This is a confessional. You can confess your sins and have no repercussions for it.
Confessions Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I bought Gone Home. It looked like a horror game.
I once jerked off into a cucumber.
I am the mysterious hacker known as '4chan'.
tfw I'm turned on by the smell of that soap
tfw I got chubby retelling this story
I once fucked your mom
I wont go into details but ive hit a child around. Like "abusive babysitter" tier. I feel so much guilt i plan on commiting suicide after the holidays
i shitposted and lied on an imageboard once (or twice, maybe often)
I forgive you, dad.
Try it with something better. Rinse out your butt before you do anything with it. It doesn't make you gay.
Fascinating! How does that work? Did you just cut a hole and went to town? Wasn't it too cold, or did you heat it up?
I don't know friendo, that sounds pretty gay to me.
Little shit probably deserved it. Don't do it user! We need you to shitchat!
You sick degenerate!
Not gay at all. Just ==FABULOUS!==
don't suicide.
Learn to control yourself, see a psychiatrist, etc.
This way, the guy can grow up and tangibly forgive/beat you in order to come to terms with the abuse.
any confessions, dearest senapi?
I failed to care for my family.
I broke a girl's heart when I was 19.
I once ate an apple, without rinsing it under running water first.
what was wrong with her?
This thread has been a disapointment so far, so I guess I'll open the hostilities.
I enjoy jerking off with underwear or clothes of women. The feeling of going into the room of someone, while somebody else is in the house, trying to be as sneaky I can, then just blow my load and come back and act all natural is just amazing.
What turns me on probably is violating the intimacy of someone and that person not knowing about it. That and the kick I get out of taking a life ruining risk like that.
Over the years I did it with in rooms of friends mothers, sisters, cousin's girlfriend while pretending to have gone to the toilet (he even jested that I was off so long that he thought I was jerking off in the toilet, and then asked if I had puked or something so I played along with that). I even did it in an aunt's room once.
Usually happens when I m drunk, due to the loss of inhibition and it only makes it riskier since it makes you clumsy and prone to critical errors but I still never left a trace, at least to my knowledge.
The other thing I like to do is kind of related to that first fetish and also mostly happened when I was drunk (or still a retarded highschooler), especially for the risk factor. Public masturbation. I m shocked by the risk I took just to fap.
This one appeals to me in multiple ways since it adds an element of control, vigilance, you have to be aware of your surroundings and ready to react quickly (which is impossible when you're about to cum and just go berserk on you dick without a care in the world, cranking the risk factor to the max for a brief window of time, that feeling is just the best. I've always kind of fapped outside, in corridors or stuff when I was just a horny teenager but I think the first time I really went all public was in class, just sitting in the back, ignored by everyone as usual, just jacking it looking at the teenage asses of my classmates.
Other than that I fapped outside, sneaked up behind a neighbors house and just fapped sitting next to their pool while they were asleep, fapped on crowded buses multiple times, with people all around other than in my row of seats, oblivious to their cone of vision. I did it again recently, with a twist I will keep to myself, it felt fucking gud and there was no risk to it, but a new factor came into play. It was just so damn tempting.
Unsurprisingly enough I m a big fan of stealth games, you kind of a have to enter the same state of mind, consider the same mechanics, except that you get to cum in the end.
So Jesus, am I damned? Do I still have a chance of redemption or am I destined to the fiery pits of hell? Anyway I will continue to strive to be a better man, a man who doesn't jack off in peoples panties and keeps his dick in his pants in public.
I've never done anything wrong except lie at a confessional.
I am a fur-fag.
I am a shit-poster.
Forgive me lord.
nothing is impossible you heathen.
now become a mormon.
my sin is that I'm a mormon.
I beat the shit out of a hobo once. Just for the hell of it. The guy was already drunk or high or mentally ill so he just screamed and me and jumped up when I walked by. Shoved him over and then looked around to see if anyone was around. No one was so I picked up a nearby small wheelie bin and threw it at him then kicked him in the face. Threw the bin at him twice more before he got up and quickly stumbled away. He only got maybe five steps before falling over and just writhed on the floor so I left.
