I wish anime was real.
I wish anime was real
me too
How would that work?
Would they look like those videogames with anime looking cell shaded 3D models?
We'd be transported into 2D land
Ok, but how would that work? What would the physics of such a place be like?
You'd be 2D, so if you turn to the side nobody would be able to see you.
The entire world would be the same. Your favorite anime happening every day in Sunrise Land, while you sit in your parent's basement in bumfuck Iowa.
Your waifu will live every day as if it were her anime, having fun and enjoying life. Going to her club or using magic or whatever.
While you live your life the same way, just 2D. Like it was an anime. Sorta like background characters I guess.
but all the girls are 2d and cuter
It's real in my mind
I wish it was legal to hunt weeaboos.
Please user, you never find us. None of us leave our homes.
Yeah, he'll never find you. You're in your home.
Sex-dolls will make anime real you fucking spergs. You should invest.
Weebohunter would nevers find me even if he did find my home. I'm good a hide and seek.
Op is a goddamn loser fag. Go get raped by niggers
go away 3DPD and/or 3DPD white knights
me too ;_;
can't fucking believe I typed out this cringeworthy emoticon, but here I am, doing it, and I'm submitting new reply
Uhh they ARE real Opie. Where do you think this drawings originate? Aliens?
Underpaid, middle-aged, spectacled Japanese men in a cramped cubicle?
Close, but no cigar!
They are real in your mind, and that's real enough for me.
no anime girl would want you.
I thought Trump was going to make 2D catgirls real?
Oh well, at least we'll still get a wall, definitely NOT a fence, which we already have and obviously isn't working :^)
catgirls = furfags in denial
furfags = zoophiles in denial
no you don't wish anime was "real". because it's a subject to you imagination and some people's artistic skills, it's controlable to your taste and wishes. should anime be real, they wouldn't even look at you are give you one bit of attention. get real
Post more reasons why it should be
Sexbots with exterior like second pic fucking when. I'm ready.
Anime is real? I'm watching anime now. :^)
don't we all?
Fucking when do you think? You think I drew this or something? Reverse google it, order the damn thing and send pics.
Actually you were talking about sex bots, not sex dolls, so I guess the answer to your questions is when you meme this shit into existence. You can make anime real
Wait…you mean it isn't real? But I've been banging a qt 8yo jap schoolgirl for months.
Oh shit, imma get v& for sure.
You can with enough money
Those things just look creepy
Give it 15-20 years & anime sex-bots will look like cosplay, only better
Buy one, pimp it to other NEETs, use money to buy more, start a brothel, fund research into AI & artificial womb technology, replace 3DPD with waifus, use the money you save when 3DPD goes extinct to explore the galaxy.
This is the future.
Future of what? Pretty sure people have been fucking for a while.
If you can't keep up with the conversation, better not try to join in at all.
Implying that's necessary
Implying I wouldn't keep posting reasons anyway
implying it's not already starting to happen and we're not headed for the great hentai singularity
Don't lewd the animes. They are for snugs and hugs ONLY.
Wouldn't that make your balls bluer than Papa Smurf?
I would give up my left nut to be in animuland for a month or so
Oh, original vid here
would be perfect videos without normie music
Give it another 10 years max. Virtual reality, robotics, brain mapping, and other such fields required to make anime real should be far enough along to have our anime be real. Even quantum computing, useful for true ai, might be working to some extent.
is their any good ones that don't look like un canny valley
Do you think you matter?
This is about making anime real you dolt! What are you too good for the uncanny valley?
No, 2D would be transported here.
Imagine your waifu, real.
Until we work out the physics of Tron, that is.
no bully pls ;_;
Also, consider those dubs checked.
Yo why are so many posts getting pruned from this fucking thread? Fuck off you cuck mods, jesus.
In complete honesty doing this is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
You fuck fringe-chan in your sleep?
Is Peter Coffin in here somewhere??
it can be for the simple priceof your afterlife
Big mistake. You don't even need to do any of that to get a succubus anyway
I'll just "go to hell"
have you tried it user?
Not yet, not yet….
post results here when you do
oh and make sure to do it on a new moon and not to have jerked off or have sex for a week or 2
I beleive in science
Estal Etsulatos
Enjoy Baphometyrone skull-fucking you in the middle of the night.
The choice is obvious
Summoning a Succubus
Cost: Your Soul
Actually Works: No
Get zapped into a hentai version of the Tron Universe
Cost: Uncle Sam's defense budget
Actually Works: No
Genetically engineer them
Cost: Same as above, plus decades of development, plus ethically problematic
Actually works: Sure, why not?
Virtual Reality
Cost: > $2000 for Oculus Rift + VR Ready PC
Actually Works: Just a slightly novel way of watching porn
Sex Dolls & Sexbots
Cost: $1500 to $15000 plus maintenance
Actually Works: Sure, but pretty expensive for NEETs. Novelty probably wears off quickly too. Convincing A.I. & animatronics are probably decades away.
