Hentai Searches Peak Every Christmas

Look at this. It's as steady as a fucking heartbeat since 2011.

Plus thread song

Everyone loves having a White Christmas

I have no idea what these implications mean, but it sounds sad.

Plus there's kind of a mini-peak in the summer months that's gotten more pronounced over time. It's a bump-BUMP bump-BUMP pattern.

I remember reading Jurassic Park where Ian Malcolm talks about this exact same pattern spontaneously emerging from chaotic systems.


Ah, found the quote:

"You'll notice that the graph alternates between high and low spikes," Malcolm said. "That is characteristic of many complex systems. For example, water dripping from a tap. If you turn on the faucet just a little, you'll get a constant drip, drip, drip. But if you open it a little more, so that there's a bit of turbulence in the flow, then you'll get alternating large and small drops. Drip drip . . . Drip drip . . . Like that. You can try it yourself. Turbulence produces alternation-it's a signature."

Not quite so exact for different kinds of hentai, but it's definitely there.

The same trend applies to porn. Seems to be a real summer & Christmas thing for some reason.

Kids watch more porn when they're out of school.

Well now we know when to invest.


Well until this information is incorporated into the market. Leveraging opportunities before other people know about them is the only way.

Most girls like old school hentai, not sure why.

I'm talking about little boys looking at the hentai.

I repair pcs and in my country boys see hardcore porn and girls hentai, now the last are turning to hardcore porn too, btw, boys are more into lesbianism than girls.

He says without a hint of irony

Same pattern again!

Well shit…


That moment when you realize you're not actually a swinger but a cuckold.

All I want for Christmas is some 2D grills on my screen

Show us a comparison of everything listed in the thread at the same time

what a coincidence, just torrented quite a bit of nice skullfuck hentai anime and gonna fap my balls out this month and december

Where do I invest to profit off this

Can't do them all together. Their relative popularity makes it so that some of them are just a squiggly line that hugs the bottom of the graph.

push for legalisation of pornography access for kiddos and start hosting shit thats promotion is directed towards that demographic
nowadays they seem go ged too much allowance so you can milk them with easy paypal micropayments, the little shits are all already using adblock


Not even a single hint, girls are into lesbianism because men like that shit and girsl are stupid attention whores.

I have never been into lesbian porn nor have I ever met any man who was. I think it's a meme that men like it pushed by the jews.

Well, stop dating faggots then.

user's battle-station

Is this nigger serious?

could this not simply be because people have time off and are looking at more porn?

Rapeman best hentai. Prove me wrong fugguts.

Though the regular stress of Christmas is probably also a motivator

Yes but a lot of these are trending upward every year too. Maybe not every individual type of porn, but certainly porn in general. I blame the cock-blocking feminists.