Was pretty fun. Would recommend. Just make sure you don't get too close to them or touch them with your skin because they're most likely infectious and riddled with all kinds of crazy drugs and will probably stab you.
imagine for a second if poetic justice happened to you:
How would you feel if this happened to you user?
Shame on you.
Why atheists are so edgy?
my dad had a serious medical emergency and i didnt drive him to the hospital because i had to wash my clothes first. hes ok, he lived and everything but i didnt want to be grimey at the hosital. also only visited him once and he was there for awhile. hes a bitter peice of shit who blames his whole life on me.
im an awful person
you feel like shit for being honest? nigger
I turned off hamlet so I could watch cartoons
why not both?
why not hamlet cartoons?
I put a condom ribbed for MY pleasure on a cucumber and fucked my boipucci with it.
If you give yourself to the power of God you will live forever, regardless of you past sins. But if you do not stop, you are not giving yourself fully.
For it is better to die instantly than to live another day in sin. And if you eye causes you to sin, it is better to cut out your own eye than burn in the pits of hell for all eternity.
That is gay, it will lead to a slippery slope of degeneracy and sin. Do yourself a favor and do not continue, better to wait for a 3d.
Best regards, former dragon dildo stuffer.
The guy was either mentally ill and incapable of feeling/thinking like we do so it's pointless to project your own emotions and thoughts onto him or he was on drugs and obviously doesn't care what harm happens to his body or is completely lacking cognition in any meaningful sense. Plus he might be so whacked out of his mind that he couldn't even feel pain.
There is literally nothing wrong with throwing a plastic wheelie bin at that faggot three times and kicking him in the face.
Masturbation Around 4 times a week
Premarital sex a few hundred times, one girl though
Laughing at the deaths of people
Killing animals for sport
Looking at mentally ill men who take estrogen and mastubating to them a few times
Not going to church, but there arent any orthodox not jew, christian ones in a 50mi radius anyways
Using the Lords name in vein
Being an atheist from early teenage years until this year
Being le 3edgy5me teen praying to satan
I dont expect no reprocussions. If there was no reprocussion, it wouldnt be sin.
☦С нами Бог☦
I once planned out how to either rape or stalk a specific person. I realized that it wouldn't be worth it under any circumstances a month after I started thinking these thoughts.
All that matters is that you love Christ now. Church is not necessary, I helps though.
I am currently going to a Greek Orthodox church, its very nice. Stay strong my brother.
See that pic, started tipping lol, check Castro dead, laugh, feel bad. Still he (not you) is an edgy tard
I don't get your point? I go to an Orthodox church, that means the teachings on Luther are conflicting? How
Gonna fap in a moment. Forgive me before i sin?
Are you a cuban?
No im (((white))) very lightskinned arab with pure catholic and east orthodox christian blood
Trips confirm, but we are missing the point here.
Ive been beating my mom ever since I was 13
i've gotten off to some gay shit over the past few years.
i guess it started when i was a dumbass horny preteen, just discovering porn.
i think i found the shemale section of a pornsite and for whatever reason thought to try it, not considering, or maybe even realizing, how fucked up it was.
after that it kind of snowballed. at some point i started getting into hentai and with that came dickgirls and futa. eventually, once i had found 4chan and later Holla Forums, it got worse and i was getting off to traps, and even directly gay porn a few times.
hell, i did a bunch of gay shit besides fapping to it. i tried to suck my own dick and succeeded, came in my own mouth, put dick-shaped and sized stuff up my ass, even came from prostate a couple times. i've looked up pov of giving a blowie a few times as well, and even made my own shitty video of it to jack off to. i even used to """"identify"""" as bisexual, like a fucking piece of shit tumblrtard.
at a certain point i realized how terrible and fucked up all of this was, and started feeling like total shit after every time. so i kicked traps as the first thing. but it still persisted, and i still was getting off to sucking pov and futas and stuff up my ass.
the worst part of all this is some of it is still super recent. i'm still trying to kick the shit. fucking just last night i tripped up again and did some bad stuff. but it's getting better. more space between each incident.
