbait.

Ignoring the NASDAQ story, you still have the sponsor page
Gentoo isn't called the meta-distribution for nothing.

Most of those are VPS hosting companies that are donating for help integrating it as a customer offering. The rest donate to everyone, like OSL and Nvidia.

[distro i dislike]

I feel sorry for the companies that hire Holla Forums and get a disaster of a product out of it.

I dunno. The control panel in 42.1 looks pretty good.

That Russian lab and Polish trading company aren't nothing. Anyway, Gentoo is primarly used by devs. Interesting to see that a lot of software bugs are found by Gentoo.

Yeah. Meanwhile you'd be lucky if systemd told you what happened at all.

Are there any decent desktop BSDs? I tried FreeBSD a while back and it was surprisingly sluggish

Maybe because Gentoo users compile the software in many different ways.
OpenBSD also finds lots of bugs, because the security mitigations crash carelessly written software.

He should open and close his chromebook lid quickly.