Lucid Dreaming
Cost: Time & practice
Actually Works: Yes, and only gets better with practice, with endless possible variety. Could even look like a Succubus if that's your thing. Good for emotional & mental health too. A win-win.
the equipment for a genetic project like this would cost aproximately 2700 millions of Dollars in a single pay
The money invested in military budget is 711 billions per year
Live my retirement with a cargirl and die happy
I can wait that much
mmm, lucid dreaming it is! Thought I rarely have dreams, even least a lucid one
It will do no good to wish for something that is impossible. Try doing stuff like getting VR to make you dreams a reality. At least a little bit.
Unless it taps directly into your brain and stimulates your senses through electrical impulses, especially your sense of touch, I'm not interested.
Yeah it's not easy to learn on purpose. You're either one of those who has it, or you have to painstakingly learn it. I only sometimes have lucid dreams now. I remember as a child I could go into a dream-state when I was awake.
I'd lie in bed, gaze at the wall and zone out, kind of like scrying I guess, and the grains of wood in the wall would start swirling around and forming faces & stuff.
You probably need to reach a point like that before your could have sexually satisfying lucid dreams.
The problem is that as soon as I attempt to exert control over what happens in a dream, I wake up. It takes a subtle level of control, a relaxed concentration, to make it happen.
I once almost had that, ended up in sleep paralysis and had to wait to go back to sleep. How can you effectively do it?
On a slightly related note, Hypnosis is fucking scary if really really hot.
To keep my lucid dream rolling there are rules I must follow. Examples: Do not say "I am dreaming" to yourself aloud in your dream. To make an environment change I must walk through a doorway. To make something appear, I must not be looking at where I want it to appear. or turn away then turn back.
no that's not how it works you little shit. "Learning" lucid dreaming is hard, tedious work itself
There are rich NEETs. NEETs are either really poor people on aspergersbux, or really rich people who inherited a load of money, have never done a day's work in their lives, and just live like an old fashioned aristocrat.
Most worker drones are somewhere inbetween the two.
Or, not and.
Picture this: A headset or EEG-cap like device to help you achieve lucid dreaming more easily. Maybe just a few pads attached to your head – wireless even.
The device would be lightweight, unobtrusive & cheap – the software would be free (free as in freedom) / GNU-approved & could be easily modified & updated to suit your personal sleeping patterns. You simply put this device on when you go to sleep, and when you enter REM sleep this device will detect the change in your sleep pattern and begin to emit sounds, or tiny electrical pulses that are designed to make you aware you are sleeping and are currently dreaming. After a while, when you are likely to have achieved lucid dreaming the device would turn off, no longer needed for the night.
I can only say two things for sure
You need relaxed & positive feels, and not just in the moment when you're trying to lucid dream. Make it your goal to generally feel pretty good and lucid throughout the day so that it seeps down into your subconscious.
Shut off your intellect. You need to enter a state of suspended disbelief. You do this when you read books & watch movies: you suspend disbelief and actually start caring about the characters as if they're real. Apply that to your dream state: you're not trying to "lucid dream", you're trying to enter a real space that actually exists on the astral plane or something. Think about it like it's real.
Oh, I didn't know that "learning" was a completely different fucking thing from "time and practice".
2d a shit
breaking into 3d now, shadbase?
I've been thinking about this some more. How close we could reasonably get to anime being real in our lifetimes.
Augmented reality. Get some 4/10 gf with an acceptable body, and use AR to superimpose your waifu over her. Further still, you could have some anime "filter" of sorts to make everything you perceive as a 2d representation of the world around you. Once the anime industry gets 3D models indistinguishable from 2d art (Assuming it doesn't just fail completely, but it's starting to look better ignoring Berserk), we would just have to wait for the horsepower to be able to do it in real time.
Assuming robotics and AI grow at a reasonable rate, you could be walking around with a blank faced robot with it's own AI you chose for it, then super impose your waifu over it through augmented reality. At this point, it might as well be fucking real imo. It would have its own natural personality thanks to the quantum computing just over the horizon, You could touch it and feel it, and it would look just like your real anime dream. No 3D representation of 2D with these weird ass sex dolls. true 2D superimposed magic.
Natural progression dictates that at some point in our future, it will be easier to virtualize our own reality than deal with the constraints of the current one (Simulation theory). On the road to that natural goal, we're going to become competent in VR and AR. I fully believe this could be obtained in the near future.
hopefully the world pulls itself out of this slightly stagnant global economy so this can happen. In this way, TRUMP WILL MAKE ANIME REAL. I wait in anticipation with all my Holla Forumsros for this day. We memed and shitposted trump into the white house. We can do anything if we set our mind to it. We can't let our dreams be dreams, anons.