i feel like absolute subhuman filth every time, and want to bash my own head in every time, but that's no excuse. i've never done any gay stuff with another man, but that doesn't excuse what i've done alone. i could partially blame the fact that i was raised by a very liberal mother and a conservative but close-mouth father, but that wouldn't be any excuse either.
it falls to me as human, and me as a man, and i accept the responsibility. i accept that i've done terrible things. things that would get me outcast and hated by my friends. things that are massively hypocritical to the way i think and the way i talk.
it falls to me, and i accept responsibility, in front of whatever god or deity has power over me.
i am actively trying to improve, and i'd like to believe that's all that matters. but history is history, whether it be private or for everyone to see.
You're such a boring drama queen over meaningless shit.
Christ, grow the fuck up, no wonder you have no friends.
You quoted the wrong post
Nice try schlomo.
I feel you my dude.
fucking hilarious im fucking tearing up
Nothing schlomo about maintaining honor, you weak child.
why don't you post your confessions then, faggot?
you are trying, thats great
you have repented that is excellent
Hi, its
I am a conservative christian and live in a christian household.
I know how it feels to o this tuff to yourself.
Its like this depraved spiral downwards, it starts normal, then gets relaly weiard to the point wherre you either accept it or struggle to be best it.
You chose to best it, so have i.
I wish you the best of luck overcoming this struggle.
i fap to furry shit everyday.
un-natural and deceptive ritual, fuck off christfag.
no reason to be rude, muslimfag
I am a heathen actually but you sir can fuck off you are as bad as muslims.
why would someone tell you private things about their lives on an (Anonymous) image board?
you are either a three letter agency or brainwashed so bad by your filthy priests that you think such a thing is natural.
I've been building a dossier on a facebook acquaintance. This person is an expat and they are advocating for communism via the internet in country that hates commies. Once complete I'll be passing this along to a violent nationalist group within the country they are living so they get their head kicked in.
what are you talking about?
I know of a commie who needs to get their head kicked in. I found some people willing to do it but once I can prove to them they are a commie so I've been building a file to give to these people.
You hurt a human, badly, for your own pleasure and now you cower behind mealy-mouthed rationalization. The fact that you have to rationalize it means there's still a human somewhere under the corruption that covers your soul. Find a place of healing. I urge this for your own sake: you won't get away with this behavior every time.
nice job making excuses you ass-hat
It's okay to be gay.
Psychology has shown that admitting grievances or things you regret is better for you in the long run than compartmentalizing them.
If you don't want to confess for things you know are wrong or regret, then you don't have to. But don't go around telling other people they are not welcome to.
If you don't plan on confessing, or you plan on arguing, the please leave.
How is this a confession?
Are you confessing before you do this, or do you feel justified in doing it and are not confessing sin? If so, then what are you doing here?
If you don't plan on confessing anything, then please leave.
I hate the sin, not the sinner.
So i hate homosexual acts, but i am fine with homosexuals.
Already posted one but fuck it, I m just unclear about the order of events (specifically with the first cars, dunno if it was before or after the hooker incident)
Part 1: The Hooker Incident, Late October
One time after getting black out drunk tier, was wandering around with a friend to go a party during at night, was in literal zombie mode and my subconscious took over. Should have gone home. We were walking around the part of town where hookers waited on clients while their handlers watched from the other side of the river that nothing wrong was going on.
We saw a hooker under a bridge and my friend went to her without any shame to ask for a cigarette. She was a nigress and only spoke english. She gave him a cigarette and he walked away, but I stayed, started to strangle her with my left hand while punching her in the face with my right. My friend saw that and ran towards me yelling "user ANON WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP". I did not stop, he put himself between us, getting scratched by the panicked hooker while I kept punching in their direction, one time hitting him, one time hitting her until she manage to get free and ran away. He asked me "user why did you do this?", to which I answered "it's because she's a woman and she's black".
Meanwhile the hooker had gathered the ones who were hooking down the road and were coming back to us, like 10-15 of them. "user we have to run" my friend said, so we did ran away.
