weren't there two replies to this just a moment ago?

yeast infection… that is your answer


''I siad', yeast infection… that is your answer. U need glasses or what?

"Free Speech"

I don't know what happened to these guys. They used to be cool. The stereotype of the nationalist Southerner has nothing to do with the people who complain about black lives matters. They just got insulted for no reason.

It's sad and all too common, they fear upsetting people so start down the road of PC culture and end up going full libtard.

What are you doing?

their record got corrected

Even their name was edgy. Now, they might as well be in the newspaper.

it's an old tradition

Damn right, niggers out!


It's hard to stay edgy and relevant after almost a decade. See also: 4chan.

white people btfo

Wow, really makes you think. Maybe white genocide is a good thing?



chocolate labs are objectively the best ones



Thx for correcting the record



You sound pretty triggered. It's a harmless cartoon.


Don't be a small person with short-sight in a big world.

I wouldn't call them "people".

Those people try to laugh it off.