Part 2: Gorilla mode
So we continued on our way, we met a jew who was complaining about getting kicked from a club and he walked with us. I had a great idea, every time there were cars at red lights I went on the road and starting hitting the hood of the cars with my fist. I guess people were scared because no one dared to step out and I eventually gave up, dunno how quickly.
Then I saw a police car stopped, and wanted to do the same thing, my friend stopped me and held me until the police car was gone. We noticed that the jew had ran away.
At this point we were getting close to the party, which was located near a gypsy camp.
Part 3: The Gypsy Menace
I wasn't done at this point, another car was stopped at a red light, two guys in it. I started kicking it while yelling "Go fuck your mom you whoreson". The two guys got out, the driver was pretty pissed "What did you say to me" and pulled out a knife. The adrenaline kicked in and I reacted instantly, started running. I fully knew that I wouldn't be able to out run him due to not being fit at all. So I headed for the water canal, threw my backpack in a bush and jumped fully clothed into the cold water. It finished waking myself up. I was fucking retarded, had jumped in an enclosed part of the water and could be reached from the border. So I kept diving and going out at different places to breathe while that fucker kept trying to stab me. Meanwhile the other guy was telling to let it go and just leave, while my friend begged for me, said that he would slap me himself after, that I was just stupid. Eventually it worked and they started to leave, so I yelled at him to go fuck himself, and gave him the finger, so it went on for a while longer, I pretended to be almost drowning a couple of times and he eventually gave up so I got out of the water.
Epilogue: You make my dick go right round right round
At this point my friend had given up on going to the party so we walked to his place, after I had undressed, just walking with nothing on other than my underwear and shoes, we passed by the hooker group again, they laughed at me, I laughed too, was feeling fucking amazing due to having survived, asked a cigarette to a couple that was passing by us, they said they didn't have any despite one of them smoking, so I pulled my dick out and started doing the helicopter with it, laughing like a mad man. They ran away. Got to my friend's place, took a shower, he gave me some clothes way too small for me and took public transportation to get home while half my ass hanging out.
This was the day I gave up on liquor, and generally drinking outside.
Funnily enough my friend went back there the following day to look for my glasses since I had lost them when I had fallen into a bush around there (I could go into details but this post is long enough), and he saw the same hooker, she was really pissed, asking for money because I had fucked up her face a bit and made her lose time.
Im confessing before hand that im getting someone beat up by nationalists.
Alright where do i start
Well ive molested a freind of mines sister
Ive fingered my little sister in her sleep
then you are welcome to this thread.
OP here, I'm impressed.
Good story user, though i doubt it is true.
I wished. That fucking faggot friend told the story around campus thinking it would help him pick up girls, like he was adventurous or some shit.
I've never told anybody this but hopefully I can tell you so I can get it off my chest & move on with my life. Thank you
Shut up bitch
Oh and just to be clear, the two guys in the car were gypsies heading to the "camp", not really camp though, just the place where they crash with their trailers. Pic related is where I was kicking his car and then where I jumped into the canal.
it's actually not, you libtard faggot
Thank you for your honesty user.
It's real?
user, you are legend.
Nice trips, don't forget that your homeland of the middle east was taken over by the islamists, Iran was literally European less than a few decades ago.
Enough with the pimp vids you homo.
Gameless & brainless I see…
It's alright user…
Worst night of my life tbh.
She wants to fuck, but doesn't want to bring it up herself. You could probably do it if you get her vulnerable while you two are alone together.
this, but maybe just sit down and talk it out. If you get her approval, then do it if you choose to, if not then do not do it.
It ultimately comes down to whether you choose to do it or not. Though it is pretty taboo.
No, because Im not into incest, & I think incest is illegal in my state. & if we did I could never look at her the same & I would probably break off all contact with her if we had Sex.
There is nothing to benefit or gain from it.
That's why it's so hot though. I bet it's the reason she's thinking about it.
You would have a new confession for this thread.
We've been over this. His perception of pain is not the same as yours. You have no valid way of comparing it. If he was on drugs then he won't feel pain or doesn't care about his body. If he was mentally ill then he does not think like sane, rational humans like you and I and it is pointless to think he does. Given the chance, I'm sure he would have mugged me for all I'm worth. In fact he might have been trying to when he leaped up and shouted at me. If the law is what you're worried about then I was defending myself with due force to prevent him from being able to mug me.
That bin barely came up to my waist. He wouldn't have any lasting injuries.
I'll give you that one.
I have no qualms with what I did and I don't fear repercussions. Just like the OP said.
Violence is very human. Our history of war and the development of sophisticated and impromptu weaponry is long established. Your refusal to acknowledge it as a human thing is very inhuman.
An indoctrination camp? One that will get me thinking just like you and never again have any bad thoughts? I would say you'd have to kill me but you've already established you are adverse to violence as minuscule as throwing a wheelie bin at a hobo a few times.
And I urge you, for your sake, stop pretending you are a paragon of morality and justice. You are not and you never will be. Accept that morality is worthless and even if it wasn't, your perception of good morals are flawed and imperfect.
I really want to fuck my sister.
I constantly think about the eventuality that my parents will die and I will have to take care of my mentally retarded sister. I don't believe I could be responsible for her for the rest of her life, and would end up taking her into the woods and killing/burying her there.
This is not true and deep down inside you know it. Along with the other part of your rationalization about insane people not feeling pain the same way. That's why you have to keep lying to yourself, dehumanizing the man you hurt. Having mental pain does not relieve physical pain.
More rationalization. You had to hurt him, right? It was self defense, right? After all, he yelled at you. And beating the living shit out of someone is a just and proportional response to being yelled at. You're all twisted up inside.
It's really nothing, right? If you were that hobo you wouldn't have cared. Right?
You're not cowering for fear of external consequences. You're cowering from recognition of monstrous deeds.
I wonder how you were feeling that day, before you did it. Were you remembering a happy time with your family? Were you preparing to meet your lover? Were you just out for a relaxing stroll?
You can keep lying to others. You can keep lying to me. But you know that lying to yourself hurts no one else.
I agree completely. We fight to defend our families, our wealth, and our social status. Or to obtain more of these things. But while the deed you committed was very inhuman it's not that deed that dirties your soul. It's the corruption you use to cover it.
And I'm not using soul in the literal sense of a religious man. You have a precious gem of humanity inside you. It's the part of you that comforts a hurt brother, or honors a promise, or mourns for someone else's loss. Deny it, ignore it, corrupt it, it's there and always will be.
A quiet room where you can sort out how you really feel.
If you knew the things I've done you would be too disgusted to speak to me. But I speak the truth.
Prove that morality is worthless.
Yes they are.
nice share, thanks
I'm catholic, nobody goes to confession.. inb4 pedo, the royal family and protestants , Muslims Jews, commies all have pedos,
Slept with 15 year old when was 20 (law is 16 )I've had someone's niece in my house bouncing on my lap in my room while on PC was like 21 felt kind of turned on, never did anything sexual have , watched pizza on dark web a few times but haven't ever done shit, guess was just a phase, only date 18+ now
Then learn some responsibility and care for yourself and your sister.
Murder wont solve anything and only leaves her blood on your hands.
And if your rationalization is that "it would be a mercy kill" then rethink your life. It is not a mercy kill to take a life on the premise that they are not as smart as you would hope, or that they are retarded. The fact that they are retarded does not subtract from their status as a human being who is capable of compassion, all murder will do is end a life.
Is Stephen hawking less of a human being because he cannot move? Was Franklin D. Roosevelt any less of a president because he became ill? Is an low-functioning autistic any less human because they are not like us? Is a schizophrenic any less of a man just because they cannot think rationally?
well we have a confessional here. so confess if you need to.
Think of it as a blessing that people are actually confessing.
It's a blessing in a way, the shit I put was true, but I'd take some confessions on here with salt, but, better to take some ok advice from random anons then for people here to keep things bottled up.
I stole money from my job
I enjoy prostate stimulation
I stole a phone when I was in highschool
i did bad things and i regrett it
think your part.
Stop bragging. This is a confessions thread.
I confess that I have never kicked a scumbag beggar in the face. But I would given the opportunity.
I browse Holla Forums and I'm a worthless, masturbating, lazy ass loser who is essentially a leech on society
←- pics relevant
i fucked ur mum m80
Death to papistry
and that was the last time i ever fapped in an airport.
(pic unrelated)
Oh shit. I can't confess a lot of things I've done cause I'll end up in jail. Even if I wrote them here.
But I'll write a couple of the lesser infractions.
I once got so high with grass and crack (on top of a shit ton of booze) that I convinced myself I could punch my way out of a party. Just because. Did I mention I used to box? So… I punched my way out of a party. I must've clocked half a dozen fellas when I was tackled and they proceeded to beat the living shit out of me. At one point I had two guys on top of me kicking me in the head and another one choking me out. I woke up in a moving car. These fellas were going to ditch me somewhere because they thought I was dead. And they were being super creepy about it, talking like, "we will hide his body and maybe burn him" and shit like that. So I opened the door, cried "I will fucking kill you" and jumped out of it onto the moving concrete. I ran because I was afraid they would chase me and actually kill me. I woke up in this abandoned building to a broken nose, two fractured knuckles and some bruised ribs. I lost several friends that night, and this girl I was fucking.
Another time I made an stripper cry. I had been drinking for days non stop and smoking this awful crack. Jerking furiously several times a day to this really aggressive porn. And then my roomies and I went to the strip club. I knew I wouldn't get a hard on. So I paid this lovely chick and got into the vip. I told her "If you are able to get me hard I'll pay you double, if you don't, I'll only pay you a lap dance". She was down for it and started sucking me off and shit like that. She tried to get it inside her pussy but I remained deflated the whole time. So I start insulting her and calling her ugly bitch and awful cow and dirty whore and shit. And she starts crying, like the saddest crying you've ever heard and at the same time she kept trying to get me hard with a hand job. And I liked that shit so I keep insulting her and she is desperate because she feels it's actually her fault and at one point she runs out of the shitty room. Like bitches run crying, with their hands on her mouth and with these little bird steps. And security comes in because they think I slapped or something. And I tell them that I didn't touch her and I tell them that that dumb bitch didn't make me hard because she is stupid and ugly. So they ask me and my friends to leave the premises and we go out peacefully. And just as I go out I see her near another stripper, crying like the whole fucking world has caved in. I feel guilty to this day.
So… stuff like that. Right now I'm like preparing a way to an hero, but while doing a pretty messed up shit that could fuck up a lot of people for a lot of time. Not that I'm going to do it anytime soon but I'd like to be prepared for when the time comes
I have several gigs of tranny porn saved to my computer.
I look at yiff on an almost daily basis.
peccavi in extremis
1) I once masturbated and came on a sleeping female friend of mine, few years ago ( she was wearing pajamas ).
I never knew if she noticed.
Teach me, my master.
Only if you have shame, I don't follow silly abrahamic kike slave morality,everything I do is not evil.
the things I consider evil I don't do,that simple
turn from your ways, don't an hero.
an hero solves nothing, if you feel guilty, go back to the strip club and apologize to the harlot. Explain why she could not get you hard and stuff like that.
Then find those people who were going to kill you and apologies to them also.
Then get a stable job, find a close buddy to talk to about your life so that you can find the root of your problems, and if all of this works out for the best, you will be a newer and happier user.
I Pray You May Find Peace, user
any grievances to admit?
Or do you simply change your morality to what conveniences you?
lol if he feels like shit and he makes a lifestyle of making other people feel like shit killing himself would solve two problems
And killing you will solve a lot… better keep the status quo.
Kyrie eleison
I'd say you can quit, but it's fucking hard. I keep caving in and fapping to porn even when I know it's fucking with my head.
Giving is too damn easy.
I used to post the same people in prank call threads for years until they changed their phone numbers. Then I'd find their new numbers and continue. I don't feel bad, I've posted my own number in those threads before, and it was cool to talk to people from all over the world. I'm just sad that we don't have prank call threads anymore.
Hacked a guy's social media accounts one time. Everything from email to facebook to twitter. Had him come out and tag everyone on his friends list in gay porn. He tried everything to fix it, including getting a new computer. But I just did it again and again, simply by guessing his secret questions, which were all very easy. One time I got an internet friend to do it for me while I was in the same room as the guy, so he would cross me off the list of suspects. I'm pretty sure he simply stopped using all social media after that. Good. One less fag on the internet. Not ashamed. Proud. But I wanted to contribute to the thread.
Hawking and FDR aren't retarded. Physical disabilities are quite different from mental ones in this scenario.
lol maybe it would solve your feelings about me. You'd better be careful though, you'll probably end up in jail
I'm not as bad as I often pretend to be in order to fuck with people.
I'm not as bad as I pretend to be in order to fuck with people.
Sometimes when I'm in bad neighborhoods at night, the sight of black people scares me.
You have to relax mang.
i have no sins, cuz sin is a religious concept and theres no god to justify religion
You are entirely right my fellow atheist. We are finally free of the moralist oppression imposed upon humany and should leave those silly concepts where they belong, in the past.
Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Its been 20 years since my last confession.
I stole $400 from a Mexican exchange student when I was a kid. That was for his rent so he had to leave school here and go back to Mexico. This has been eating me up inside. :(
Nah, too much effort and risks, again, status quo and even if it was cheap and without consequences i still wouldnt care. My point was to notice that every life is equal to others.
Well, it worked for France.
Holla Forums please.
Fucking cuck.
That shit is normal in some countries in LA, every time we see a fag out of his closet we just laugh.
I don't think most people fapping to NTR shit picture themselves as the cuck. Personally NTR by itself doesn't really does it for me, but NTR+Blackmail/Rape is more to my liking.
I have autism and I have spent years of my life creating this story.
It's about whos and lice.
I'm addicting to snorting my Ritalin prescription. I've been awake for 48 hours two times in a row now.
I don't want to die. I don't want to keep doing this, but nothing has worked so far. There are only two options. I tell someone and get help, or I throw it away as soon as I come to my senses. This is an option now that my exams are almost over with, but what will I tell my family members when they come asking for a couple of pills for their very genuine reasons, such as "I don't want to get tired on my walk in the woods" (as if I'm one to judge, lol)?
Snorting methydphenidate makes me capable of spectacular things (in creative activities specifically), and basically everything I have of value, I got because I snorted ritalin, stayed up for 24+ hours and got to work on something.
I have about $2700 left from some money I earned recently by selling some illustrations I made. Weed makes it easier to resist the urge, but that money would get me about 100 grams of hash, which would probably last me a couple of months at most. I've already spent about $1800 of the money I got for that job on weed. Took me about two weeks to smoke through. When my family finds out I'm broke, they'll wonder where the money went.
My biggest wish is that I'll somehow outlive my parents. The thought that I've consciously chosen to ruin my heart for a drug is what makes me hate myself. I wouldn't hate myself if my parents weren't alive, but they are, and they suspect nothing. I don't want them to know, because I'm ashamed, and because I don't want them to know that my heart is probably not going to make it past age 30.
I've become such a good actor and liar because of this, that I often find myself making fun of junkies (the concept, not actual people) with my only friend who lives nearby. I'm in about three of the categories he most frequently makes fun of, and no one would be able to tell I was when we're talking about it. You'd think our bi-weekly acid trips would have given me the ability to realize that this is serious, and it needs to end, and then not convince myself otherwise the next morning.
I'm not even depressed. I'm not even physically dependent (I go weeks before my prescription is refilled). I'm just a big fucking joke with arms, legs, a nose full of white pill filler and a weak heart.
I stole sunglasses from wall mart once.
I just put them on and walked out.
Wow, the jews REALLY brainwashed you man. Take the redpill, it will help a little bit.
kek I keep coming across you on /r9k/
glad to see you have good taste.